Title: When I Was A Child (4/4)
Author: Sarah :)
Pairing/Characters: Logan/Veronica, Dick, Keith, Weevil
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through 2x22, Not Pictured, just to be safe, but nothing specific. This is futurefic!
Word Count: 5,217
Summary: Nothing stays the same forever. Logan and Veronica's daughter
Mandy finds out just how true this is.
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Comments 100
What a wonderful end to a crazy!enjoyable read.
Thanks so much for reading! :)
liked seeing Weevil in the universe.
I think that you should write a fic for all of the new loveathon challenges in this universe or we will miss mandy *nodds head*
hope you still get entered into the epic challenge
I think that you should write a fic for all of the new loveathon challenges in this universe
Dude, don't give me IDEAS! I have this feeling that there is definitely more of the Mandy story left to be told, so...I think she'll return at some point :).
Thanks so much for reading this and following it to the end, DESPITE my lameness. You are full of awesome! :)
This ending was worth my wait! *giggles*
This ending was worth my wait!
THANK YOU. Because, again, there was this FEAR about the final part. Thanks so much for reading! :)
WOW that was like..the greatest ending EVER...mm. toasty.
Thaaaaaank you for reading! Love!
I love the Dick bits as always, because he's SO spot on and hilarious, and yay, I'm just so glad you finished it.
Great, great stuff here.
And, seriously, I don't know what it is about him, but every DAY my Dick love grows. He wasn't even supposed to BE such a big part of this fic, but...I couldn't NOT have him here. I MIGHT BE BECOMING A DICK FANGIRL. AND I THINK I LOVE IT.
Thank you, SO MUCH, for this! Comments like this totally make finishing worthwhile :).
But yeah, I can't say enough about how great you are, and how awesome this is, which leads me to wonder why we're not friends on LJ, as you're friends with most of my friends, I believe.
Anyway, yes. I don't know if you know this, but I am not a Weevil fan like, at all, and you made me feel for him. It's a talent not many people have.
Great job, again!
But, you're right--we're NOT friends, and I think we should be. I'll fix that right now!
And I didn't know you weren't a Weevil fan! Amusingly, I've never really written Weevil, so this was all new territory for me. Which of course makes this comment EVEN BETTER, because I was afraid people would call me on the suck. Because, umm, I have no Weevil voice. Heh.
Thank you, again, and! Friends! :)
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