Dear F-list,

Jun 11, 2011 12:36

So, I'm bored and have a ton of things I don't wanna do. Thus, I've decided this was a good idea. Clearly I'm insane but, meh, feck it. :D ( Read more... )

my f-list rocks, slash, comment!fic

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mangacrack June 11 2011, 18:37:42 UTC
I've decide on one? Well, I were go ...

Gabriel/Sam, trying to counter demon with angel blood goes wrong, but Gabriel prefers interesting over boring anyway


loveinstars June 11 2011, 19:11:29 UTC
Hmmm, interesting is a good way to put it. *grins* I'll see what I can do!


Forget Redbull... loveinstars June 11 2011, 19:39:06 UTC
This was not how it was supposed to go. Gabriel's donation of archangel blood was only supposed to burn away the remains of demon that lingered in Sam.

It wasn't supposed to do this.

"Well, look at it this way." he said to Sam's bitch-face, "At least now you really are one-of-a-kind."

Sam flapped his huge and newly grown wings in agitation, spreading chocolate colored feathers all over the place like a busted open pillow. "This doesn't really even bother you, does it?"

Gabriel smirked and shrugged. "Not really. I mean, they're gorgeous and fit you perfectly so forgive me if I'm not exactly angsting over the side effects of my blood."

"Gabriel." Sam sighed but let it go and instead studied one of his wings closely, stroking fingers through the feathers and luxuriating in the feel.

Gabriel watched him, smirking and pleased beyond expression. Sam growing wings hadn't exactly been on the to-do list when he'd come up with this but...well...he always preferred interesting over boring anyway.


Re: Forget Redbull... mangacrack June 11 2011, 20:32:40 UTC
Yay, thanks! Though I had to think twice until I got the "Redbull thing" ... *cracks because is still laughing the ass off* ... and Gabriels reaction is ... pure Gabriel.


Re: Forget Redbull... loveinstars June 12 2011, 01:42:27 UTC
Hehe, I was hoping you would catch that ;D Gabriel would totally be so okay at Sam having wings that he wouldn't even miss a blink. lol.

I'm glad you liked this 'cause I had a blast, even though I'm pretty sure sudden wing growth wasn't what you were thinking of XD


Re: Forget Redbull... mangacrack June 12 2011, 08:29:57 UTC
Well, the wings does makes sense and there never can be enough wing!fics ...
It's just ironic (the redbull thing) since my other prompt would've been how Lucifer learnt not to get between Sam and his moring coffee^^

But still: *yeeep* and *thanks*


Re: Forget Redbull... loveinstars June 12 2011, 15:48:26 UTC
Lol, well, since I filled this one you can prompt me again. And that really sounds like awesome fun! XD

But your welcome! :)


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