Title: Emotion Chapter: 5 of 5 (END) Pairing: Masuda Takahisa x Tegoshi Yuya Rating: PG-13 Summary: The final chapter. Massu and Tegoshi finally face each other. Disclaimer: Same as always.
KAWAII!!!!! I'M sssssssssssoooooooooooooooo happy to read this ^^ I kept thinking what was going to happen :D this made me VERY happy!!!! <3333 it was sssssssoooooooo cute I feel like there's been less and less TegoMassu around lately ;_; I've been sad and than you post this <3 I'm so happy and this was just perfect. I love the last line about Massu being an exception because he loves Tegoshi XD that's so true <3 hehehe
I'm so happy it didn't end sadly, I would have been very sad if it had. And so I'm glad they made up, and ended up making out in Massu's car. ...that makes me sound bad, but its true, I'm happy they made up and made out in Massu's car. *shot*
Comments 8
I'M sssssssssssoooooooooooooooo happy to read this ^^ I kept thinking what was going to happen :D this made me VERY happy!!!! <3333
it was sssssssoooooooo cute
I feel like there's been less and less TegoMassu around lately ;_; I've been sad and than you post this <3 I'm so happy and this was just perfect.
I love the last line about Massu being an exception because he loves Tegoshi XD that's so true <3 hehehe
cho kawaii!!XD
very good ending ne..
it's good that they're together again.. lol.. XD
more tegomassu rabu ne!! XD
thanks for the read!
...that makes me sound bad, but its true, I'm happy they made up and made out in Massu's car. *shot*
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