Title: The Trophy Author: Sophia Bee Pairing/Character: Veronica/Logan Word Count: 1357 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Veronica, Logan, a desk. Spoilers/Warnings: Sex. That’s about it.
I *like* this. A sweet mixture of hot and neurotic. Hee. You rock.
Also, in the "Veronica brought him over one day after school paragraph" I think it's supposed to be "carved" initials. Not that it in any way detracts from the hotness. Or your fabulousness. ;)
Her name was a plea and a prayer rolled into one, a raspy whisper pulled from the gut, heavy with desire, want and something else that she didn’t want to think about.
Amazing job...there's something brilliant about that sentence right there and this fic was hot but also cute b/c I loved how she kept the desk in her room and how her initials were in it.
this will force me to admit that I'm an orchestra geek (much worse than a band nerd) but I stole the chair I sat on for four years in orchestra. It's in my bedroom and much happier now. Alas, no sex has been had on it.
Comments 13
Also, in the "Veronica brought him over one day after school paragraph" I think it's supposed to be "carved" initials. Not that it in any way detracts from the hotness. Or your fabulousness. ;)
Wow, I couldn't ask for a better description. Thanks darlin'
Amazing job...there's something brilliant about that sentence right there and this fic was hot but also cute b/c I loved how she kept the desk in her room and how her initials were in it.
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