Title: Todo Lo Que Tengo
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia
A/N: First, Happy Anniversary to the Pepa and Silvia International Community on LJ! Aww, I remember when this place was first being organized and created! *tear* I was but a wee little lurker then, never imagining that I would ever do more than briefly emerge from the shadows to make a very infrequent post. I would've never thought I'd be here (and at AE and PepSi U and CoM), actively being part of such a great community of fans. And, it was here on LJ that I first really de-lurked and started discussing the show. So, thanks to all of you who are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and creative flourishing of this little corner of the internets.
Second, hope y'all enjoy this next chapter!
I’ve been in my lab for almost three hours testing the samples gathered from yesterday’s crime scene. All that was collected were a few clothing fibers and some unidentified fluid. Well, formerly unidentified, as I’ve been able to ascertain that it’s definitely human saliva. How it ended up on top of the blade of the ceiling fan, 10 ft. off the ground, is another question entirely...one that I’m not quite ready to ponder at this time.
I rub my tired eyes and try to fight the building urge to yawn with little success. It was probably not a good idea to come into work so early after getting so little sleep last night, but…well, I can’t go very long with leaving things unanalyzed. I know Gonzalo was a little upset with me this morning, first for keeping him waiting to go to bed while I was on the phone with Pepa, and second for not wanting to stay in bed longer with him, especially after the night we had. He’s much more of a morning cuddler than I am, but this time, he really only has himself to blame for me leaving early - he should know better than to tell me that evidence is waiting for me in the lab!! It was nearly 2 in the morning, and as soon as that information left his mouth, I could see he wished to take it back. He and I both knew after that that I’d be up as soon as possible to come to work. Why Gonzalo and I always end up talking about work after having sex…well, that’s another question I’m not ready to ponder at this time.
Anyway…enough of that. I finally have some results to take down to my father, and then I can get to the still awaiting autopsy.
As I make my way down the stairs, carrying the folder with the preliminary exam results, I see Pepa, Curtis, and Aitor congregated in the middle of the floor. It’s just a little after 9am and it looks as though Pepa has just arrived, remarkably on time.
As I approach the group, I can start to overhear the conversation.
“So, if you want, I can show you around...I know the place like the back of my hand. I can give you all the inside scoop.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Aitor?! I’ve been here longer than you! If there’s anyone here who can show you around, it’s me,” Curtis says while gesturing to himself with some sort of move that he probably thinks is smooth. It’s not.
Pepa is politely nodding, amused surely. I have to wonder how long it’ll be before they find out she’s gay, and when they do, will they realize they have no chance and give up, or will it only motivate them to re-double their efforts? For some reason, I’m leaning towards the latter...
Just as I’m about to intervene to save Pepa from their misguided come-ons, Papá comes barreling out of his office.
“What the hell is going on here?!? Are you being paid to stand around gossiping like this is some sort of fucking powder room?! Do none of you have any fucking work you’re supposed to be doing?! Because, if you don’t have any work to do, I will bury you under so much fucking paperwork that you’ll never see the light of day again! Joder!”
After all this time, I’m surprised Papá's rants still have any effect. But they do, and like chastised children, everyone in the near vicinity scurries away to occupy themselves elsewhere. All except Pepa who, instead, nonchalantly leans against the nearest desk and crosses her arms. She stares back with a look of obvious defiance.
“Don Lorenzo. I actually don’t have any work to do. I haven’t been given an assignment yet.”
“You haven’t been given an assignment? You haven’t been given a fucking assignment, you say. Do you know what assignment you’re going to be given?! Mis santos cojones, that’s the assignment you’re going to be given!”
“Don Lorenzo, I...” But, whatever she was going to say is immediately cut off as Papá thrusts a stack of folders at her.
“Here, make yourself useful and go file these.” Pepa’s face quickly changes from casual disregard to outright rancor, and I decide to speak up before she says or does anything stupid.
“Papá!” He finally notices that I’ve been standing here the whole time. “Pepa didn’t transfer here to be a file clerk.” I can tell he wants to argue with me and possibly make some statement about how neither he nor his santísimos care what she transferred here for, so I hand my folder over to him and tell him he needs to review the results, effectively dismissing him from the conversation. He sets off to his office with a huff, and I continue, addressing Pepa. “There’s not much you can do right now...our next briefing isn’t until this afternoon and Povedilla and Rita are already out on patrol...so instead of filing, maybe you’d like to give me a hand in the lab?”
She looks a bit doubtful, so I press on, “I still have an autopsy to do, and I know it’s not the kind of action you’re looking for, but it has to beat filing.”
“And, pelirroja, just how would you know what kind of ‘action’ I’m looking for?”
Again. She’s doing it again. And I still can’t tell if she’s flirting...or just fucking with me...or if she’s just always this cheeky with everyone! Whether she’s flirting or not, the tone of her voice alone is enough and I can feel a heated blush make its slow crawl up my cheeks. I was doing a lot of this on the phone last night - luckily, she couldn’t see it then, but she definitely notices it now, and her smile gets impossibly wider.
I clear my throat and respond. “Well, I’m sorry to say that the body waiting in the morgue won’t be as ‘lively’ as an apprehended criminal.”
“I could always just throw my cuffs on you and see what happens.”
Still blank.
It takes a second, a looong, feels-like-an-hour second, before I can think enough to speak. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I just might, princesa,” she drawls, signature wink in tow.
Definitely flirting. I mean, that’s definitely flirting...isn’t it? And, did she just call me “princesa”? More importantly, did I just like that she called me “princesa”?! I don’t know the correct sort of response to give, and I’m simply amazed at how easily she reduces me to speechlessness. Since words don’t seem to want to make an appearance any time soon, I’m reduced to making a hasty turn to head back to my lab. I don’t know if she’s following or not because I can’t quite get myself to turn around and check.
I hope she’s following.