The Eclipse Kiss

Jun 20, 2010 23:52

I always thought how it would look...
"The kiss" between Bella and Jacob before the fight happen between the Newborns, the Cullens and the Pack!
It´s great! Hope it will be soon give a bigger and better quali...

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Comments 4

Re: ._. loveinstar July 18 2010, 12:19:49 UTC
thank you very much!
PS: I hope I understand what you wrote..=)


broken_clover June 21 2010, 22:53:52 UTC
Oh!! I can´t wait for the movie!! But... i don´t know. I don´t really like this kiss very much. Maybe when I see it in the movie it will be different, but it seems like a "normal" kiss. I want to see that Bella who´s suffering so much she can´t stop herself and forcefully kisses Jacob because she´s scared.

Btw, thanks for the pic!! I didn´t see it until now. :o


loveinstar June 22 2010, 00:55:11 UTC
hihi..yaeh I want see it too...
if you not yet saw the new pics go there and watch them...they are amazing especially Jazz...there you can see the kiss between him and Alice!


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