Fic: Teaching a New Turtle Some Old Tricks - Seme Version (Part 1/2)

Apr 05, 2009 18:42

Title: Teaching a New Turtle Some Old Tricks - Seme Version (Part 1/2)
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: Smut/Sex
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Smut, AU
Pairings: Akame, HayaRyu, Hayato/Kazuya
Author’s Notes: This goes out for everyone and I hope you guys like it. Ü You can also read the Uke Version ( Part 1, Part 2) (it's a locked fic, mind you) if you want to but it’s not really necessary though since this is not a sequel to it, just another version. ^^ Hope you enjoy reading this everyone! :D ♥
Summary: As much as Kazuya loves to be bottom, he’s also a man who wants to try new things and wants to try to be the top this time. It’s not that he’s never ready to be the top; he just needed someone to teach him how to be better to make Jin proud. However, having a teacher might be more regretful that he ever thought.


Jin embraced Kazuya closer to his arms and kissed the younger man’s forehead. They had just finished a round of passionate lovemaking and Jin saw that the other one was tired already so he didn’t suggest going on further.

“Kazu, are you less sore?” The older man asked lovingly while running his fingers to Kazuya’s soft dark hair. The latter could only nod and buried his head deeper to the other’s chest and whispered him good night. Jin whispered the same thing and both of them fell into deep slumber.


“Good morning, Kazuya!” Koki and Maru greeted once they entered the classroom and sat beside the younger man. “Where’s Jin?” Maru asked, noticing that Jin wasn’t around even if his lover is here.

Kazuya frowned and replied, “He woke up with a fever today. I don’t know what happened. He seemed fine last night after we…” He stopped eyes wide and placed his palms over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything longer. This only made his friends laugh and patted him on the back.

“Aww, don’t worry Kazu, it’s not like we’re not aware of what you guys are doing every night. I’d be surprised if no one here knows about it,” Koki laughed.

“Yeah, I mean, ever since you guys hooked up in your freshman year, people are blind if they think you guys are nothing but friends.” Maru added but this just made the youngest of them three blush crimson red.

“S-Shut up,” Kazuya felt shrinking into his desk when he’s like this being made fun of. Suddenly, Koki thought of something and curiously asked, “You usually bottom, right?” And Kazuya shyly nodded. “I always do,” He said.

“Hmm,” Koki placed a finger on his chin. “Why don’t you try topping this time around? Albeit it’ll be fun,” He winked at the younger man and Maru seemingly agreed. Kazuya just blinked at the both of them, thinking it was a stupid idea. For the whole time in their relationship, Kazuya was always the one at the bottom and it was always like an unwritten rule that he should. He never tried being on top before, he did consider doing it once but only ended up being on the bottom again because he never really knew how to top…properly.

…especially when your partner is none other than the Akanishi Jin.

Even if they are still juniors, Jin Akanishi is actually well-known in their school and lots of girls-and guys-have always tried hard to get him into their beds and just fuck his lights out of him. Many tried, yes, but every one of them failed in the end. Jin never lets anyone touch his body except for the one and only Kazuya Kamenashi.

No one noticed it before, many thought that he and Kazuya were just childhood friends who met each other in their grade school years and grew up not leaving each other’s side. However, it was during their freshman year when Jin suddenly pulled the younger man closer to him and kissed him in front of the whole school during their lunch break. It was then the obvious display that they are now dating and news spread fast and many were envious of both Jin and Kazuya.

Both of them were actually numb, or just simply stupid, to not notice that their popularity is growing more and more each day despite the fact that they were already dating. Many also envied Jin since he got one of the most beautiful men in school who was also a victim of students who tried getting Kazuya into their beds, knocking away his innocence. However these people were already aware that if ever they even try to touch Kazuya even in the smallest, malicious way possible, their heads would be with Jin and many would hate to be in that situation.

“Topping, huh? Well, I never tried it before…Well, I did once but I never really knew how to do it properly since Jin’s always aggressive so I’m always bottom whatever I do,” Kazuya shared with his friends and bit his lip in the end. “But it’s okay, I love being bottom anyway.” He smiled.

Their teacher suddenly entered the classroom and told everyone to be seated. “We’ll talk about it later, Kazu,” Koki and Maru grinned as they proceeded to their seats and waited for their teacher to begin.

“I see that Akanishi is absent, let’s start the class,”


It was already lunch break when Kazuya, Koki and Maru decided to continue their discussion.

“I’m serious, Kazuya, why don’t you try and be the man for once? You don’t want to be the female in your relationship for the rest of your lives right?” Koki encouraged as they got their trays and lined up for the food.

