
Dec 26, 2010 23:04

Title: Surprises
Rating: PG-13
Summary: One night of passion, sets Ulquiorra and Orihime up for the rest of their life.
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: Pregnant/family fic
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none
Chapters: 3/?
Notes: Multichapter fic. And this will be longer then expected, I still have the ( Read more... )

fic story: surprises, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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Comments 4

espadadina December 27 2010, 21:21:18 UTC
I thought there would be drama when she told her pregnancy~But everybody take it very well <333AH CHAD WAS SO SWEET <3333 I can imaginate this happening on canon :heehee

and that end was cute too *u* <3 suprised!Ulquiorra would be so cute x'> <333
Really nice chapter 8D <333


lovely_masoka December 27 2010, 23:54:34 UTC
Haha some previous versions had drama in it. XD But this version was better in the end. *doesn't like being overdramatic in fics/can't write drama to save her life*

<3 Chad me too.~ <333

Thank you! I'm very happy you liked it. :')


phoenix089 December 30 2010, 05:00:48 UTC
<3 Chaaaad~ He's probably my fave Nakama in fics His acceptance is just so sweet all the time. No questions, no "Are you sure" just, "congratulations" <33 I love his unassuming nature, haha.

Sweet chapter Issues. I rather like the way the bub is affecting Orihime's reiatsu, and I'm sure it's going to be an interesting babe *imagining a Bub capable of firing cero* ... *w* S/he's gonna be gorgeous.

I wonder what Ichigo's true thoughts are though, cause I see him being the one with the most issues concerning UlquiHime babies >3< ... but Hooray for IchiRuki dynamics! Fufu. I just adore the "say-something-idiot!" kick XDD

OT, but I love that Icon. The heart is the true enemy. Trufax XD


lovely_masoka December 30 2010, 05:04:57 UTC
Chad <33333 the one nakama we can count on not getting all hyper and over excited about things. <3333 plus her friendship with him has always been sweet imo.

Fuufu next chapter you'll like then, since it delves more into that. >8D

Haha well I think he just be worried, he and Ulquiorra already had a "talk" when the relationship first started. He be just overprotective/big brother right now though. Plus he being half hollow too could....*keeps mouth shut* Next chapters~ XD

And yesss <3 IR scene I had to do it~

and haha yes! The heart has caused more deaths then Aizen. D8< Rusky and I figured this out a few days ago. *she made the icon* XD


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