Title: Happy Anniversary
Setting: post 2.02
Rating: PG13 - for one f-bomb
Wordcount: 100
Summary: "So it's been a year since we met. A year since..."
Author's Note: This just popped up in my brain. So it's not beta'd, slightly artsy and probably stupid. I blame my cold for this.
"By the way, happy anniversary."
"What are you talking about?"
"Today is Gus's birthday."
"So it's been a year since we met. A year since..."
"I fucked your brains out."
"Thank you, Brian."
"What for?"
"For everything you've done for me."
"I've done nothing."
"You saved my life, Brian."
"No I didn't."
"Yes, you did. A year ago when you took me here."
Brian doesn't have the heart to tell Justin they are not even a couple. Instead he goes to get the champagne a client has given him. They will celebrate their anniversary properly.