
Aug 06, 2008 03:11

LMAO ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

tourdefierce August 6 2008, 02:30:26 UTC
Horrible pairings: HARRY/DRACO! lol. Sorry. Muhahaha.

No. I think there should also be really terrible kinks too. I've been thinking toe fetish, scat, animals, roleplay Mommy/Daddy.

God it hurts to talk about it. I wrote tree!sex earlier. Does that count?


loveangelstar August 6 2008, 02:41:46 UTC
tree!sex? LOL what like actually using the tree in a physical way or just having sex up a tree? lol

Some Harry/Draco is good I swear! Although I could never write it. I just read it for the lulz ;) I'm waiting for the H/D story where Harry has a tear fetish and instead of cutting Malfoy open when he discovers him all emo in the bathroom, they just have mad sex bent over the sink!!!!!!!!!!1 lmao

Toe fetish? Ick I have some disturbing mental pictures hahah!

I was thinking more shudder worthy like Snupin (it makes me cry) or Sirius/Snape, or just anyone Snape ;)
What about McGoogles/Ron? LOL!
Actually anything I hate would involve incest, or even worse twincest! I just can't stand that type of stuff. I'm not dark enough for it, I get too grossed out.

Back to the tree idea maybe Remus/Whomping willow would suit you lol!


tourdefierce August 6 2008, 02:49:20 UTC
Tree sex can be found here, warnings include disturbing usage of the tree and crack: http://community.livejournal.com/nest_of_spiders/68380.html

I can't stand H/D. I won't ever be converted. I know. I'm silly.

Toes! Icky. I know. Snape makes me cry too, but you know I like Snape with Luna. Isn't that weird? I like it though. I think they fit.

MG and Ron are HORRIBLE. Please no. No. You don't do cest? I love cest. Although, I don't do parent/child (most of the time). I loooove twincest. A lot. Muhahahaha.


loveangelstar August 7 2008, 01:21:37 UTC
LOL tree sex. Too funny XD

I think I have a soft spot for H/D cos it was the first slash pairing I ever came across and so is responsible for dragging me into this slash filled universe where I read about gay wizards getting fucked by tress! lmao

I've never heard Snape/Luna before. What about Snape/Pettigrew. Come on, tell me you didn't have the grossest thoughts when you read how Peter was being kept as Snapes little servant! lol

No I don't do cest at all! I read a Dean Thomas/made up brother one once by accident and it scarred me. It started out so normal! lol the only thing I don't mind stretching to is Black cest, like Sirius/Bella or something. I just can't stomach full on - Hey, Ginny. Us twins are gonna show you a good time. I mean ick! lol

I'm actually liking the McG/Ron idea lol I wonder if anyone actually ships that.


jademurasaki August 6 2008, 04:12:02 UTC
Hey Hun! I was away on vacation from the 24th until late Sunday night the 3rd (I'm on Eastern Time in the US so it was probably the morning of the 4th for you! LOL!) and I TOTALLY missed picking up the lovely blanket sig tag you had darkclockwork make me after you cast that petrify spell on me! I think that was just SO creative of you and now we have our own little "in" joke and I have a SIG TAG to prove it!

Anyway, I didn't forget to thank you or anything, just didn't have time to pick up anything that was posted after July 20th at HHFlourish before I left and only this night had time to start catching up on all that kind of stuff.

That REALLY made my day today! HUGS!

Jade//Owlie OvO
Ravenclaw at HiH
And Prone to Hypothermia when Snorkeling Leader of Dumbledore's Army


loveangelstar August 7 2008, 01:26:15 UTC
Thank you for bothering to come and say thank you. You're very welcome.

I'm so so glad you liked it. I was so excited about it when I came up with the idea. I would have loved to make it myself but I unfortunately lack any sort of photoshop skills :) Kris did it so much better then I could imagine though.

Did you have a good holiday? Where did you go?

I know! Inside jokes ftw! lol

Prone to saving people's lives with blankets


fera_festiva August 6 2008, 09:00:34 UTC
Oh man - my first thought was that I could totally do this, as I have an unfinished Remus/Tonks hanging around on my computer, but it isn't very flattering and the rules say no ship-bashing, so it probably doesn't count. :(

However - your comment about Harry's fetish for tears has put some evil thoughts in my head. >:D (Of course, I ship H/D so that wouldn't count either, but I might give it a go anyway...)


loveangelstar August 7 2008, 01:34:56 UTC
Omg even if it wasn't against the rules I don't think I could let you write that! You might convert someone and then where would we be? In a world full of even more Remus/Tonks shippers that's where! lol

*nods* Do the tear fetish thing!
Actually one of my friends did a fic about a tear fetish and apparently the proper name is Dacryphilia. Does the pairing Shannon/Jared mean anything to you? I think they're band people's...30 seconds to mars maybe...*feels stupid for not knowing* but if it does you can read the fic here: http://kynx-fic.livejournal.com/35726.html#cutid1

What are your thoughts on McG/Ron? lmao


fera_festiva August 9 2008, 18:01:18 UTC
Haha, I doubt this fic would convert anyone. >:D Although it is much more sympathetic towards Tonks than anything else I've ever said about her so maybe I converted myself without realising it. o_O

I started work on the tear fetish fic but it is awful so far. It does have a title though, so maybe I'll get drunk and see what happens.

I just checked out that fic - I have no idea who these people are, but... wow. Thanks for the rec!

And, finally: I think I've probably been in fandom too long, because McG/Ron makes a lot of sense in my head. :D


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