Title: The Book of Lives
Summary: Hidden in a tiny white cathedral in Elysion lies the Book of Lives, in which all the secrets of the world are chronicled. But some secrets are not meant to be uncovered, and ancient laws forbid anyone from turning the pages of the book. Cue Jadeite, who was always too nosy for his own good.
A/N: Set before and
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Comments 13
I love your Elysian. I'd really love to be able to visit. A place so very alive and present seems like my kind of place!
Poor Helios and his seemingly utter uselessness. He doesn't even make a very good diplomat for the fae creatures.
Please write more some time. I love this world. :)
Secondly, I love love love your layout. It's soooo pretty.
Helios really is a bit useless, but he always means well, so that's something, isn't it? And you are so spot on when you say that Jadeite knows too much - it's his cross to bear. Poor thing!
Again, thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it!
(and yes, the layout! Saw it, snagged it, love it. I'm all for girly stuff)
:D at the cold answering to serenity and giggling through the walls
:DD at the hilarious convo between jadeite and kunzite, i love a little bromance (or whatever i can get.......) between these two!
:DDD at helios, the pixies, and the dwarves (and the wind carrying their shouting to jadeite! ahhh, these details are so good!)
:DDDD at the overall charming, gently amused tone of this whole fic, it works perfectly
DDDDD: at the impending doom, and the black ink, and the white parchment, and its dove-like innocence HNGHHHH WHY
waiting eagerly on that dark companion piece...even if i know it's going to leave me in some state of dove-like roadkill!
For that, I kind of want to kiss you. If my Elysion is a bit like this layout, then I couldn't be happier with it.
DDDDD: at the impending doom, and the black ink, and the white parchment, and its dove-like innocence HNGHHHH WHY
I am full of glee because someone picked up on how not happy that ending is, how doom is just around the corner. The sequel to this? Angsty angst. Doom. Damnation. So glad you noticed this, seriously! :) :) :)
Apsara, thank you so much for the comment, I really appreciate it. Much love!
And an annoyed Jadeite is one of the worst things that can happen to this world, surpassed only by an angry Kunzite, the apocalypse and possibly a really long drought, but the latter is debatable.
“Kunzite, how would you break into a heavily guarded fortress?”
“Is Endymion in there?”
“No,” Jadeite says and rolls his eyes. Talk about an obsession.
“Then I wouldn’t.”
And the horse trying to bite him! I love how she tries to bite him. And she's from Venus! Over their shouting match! Awww, nice to see that Kunzite and Venus never really change. They always drive each other crazy, and they always go to great measures to make up.
“So, secretly married, huh?” Jadeite asks, and Endymion’s jaw drops. “You promised me never to read my mind,” the prince stutters a few seconds later, colour creeping up his neck.Awww! ( ... )
Woman, you are making me blush.
Elysion is just my favourite playground, it's so bright and shiny, and I get to write about dwarves and fairies and magical books and unicorns. Everything is better with unicorns, even though Jadeite might disagree with me.
While I was writing the Kunzite/Jadeite dialogue, there was a moment when I giggled to myself and thought of you reading it and then I smiled and wrote on. Consider yourself my Endymion/Kunzite muse.
Anyway: thank you very much for your comment, I love it! :)
And Serenity is 251! Years! Old! OMFG! I'm glad we don't live that long; you have to run out of things to do after a few hundred years.
I love Kunzite. He's so scary lol. He scared Jedite, who will sneak into a place of magic and read a forbidden book.
This whole thing was amazing! Great job, as usual. Please write more for this. I love it!
Thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it and am glad that you enjoyed this scary Kunzite in particular. :)
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