And we're off...

Jan 21, 2011 14:39

Yesterday, friends, was CD1 of my first full cycle in 2011. *gringrin* Welcome to the blog of an entirely-too-type-A-pregnancy planner ( Read more... )

children, ttc, yoga, diet, honeymoon

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Comments 17

sandokai January 21 2011, 22:00:08 UTC
When I quit coffee to TTC, it helped a LOT to drink a lot of cold water all day long. It took about 3 week of being really tired but after a few months off I felt great.

I found grapefruit juice was helpful in the first half of the cycle if I had it at least twice a day. And I did the pineapple core thing (for five days after ovulation) the month I got pregnant so I think it works. :)

Good luck!


love_story January 21 2011, 23:11:01 UTC
Ooh, thank you for the info! I've been drinking water like crazy and for some reason even with just the decaf coffee I still feel like I've got caffeine jitters today, which is very odd. O.o It's so hard for me to get that much water in my system, though. I do great in the morning but when afternoon hits I get busy and forget, hehe... Must. Be. More. Disciplined.

I'm taking your advice and going with a glass of juice in the morning and another one when I get home from work, every day until after ovulation. Following your advice on the pineapple too... here's hoping we'll be as lucky as you were!! *grins*


lilacwire January 21 2011, 22:24:01 UTC
Just a note about decaf - it still contains caffeine, but less than a regular cup of coffee. If you're aiming to get rid of caffeine entirely, you may want to wean off it all the way.

I mourn for you.

(but also excited for the reason you're giving it up!)


love_story January 21 2011, 23:13:31 UTC
From what I've read, a single cup of regular coffee per day is not supposed to be detrimental to fertility, so I figure the decaf has got to have even less than that (and I usually don't drink more than one cup.) But yes, I think in about March or April I may wean to a decaf tea, and then from there to like... hot water with lemon. *sniff* But I won't stress too much about it since apparently low doses don't seem to have too much of an effect anyway. :)


lilacwire January 21 2011, 23:19:14 UTC
Cool! Your research on this is really impressive. I'm proud of you. :)


love_story January 21 2011, 23:40:29 UTC
Hehe. Ah, but impressive is such a close cousin of obsessive and creepy. >D

Honestly, I just have been thinking about this for a really long time and since I knew we weren't ready to do actually do anything about it the only thing I *could* do was research, so I did wayyy too much of it!


capricious05 January 21 2011, 23:26:24 UTC
I'm curious about the no alcohol when just TTC... totally understand cutting caffeine but why can't you have the odd glass of wine??


love_story January 21 2011, 23:37:01 UTC
I suppose I probably could (and I probably will on our honeymoon) but since alcohol sometimes skews BBT measurements and can sometimes interrupt the natural flow of an ovulation cycle, I think I'm going to just cut it out entirely so I can get the most accurate measurements possible. Of course there are plenty of ladies who get pregnant as an (albeit indirect) *result* of drinking, so clearly it doesn't dampen fertility too terribly, right? *grins* Anyway, drinking (along with caffeine) is just one of those things I've seen recommended as something to eliminate in most of the fertility research I've done, so I figure it can't hurt. I'll miss it a little, I think, but not nearly as much as my beloved coffee. *stares mournfully at her coffee mug*


capricious05 January 22 2011, 00:00:58 UTC
Aah that makes sense. Because I TTC'd through an IVF clinic I never charted. Having said that I have one piece of advice that hopefully you'll never have to use ( ... )


sandokai January 22 2011, 13:38:31 UTC
Interesting, I got pregnant after the "Oh well, I can't control it" phase too... by that point I was sneaking soft cheese at parties, only lying on my back or just falling asleep after insems (especially the 4am ones), etc. And then-- pregnant!


layne_kou January 22 2011, 16:55:57 UTC
Not gonna lie, the moment I read 'xcel spreadsheet' my brain shut off and I scrolled down to leave this comment instead of keep reading. You are such a planner!


love_story January 25 2011, 17:24:28 UTC
Hehehe... and I busted out laughing when I read this comment. I certainly do have the ability to obsess over brain-frying details!! *grins*


checkingmypulse January 22 2011, 19:11:01 UTC
Sounds just like I was when TTC Holland! Doesn't it feel good to have a plan? Are you on fertilityfriend?


love_story January 25 2011, 17:30:53 UTC
It does feel really nice to plan it out... it sort of corrals the excitement and anticipation while I'm waiting impatiently to get started. And, I think if the first few cycles don't work I'll still be able to relax in the knowledge that it wasn't because I was missing something in preparation. *grins* Though I admit, if we had the same luck you guys did with Holland (on the first try, wow!!) I certainly would not complain!! :)

I've been on Fertility Friend for a couple years now tracking basic cycles... I did a few full BBT charted cycles over the summer just to get a sense of what I was looking at (and it helped a lot to have that info when I talked with the OB/GYN.) So now I've started BBT in earnest. I usually note the temps on my phone's little app because it's easier when I'm all bleary-eyed in the morning, but transfer them to FF later as I prefer FF's charts.


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