Three Sentence AU Meme

Sep 17, 2011 11:48

Stolen from cashay 'cause I wanted too.

Give me pairings (or characters). Give me an AU setting. I will write you a three-sentence fic.

Please keep it within my usual fandoms: Supernatural, Psych, Angel, Hawaii Five-0 ect...

Go for it!

ETA: If I've filled your prompt feel free to leave another!

meme, my f-list rocks, au, comment!fic

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Comments 27

mangacrack September 17 2011, 22:37:17 UTC
Sam /& Gabriel, Gabriel is a Jedi Master and takes young Sam as his student.


loveinstars September 18 2011, 03:12:37 UTC
Oh, gosh. This is so not what I was thinking. XD Um. I've never even seen the Starwars movies beyond like, the things everyone knows so if this is totally crappy, I apologize.


"Umm...Master?" the young newly chosen apprentice called uncertainly, fingers gripped tight around the hilt of his lightsaber as the rather unfriendly looking mechas approached.

Jedi Master Gabriel hummed inquisitive response and poked at the shiny metal bits on the table in front of him.

"I get that your really excited to finally be able to make that robot thing but is this really the time to be fawning over fallen droids?" Sammy scolded and Gabriel merely laughed, knowing his student had much to learn about a lot of things, including himself.


mangacrack September 18 2011, 09:14:19 UTC
Oh my God, that was awesome. Thanks XD


loveinstars September 18 2011, 12:45:31 UTC
You are welcome! I'm glad it worked out ;)


wolfish_willow September 18 2011, 04:27:55 UTC
Sam/Gabriel... - blind date



loveinstars September 18 2011, 21:59:48 UTC
Man, Castiel owes me big time for this, Gabriel thought, chin on his palm as the fingers of his other hand tapped at the table, waiting alone at some restaurant for the 'blind date' arranged by his little brother.

"Excuse me, are you Gabriel?" the voice made Gabriel look up and he was instantly caught by a pair of beautiful hazel eyes framed by shaggy, glossy brown hair and a face made of perfection.

"Uh, yeah. You must be Sam." the answering smile and nod made Gabriel's heart skip a beat and he thought; maybe I'm the one who owes Cas after all.

:D Hope this worked for you!


wolfish_willow September 18 2011, 22:02:15 UTC
Awwww *-* I bet their first date is made of win. Thanks so much! <3


loveinstars September 18 2011, 22:24:27 UTC
But of course! Every date between Gabe and Sam is made of win, it's not like Gabriel would let it happen any other way! ;) And you are most certainly welcome! I'm glad you liked :D


cashay September 18 2011, 12:00:38 UTC
Steve/Danny - Star Trek style, aka space ships and stuff :P


loveinstars September 18 2011, 22:23:19 UTC
Uh! Meanie! I've never seen Star Trek! XD But I'm good with the spaceship bit so I hope this works for you!


Lieutenant Williams scowled at his navigation screen and cast a glare behind him, "Commander McGarrett, sir, I can't help but notice that this is not the way back to the Base."

"That it is not, Danno." McGarrett replied cheerfully, "We are, in fact, on vacation to a resort planet as of now." he waved a hand toward two suitcases tucked behind his chair that Danny actually hadn't noticed before.

"Vacation, huh?" Danny's eyes narrowed on his Commander(and boyfriend but who's to know?), searching for something, before he sighed and rolled his eyes with exasperation and not a small amount of fondness, "Yeah, alright, why not?"


cashay September 26 2011, 22:24:57 UTC
hahaaa I loved this :D thank you so much!


loveinstars September 27 2011, 01:38:52 UTC
^_^ Your welcome! I'm glad you approved ;)


tiptoe39 September 18 2011, 22:31:19 UTC
Sam/Gabriel, the prince and his court jester.


loveinstars September 18 2011, 23:19:05 UTC
"Hey, Sammy, check it out!" Gabriel, Jester-in-Training of Kingdom Winchester, cooed as he juggled a couple apples and stuck out his tongue.

The younger boy, dressed in royal blue and green, pouted and tried not to look impressed, "My name is Prince Sam." he muttered, eyes on the revolving fruits.

"That it is, Prince Sammy." Gabriel grinned and disappeared all but one apple, which he polished with a sleeve and held out to Sam with a flourish, "For you, my Prince." he whispered and Sam's happy grin made all the work at leaning these tricks worthwhile.


tiptoe39 September 18 2011, 23:26:10 UTC
Ahaha! *claps* adorable!! Yay for sexually suggestive apples. Oh, is that my own innuendo making a debut? It might just be. So sweet!! <3 <3


loveinstars September 18 2011, 23:39:00 UTC
Haha! Sexually suggestive apples are the norm for those like us ;) Hee, thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D


mithrel September 18 2011, 23:00:50 UTC
SPN, rockband!AU with Chuck as the manager.


loveinstars September 18 2011, 23:32:02 UTC
Chuck Shirley was not sure what he had done to deserve a group like this, on first glance they had seemed perfect: attractive, talented, well-mannered and overall a four-man heart-throb band.

They were,at first glance, a manager's wet dream; with Sam and Dean Winchester on vocals(a pair of voices never sounded so amazing together), and Gabriel and Castiel Novak on guitar and drums respectively, their talents were brilliant mixed together.

However, their personalities meshed less beautifully, he bemoaned as a bottle of alcohol went sailing out the trailer door over his head and he heard things(accusations) being yelled that he wished he could unhear: seriously, what had he done in his past life?


mithrel September 18 2011, 23:36:53 UTC
Hee, poor Chuck! Bet he wished he'd kept his job as a was probably less stressful.


loveinstars September 19 2011, 00:02:28 UTC
*grins* Hah, yeah I'll bet he does. Can't blame him either. XD


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