
Apr 26, 2007 17:34

Anyone else think Ginny looks hella emo in the new poster? Yeah, um...

Come on you guys! I want to know what you think! D:

Now MUST I state how incredibly much I'm in love with the new trailers???? there's too much to say, I'll be here forever. So I'll just leave it at that and say go read randomneses' "analysis" of the first (er...second, I guess). It's ( Read more... )

*grumble grumble*, harry potter, grr, lj's a bitch, loverly flist, snape my snarky love!, pimp, squee!!!, happy me, alan the wonderful, rambles, hp - movie 5

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Comments 2

black_sound April 28 2007, 08:26:00 UTC
I love the new trailler to, I just don't know why .... but the US traillers are allways better thant the ones from Europe, I hate that ( sorry but I'm from Romania). Why don't they do the same amazing trailler for everyone?


lovesnape April 28 2007, 16:54:15 UTC
No I totally understand. Maybe it's because it's Hollywood-produced?
But I agree, it's unfair.
(Though it's not as if the fact that it's a US trailer is stopping others from seeing it, right?) ;)


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