Illness; Gabriel/Sam

May 12, 2011 10:37

Written for the five_acts  meme.

For: technicallysane

Word Count: 820

I chose kink #5: Hurt/Comfort:Sickness; and Gabriel/Sam.

When Sam gets sick, Gabriel remembers humans are so much more breakable then angels. )

meme, gabriel/sam, supernatural, slash

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Comments 20

lonelyphoenix85 May 12 2011, 16:56:50 UTC
Gabriel had stared at him like he'd just announced a secret love affair with Lucifer.

Burst out laughing at that line! *grins* Awesome fic hun, love the sweet ending, and the bit where Sam flips Gabe off (or trys to!) was fab too, but the above line is without question my fave bit! (Except for the huggles, because who doesn't love Sam/Gabe huggles forever? :-D)



loveinstars May 13 2011, 02:21:48 UTC
LOL, I very much enjoyed writing that line. ^_^

So happy you liked! Makes me smile to hear. (Sammy/Gabe huggles are the absolute best) ^_^

I just had this imagine of Sam in front of the toilet struggling to lift a hand to flip off Gabriel. I loved the thought so there it was. lol.

Thanks for commenting, love! Glad you liked!

<3 <3


bm_shipper May 13 2011, 14:52:14 UTC
Goooood... this is sooooooooooooo cute ♥ I loved it! Such a sweet story... I really really thank you for sharing that! ♥


loveinstars May 14 2011, 01:51:47 UTC
Well shucks, I really really thank you for saying that! ^_^ Makes me so happy to hear others get happy reading my stuff.



meh_forget_it May 17 2011, 19:33:33 UTC
Meep!! That was so very adorable!! *nods* From the beginning with the relationship between the two brothers and Gabriel's overreacting, to the end (with the messy stuff in the middle which just solidifies why I want to be a doctor for dead people. Less... icky. Lol!) and Gabriel being all... snarky yet cute and caring!! Plus, you know, Sammy puppy dog eyes wins every time! *grin*

Sorry took me a while to get around to reading this and commenting, but it's awesome and I loved it!! *nods* I really need to catch up on fics I've not read... and everything, actually. Lol. Cheers for this! Made me smile and coo!! *glomps*


loveinstars May 17 2011, 22:14:32 UTC
^_^ Thanks! Glad you liked. At least once you're done with those BB you can catch up on everything. :P How are they coming, btw?


meh_forget_it May 17 2011, 22:30:25 UTC
Well... my first one is to be posted tomorrow (meep) and my J2 one will be posted on 28th June (double meep), but er... they're the only ones that are actually finished. *head desk* I have no idea why I'm finding it so hard to finish the two I'm currently working on, but I kinda hate them. Lol.

Also? Your icon made me giggle to myself insanely. Lol!


loveinstars May 17 2011, 22:43:49 UTC
Well, at least its good that those two are the closest due and they're done! Maybe you need to take a break from them? I find that stepping back occasionally helps me when I return to the fic. ^_^ But that's just me.

I know! Me too! It's a new one for me 'cause I just found it a few days ago. :D Along with this one.


bballgirl3022 June 15 2011, 04:49:22 UTC
Oh this is just adorably fluffy!


loveinstars June 15 2011, 13:35:31 UTC
Awww, thanks! =D


yellowbulma August 29 2011, 01:21:22 UTC
So adorable, I love it!! =3


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