Thoughts and Occurrences

May 12, 2010 15:50

So, I haven't had the best past few days....

Well, one of my pet rats, Julian, passed away yesterday, so to distract myself from losing him last night, I started to think about the question girlechicky2k posted on AE...something about what we think would've happened or what we would've wanted to happen with Silvia had she still been on the show for season 9.

Well, that got me to pondering...what would have been Silvia's role in this season?? Once I started ruminating on that, my brain took a detour and started imagining what differences/changes I would've liked to see in general.

And this is what I came up with:

First and foremost, in this fantasy dreamland where I own a time machine, have tons of money and power, and apparently have nothing better to do with my time than tinker with LHDP...well, I would go back to the end of season 6 and start making changes from there. I would find a way (with all that money and power) to keep Hugo Silva and Adriana Ozores on the show...and then I'd tweak the show from that point on. I'd even say much of seasons 7 & 8 could stay the same except, obviously, Lola would now be involved, and I would've avoided the vomit-inducingness that was Saitor. Then, I would've ended season 8 with the capture of El Gordo and a happy wedding where everyone was together...eating, drinking, laughing...remembering all the good times. *insert video-montage here*

And they all lived happily ever after.

But, okay, limiting my scope a bit to what changes I'd make from ep. 104 and onwards, here's what I'd do...

1. As far the deaths go, I would keep Kike's and Nelson's...because, as much as I may enjoy the characters, they had no storylines of their own and are therefore more "expendable" in my opinion. Most importantly, though, I would NOT kill either Silvia or Montoya...instead, I would have Aitor be the one to get shot for several reasons:

a) he's a fucking twat

b) it would've actually given the Aitor-Sara-Lucas scenes some more drama and gravity

c) his death would mean we'd be spared any more insufferable Aitor+Female Character romances

and d) he's a fucking twat

2. Now, with the ep. 104 deaths fixed to my liking, next up would be dealing with the newcomers. And, to be blunt, I'd scrap all the becarios. Lis, Dani, Goyo, and Amaia - all of them - because they're beyond useless. Joining the becarios on the scrap heap would be Blackman. I'm sorry, but this character has NO place in this type of show...and, as "cool" as he may be to some people, he's pretty much proven to be just as fucking useless as the becarios. That being said, I'd keep Reyes, Deker and Win-E.

3. With the cast in place, here's what I'd change or concentrate on plot-wise:

a) I'd keep the Satanic/cannibal/whatthefuckever case

b) instead of having the CNI-Blackmail storyline, I'd choose to do a CNI-Let's-Capture-that-Italian-Bastard-aka-El-Gordo storyline

4. And, within these overarching season-long plots, here's what I'd do with each character:

a) Don Lorenzo and Reyes - DL would have a similar role to the one he has on the show, still being the comisario and butting heads with the new inspectora, Reyes, who would show up to take the same position in the precinct that she has now. In the end, all that tension between them would resolve in them figuring out that they've actually fallen for each other, and they would end up as a couple. Cheesy, I know...but I actually like them together. Because they're both kind of the heads of the precinct, they'd be involved in both of the overarching plots by overlooking the cannibal case and contributing in tracking down El Gordo.

b) Montoya and Rita - I would have Gonzalo take a job offer to join the CNI. Once there, he would be assigned to assist Salgado on the mafia case and they would be working with some of the San Antonio officers on this as well. In regards to his personal life, I would have his and Rita's relationship continue to develop throughout the season - show them together, talking about moving in, him getting closer to Sabina, etc. - and in the ultimate or penultimate episode, I would have him announce to someone (Silvia, Pepa, Curtis...or even Povedilla so they can have a heart-to-heart) that he intends to ask Rita to marry him. Rita, on the other hand, would be working closely on the cannibal case and providing the same comic relief as she always used to in this capacity.

c) Paco and Marina - I wouldn't change too much about them except to show more of their relationship, e.g. more domestic scenes and perhaps even a conversation about how/why things ended with Lola and how Paco's ready to move on. Paco would still be working on the cannibal case, but Marina, instead of blackmailing Pepa, would be working to bring down El Gordo. She and Montoya would be collaborating with some of the officers to accomplish this. And, as much as I love Lola, I would have these two get married in the finale to give this show a happy ending.

d) Mariano - He would be working with Paco on the cannibal case. There'd still be unresolved tension between him and Paco over Marina, but over the course of the season, they'd work things out and he would completely accept their relationship in the end, being the best man for Paco in the wedding finale. Also, he and Paco would be responsible for cracking the cannibal case...after much floundering, for sure, but they'd end as heroes.

e) Curtis - He would also be working on the cannibal case and providing that good ol' zany LHDP humor. I would have him be the person a lot of the characters (Rita, Povedilla, Pepa, and even Deker) turn to when they need to talk about their relationships. In the finale, I would have him show up with a date - a bad ass rocker chick who really seems to dig him. Finally, the poor guy can have a girlfriend!

f) Povedilla and Win-E - Povedilla, too, would be working on the cannibal case. Personally, he'd be dealing with the realization that he still loves Rita and made a mistake by leaving her. He would deal with Montoya now being the man in her life...and Montoya also becoming an important figure in Sabina's life. Because Win-E proved to be more interesting than all the becarios combined, he'd get to stay and add another touch of humor to the show as Povedilla's sidekick.

g) Deker - As a forensic whatthefuckever, he would be working on both cases concurrently. He and Silvia would have major issues with each other - they'd have a hell of a time working together since their methods are, like, polar opposites. And hilarity would ensue. On top of that, Deker would develop a crush on Pepa...which she of course would NOT reciprocate, but it would serve to create a few issues between Pepa and Silvia. In the end, he would be date-less at the wedding but ready to let go of his crush on Pepa.

h) PepSi - Pepa and Silvia would be happily married, having just returned from their honeymoon. Pepa, in addition to DL and Reyes, would be the officer that Montoya and Salgado work with on the mafia case. That case, by the way, would be resolved with El Gordo would ending up behind bars. Silvia, like Deker, would be working on both cases. There would be a few tiffs between Pepa and Silvia, stemming from Deker poking his nose in where it doesn't belong...but in the end, they'd of course work things out. Towards the end of the season, I'd have them revisit the "baby talk". They would discuss what happened between them before, i.e. fight and break-up, and they would mutually decide that they want to try for a a year or so. Neither of them would die or fuck anyone else or move on and fall in love again...and there shall be much rejoicing amongst PepSi fans.

i) Sara and Lucas - They would return for the wedding finale. When they arrive in San Antonio, they would talk to Pepa and Silvia about how they just came from visiting Lola in Barcelona. They would say that she's doing well...and add that Lola can't wait for them (Pepa and Silvia) to go visit them soon. At the wedding reception, they would announce that they're expecting a baby. Paco will beam with happiness and pride...and pull out his ever-present handkerchief to hold over his mouth.

And that would be the ending scene of the story. With both cases resolved, the wedding would be a jubilant (and bullet-free) affair. After Sara's announcement, Paco would hug and congratulate his daughter and son-in-law...then, he would stand back with his handkerchief and watch as everyone else shares hugs and cheers while someone suggests a toast...annnndd the scene would fade to a montage of the show's best scenes to wrap it all up.

...if only I had a time machine and lots of money and power.

ranting, lhdp

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