Maru just laughed. “Just listen to him Kazu, it’s been awhile since he got anyone laid,” He said as he picked the food he wanted and placed it on his tray. “I don’t know you guys,” Kazuya looked down and got the food he wanted and paid for it.

“Shut up Maru, like you’ve gotten anyone laid recently,” Koki rolled his eyes at the comment of his friend. “Yeah but I got someone laid more recently than you did.” Maru stuck his tongue out at Koki and chuckled at him.

“Seriously guys, is getting laid all you can ever talk about? Why don’t you try keeping your voices down a bit,” the three suddenly heard a voice and turned around to see their classmate, Ueda Tatsuya standing behind them while rubbing his temples. Koki grinned. “Tat-chan, when was the last time you got laid?” Maru laughed while Kazuya just sighed. Now they were picking on poor Tatsuya.

Tatsuya just glared at them, he knew butting in their conversation wasn’t good from the start. Suddenly, he felt an arm around his shoulder and looked to find his lover standing beside him. “I don’t think you really wanna know when was the last time he got laid, Koki,” Ryo Nishikido smirked making Tatsuya blush harder. This just made Maru and Koki laugh harder as they saw the couple now walking away to their table.

The three of them now sat down and talked about a certain sex expert that was actually known by many sex-craved students and unbelievably, some faculty members as well who kept it secret too. “So your only problem is that you don’t know how to do it properly? Why are you so worried about that?” Maru asked as he fed himself a spoonful of his food.

“Well, I-I just don’t want to humiliate myself in front of Jin, that’s why,” Kazuya mumbled but the other two heard him clearly. Koki suddenly smirked. “If that’s the case, I know one trustworthy person who can help you,” He said as he chewed his food.

Maru’s eyes suddenly widened and turned to Koki. “Koki, you don’t mean…” And he saw his friend nod. Kazuya just blinked at them both. “Who are you talking about?”

“Our senior, Yabuki Hayato,”


Hey love, I’ll be back later. I’m really sorry I can’t take care of you right now. But don’t worry; I’ll come back as soon as possible. I just have something to take care right now, okay? Don’t wait for me.

I love you! ♥♥♥Ü

Message from: Kazu-baby

Jin pouted as he stared at his lover’s text message. He was waiting all day for Kazuya to come home and baby him like he always does to him when he’s sick but now he just feels so lonely. He sighed as he flipped close his phone, only to open it once again and reply to his Kazuya’s message.

After he’s done, he just lay down on their bed and stared at the ceiling. He just kept frowning the whole time while still trying to wait for Kazuya…sneezing every now and then.

“Stupid cold…” Jin sniffed.


Be back soon, okay? I love you, Kazu-chaaaaan~ *chuuu* ♥♥♥ *==(^*^)==*

Message from: JinJin

Kazuya sighed sadly as he read his boyfriend’s message. He felt a pang of guilt suddenly rushing through him while reading it. Suddenly his screen saver came up and smiled a bit when he saw a picture of Jin grinning at the camera while hugging a big turtle plush in his arms. He flipped closed his phone as he continued to look for the house that he was supposed to go that afternoon.

“Yabuki…Yabuki…Yabuki…” Kazuya murmured as he looked around the houses. He knew he was already at the right street as said in the little piece of paper where his senior’s address is written. Every once in awhile, Kazuya would bite his bottom lip and his heart was thumping hard against his chest. He can’t really believe that his two idiot friends managed to convince him to do this thing.

Maru’s eyes suddenly widened and turned to Koki. “Koki, you don’t mean…” And he saw his friend nod. Kazuya just blinked at them both. “Who are you talking about?”

“Our senior, Yabuki Hayato,”

“You mean the Yabuki Hayato?!” Kazuya exclaimed making Koki and Maru cover their hands over Kazuya’s mouth when they noticed that many looked in their direction when their senior’s name was heard. Maru and Koki just made up an excuse that it was nothing and fortunately everyone else bought it and continued eating their food.

“You got to keep your voice down low when you’re talking about him Kazuya, or else you’ll be dead once he finds out,” Maru warned and Koki nodded. Kazuya still didn’t get their logic but shrugged it off anyways.

“Listen, not many know about his secret of giving away tips and advices for sexually-problematic people and once he finds out it got out, you have to get ready to be dead. Many members of the administration tried to get evidence of what he’s doing but so far, whenever they accuse him, they get nothing.” Koki explained.

