Title: Beauty and the Beast
A/N: Written for Charlie and V, as a small thank you for being so lovely and supportive at any and all times. I would get each of you a puppy if I could. Instead, I give you non-angsty fic in April. This fic contains nods to all sorts of things, including Charlie’s brilliant Princess Bride fic, Desperate Housewives,
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Comments 20
I love it, thank you for a little antidote to the angst! I hope the next 4 angst prompts will waylay the other couples instead of my favorite heh :X
And now that MM is upon us, there is a big fat angst break coming your way, lots of unicorns and love and puppies and chocolate and rainbows.
I knew the beast was kunzite the minute it said that everything in the hut was spotless and in perfect order. I KNEW IT!
And the part where venus tells him she likes him and all he cares about is going back to endymion and then HEP PATS HER SHOULDER! LOL, oh kunzite you´re so adorable with your one track mind.
So I realized from the moment you mentioned how clean and straight and perfect the cottage is, that this has to be Kunzite. It can be no one else. Because of Takeshi, you will forever have me view Kunzite as an absolutely immaculate house maintainer. Houses are important. He must have complete control over them.
I would also feel pity for the trees he's about to murder, but thanks to you I now view trees as HORRIFYING MURDEROUS BLOOD SUCKERS so kill the bastards, Kunzite.
Those men have sulking down pat.
He waits a second for Endymion to catch the drift, even arching his brow, but nothing happens and the priest rolls his eyes. Fine. Who wants to be godfather anyway.
POOR IGNORED HELIOS. Sorry dude, you clearly haven't achieved bromance. Endy needs the bromance.
And the gargoyle left the balcony, went inside and walked to his ( ... )
Also Nephrite and his tower of drunkitude.
You are brilliant and I love you. Love!
Oh, so is Kain! I still remember the pube moment and subsequent freak-out with fondness!
(Also, if the hut had been Jadeite's, then it would have been hidden in a mountain of trash.)
I wish someone would write this for MM!
Also... Endy as a serial - literally - cherry popper? XD. Also... thank goodness Helios wasn't appointed godfather of his future wife. Ewww. Spare the pink brat this issue at least XD.
This was deliciously saucy Lytton baby <3 .
P.S. : chalk it up to my childhood's imprinting, but nekkid blue-eyed blonde-long-haired beauty in a thorny rose bush... that's straight from the OP of Rose Of Versailles anime to me 8D. Lytton, did they ever broadcast it in Germany? Because it's ANGST&LOVE&PRETTY and girl!power in XVIII century France. A must watch my dear.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR3EPigmdJY&feature=related (the thorn bush - thorny vines uhuhhhh - sequence is at the very start of the video. The rest of the video is super-spoilery, but of you're a spoiler-addict like me it gives you a decent sample of the DRAMATIC goodness and flair XD)
Also... Endy as a serial - literally - cherry popper? XD
You are the QUEEN of the double entendres!
And yes, of course I know Rose of Versailles! You even recced me some RoV fics a while ago! Just thinking about it makes me want to write Antoinette/von Fersen fic because HELLO HEARTBREAK.
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