
Nov 25, 2010 01:35

Title: Secret meetings
Summary: He was her little secret the past 17 months, but how long can it stay that way?
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Time skip?
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: by none
Chapters: ..
Notes: Oh how I wish. <3
Link: Read more... )

writing: fan fiction, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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Comments 4

espadadina November 25 2010, 08:12:55 UTC
<33 *u* <333<333

*deep sigh* You're fanfics just gives me more hope and more help to keep waiting :') <33
my fav moment:
"Just a little longer." she said, her voiced muffled from being buried in his chest. Ulquiorra didn't say anything, his hand still awkwardly on her head his body stiff but relaxed if such a thing was possible. "Please." her voice cracked as her fingers dug into his shirt.

"I see." was the only thing he said and she let out a breath as her head turned and her ear pressed against his chest.

Listening to his heart

<33 I just want see this in canon *A* Orihime pressing her head against his chest and listening his new heart <3333


lovely_masoka November 26 2010, 21:33:57 UTC
Heehee <3333 that makes me happy! And the same goes for me with your art, it makes the waiting so much more easier. ♥

;A; I would love to see that happen as well...or someone at least make art of it. *winks* XDDDD

Thank you so much though. <3 Your reviews make me so happy.


phoenix089 November 27 2010, 06:22:21 UTC
Issues, I really like this one. I love the feeling of inevitability that seems to surround them in this. Yes, Ulquiorra might have begun seeing her as his way to say thankyou, but just like the hand reach ... It was inevitable something bigger was going to happen <33

And I really like how there's actually time between his return and their getting together, it seems more viable that way.

Just ... <3 I love the feeling in this one - I know I said it, but I really did *hugs yoooou*


lovely_masoka November 30 2010, 08:54:37 UTC
*0* Really? *blushes* I'm so happy that you do. >///<

*HUGS* I' really HAPPY you like it. /can't stop reading review and is very happy with it and wishes she could express it more./


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