Maru then continued, “Even if the administration questioned Yabuki-san’s previous ‘clients’, they ceased to tell the truth because it seems like they are more afraid of Yabuki than the administration itself. That’s how powerful our senior is.” Kazuya was amazed at it and no wonder many worship and loved that guy.

“Many were grateful for his advices Kazuya and most of the time; it always works out with what happens to his clients in the end. However, no matter what the consequence you will get in the end, you have to be prepared for it.” Kazuya bit his lip at that. “If you really don’t want to humiliate yourself in front of Jin, I suggest you go to this guy first and he’ll teach you what you need. I’m just not sure what methods he’s gonna use though.” Koki said and Maru agreed.

“I…I don’t know how to contact him…” Kazuya whispered softly. Surprisingly, Koki passed a small sheet of paper to Kazuya where this Yabuki’s address is written on. “Don’t worry, I’ll ask a friend to let Yabuki know that you’re coming. He’ll be prepared once you come.” Koki said.

“But…but what will I say to Jin?” Kazuya asked.

“Just tell him you’ll be gone for awhile and tell him not to worry,” Maru replied. Kazuya, still unsure, looked down and stared at the small sheet of paper in his hands.

“Go Kazu, do it for the sake of your relationship with Jin,”

And with that, Kazuya made up his mind of going in the end.

Kazuya shook his head at what happened during their conversation. Once he turned his head to the left, he found himself standing in front of Hayato Yabuki’s house finally. He gulped as he stepped forward until he met himself in front of the wooden door.

There’s no turning back now. He thought. Just as he was about to knock, the door suddenly opened revealing a sexy female who was still wearing her school uniform. The first three buttons were undone revealing her big cleavage and whenever she turned, her really short skirt would somehow slide up revealing her lacy black underwear. The girl just smirked at Kazuya who was blushing at what he was seeing but tried hard to remain calm.

“Kazuya Kamenashi, right? Yabuki-san has been expecting you,” The girl winked as she opened the door wider to let Kazuya come in the spacious house. Kazuya entered the house nervously, his bag still in hand and was surprised when one of the girls took his bag from him and another one took off his coat.

“Don’t worry Kamenashi, they’re just here to make yourself comfortable,” a husky voice was suddenly heard and Kazuya looked up to see a rather sexy god standing before him. The man in robe walked in front of Kazuya until they were standing in front of each other. It was obvious that the younger man is really nervous by the way he looks at his senior.

“Y-Yabuki-san, I’m here because…” Kazuya stopped when he felt one of the man’s strong hands reach up to his cheek and caressed it softly with his fingers.

“You really look a lot like…” Hayato whispered as he stared at Kazuya’s eyes, imagining that it was his special loved one who was looking at now. You really look a lot like…Ryu. “I beg your pardon?” Kazuya asked and the other just shook his head.

“Never mind, I know exactly why you’re here, Kamenashi.” Hayato said huskily as he got the younger man’s hand and led them to sit on the couch. The women around them just watched in curiosity while looking at Kazuya with lust as well.

“Looks like you’ve got a new pet, Haya-kun,”

“Can I play with him after you’re done?”

“He looks so innocent and pure. I want to have him first!”

Play? Pet? First? Kazuya’s mind panicked as he heard the girls’ comments about him. Hayato only chuckled at what he’s hearing and said, “Ladies, ladies. Let’s not scare our customer away, okay? Don’t worry, you can have a taste of me after I’m done with him.” He winked at each and every one of them who seemed to giggle and like it. “Now can you please give us an alone time?” And the women were off.

“Hmm,” Hayato started. “I think there’s a better place where we could talk about this.” He took Kazuya’s hand once again and led them to his big bedroom. All the while Kazuya was biting his lip and his heart was literally pounding against his chest.

Kazuya sat on the king-sized bed and waited for Hayato to come after the latter locked the door, which didn’t go unnoticed by the younger man. Why did he have to lock the door?

“Listen, Yabuki-san I-“ Kazuya’s words were suddenly cut by Hayato’s lips suddenly crushing against his. The younger one’s eyes widened at the action and tried to let go but Hayato suddenly had his arms around Kazuya’s back and pulled him closer. The older one licked Kazuya’s bottom lip making the other moan causing him to open his mouth; the older man then thrusted his tongue in without warning. He met Kazuya’s tongue and started sucking and battling with it.

Kazuya felt his lungs burn and he knew it was time to breathe so he mustered up all his strength and pushed the older man away. “Yabuki-san, what are you doing?” He asked panting, still shocked at what just happened.

“Kazuya Kamenashi, current lover and dating Jin Akanishi, am I right?” Hayato smirked as Kazuya nodded. “You’re here because you want me to help you become a good top for your boyfriend, am I correct?” And Kazuya nodded again.

