I am instant gratification girl!

Oct 11, 2005 22:53

So I was browsing through my sister's flickr pics, and there's a bunch of knitting stuff there. Sure, OK, nothing really wrong with knitting, but why is it so freaking trendy? Some of y'all are dedicated, a lot - like my sister- learned how as a child, but never picked up needles as an adult until recently.

I knitted once as an adult, but I plea the Cabin Fever defence. We were living in possibly the shittiest basement suite in Prince George, which is possibly the shittiest town in all of BC. The average snowfall in Prince George is around 95 inches per year, and the winter of 96/97 was supposedly one of the snowiest in history. I was also unemployed and bored. So after seeing a Wayne Ronstad's On the Road about a truck driver who knitted on his stops, I dug up some cheapass yarn and needles, and spend the dark cold nights teaching Paul how to knit. It was a fun filled 3 evenings that eventually led to our discovery that 151 proof rum was the cheapest by alcohol volume drink available above the 49th parallel.

What's the attraction? I learned how to knit when I was about 10. Could churn out lengths of rectangle like there was no tomorrow. But I got bored really fast. OK, I know you're all whispering She always gets bored really fast! This is true. But it's still really really REALLY boring! And at the end, all you end up with is some kind of knitwear!

My sister cites twiddling issues, you know, restless hands. You know what fixes that? Masturbating! Yes, or smoking! Or sedating yourself with the legal or non-legal drug of your choice! It's not hard, people! There are alternatives!

OK, I am biased. I'm not that big a fan of knitwear even if its production isn't inconveniencing me. I suppose the fact that I view the process as inconveniencing is a dead giveaway that I'm not into labour intensive crafts.

So do you all like socks that much? Really?

I now expect a deluge of comments defending knitting, the likes of which have not been seen since I trashed biscotti. Go ahead, tell me! Just don't wave the pointy end of that needle thing at me.
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