“And you are aware that if you come and ask me for help, it’s going to be a hands-on activity, right?” With that statement was when Kazuya’s eyes widened. Hands-on…activity? He means… “You’re really going to do this with me, Kamenashi,”

And Kazuya didn’t know what to say anymore.

“There’s no turning back now, you know. Everyone who comes here know that once they entered this house and asked for something, they can’t change their minds or else…” Hayato leaned in and licked the younger man’s earlobe making the latter shudder in response. And that’s when Kazuya realized that he has to this now. He gulped when Hayato pulled him up and started kissing him again and he just let himself to be in the moment but at the same time still sane for what he’s doing.

“Let’s start, shall we?” Hayato whispered huskily against his mouth and the other could only nod while Kazuya’s heart was actually aching inside.

“When you want to be top, you should make your partner feel like you want to top. Be in charge, know what you really want, let your partner know that you’re going to top without saying anything but by your actions,” Hayato explained and the other nodded again as he let himself be kissed.

Hayato licked his way down to the younger man’s jaw line then his neck and stopped there. “Take my robe off, Kamenashi,” He breathed and Kazuya did as he was told. “Slowly,” The older man reminded and Kazuya nodded again as he let his hands roam around Hayato’s muscular body until it reached the knot that tied the robe together.

He inhaled the older man’s scent as he untied the knot and slowly slid the robe off Hayato’s shoulders making the latter completely nude in front of him.

Now what? Kazuya looked dumbfounded and Hayato chuckled low at this. “Lick me. Bite me. Do what you want with my body. You’re in control of me.” Hayato groaned but suddenly glared at his client when he suddenly stopped. Kazuya looked down for awhile until he looked up again and pushed his teacher towards the bed for them to lie down which shocked Hayato. “You’re feisty, you know that Kamenashi? I might even try and take you away from Akanishi.” Seeing Kazuya’s shocked expression, Hayato could only laugh and shake his head. “I’m just kidding. Now go and continue what your instincts tell you to do.”

Kazuya climbed on top of Hayato’s hot and muscular body and went down to his neck and licked and bit him there. Hayato couldn’t suppress his moans and so he did. “You’re getting good,” He moaned and ushered the younger man to continue. The latter felt proud of himself getting a comment like that from his senior.

Kazuya let his hands wander around his senior’s body and so did his tongue. He licked his way down to his chest and his eyes met Hayato’s dark nipples. He sighed heavily as he bit one of the nipples first and then pinched the other one with his fingers. This managed to get him another groan as a response from the man beneath him. He went to the other nipple and did the same and continued to lick his way down lower and lower.

“Your mouth may be doing something but you should also let your hands do something else. Multitasking is also important in this kind of situation.” Hayato said. Kazuya bit his bottom lip and continued what he’s doing.

That’s when Kazuya thought of going up again and kissed his teacher’s lips. And while doing so, he surprised the other by entering one of his right fingers inside of Hayato’s hole and using the other hand to grab the older man’s member and played with it. Hayato groaned loudly in their kiss and said, “You’re really something, Kamenashi. It’s good you’re creative.”

Kazuya smiled and mumbled a small “thank you” before proceeding down again. He let go of Hayato’s cock for awhile and also took out his finger first. “If you care about your partner’s ass for the next day, prepare him. Use lube and let your fingers play inside him.” Hayato said and Kazuya nodded. “The lube’s inside the drawer if you want to use it.” Kazuya opened the bedside drawer and indeed there were many bottles of lube present.

He got one, opened it and poured unto his fingers. He came back and inserted two fingers inside Hayato which made the latter groan which encouraged him to put another lube-filled finger inside of him. The older man’s eyes were now filled with lust like Kazuya’s and that’s when the latter remembered that he was still wearing his clothes. He swiftly took them off and so now they were both naked against each other.

“Once you can see he’s ready, just replace your fingers with your cock and go.” Hayato groaned and Kazuya bit his lip, still unsure since this is the first time he will do this. He didn’t feel the tears that were welling up in his eyes when he entered first the head of his member inside Hayato and then entered it wholly. Both men groaned at the contact and the younger man stilled for awhile, trying to get used to the narrow walls inside.

“Jin…I’m really sorry…sorry…” Kazuya choked on his own tears that he didn’t realize he was already crying. Jin’s happy smile and face appeared in his mind as he closed his eyes and started to rock inside of Hayato’s hole.

Hayato groaned in the feeling of the younger man inside him and rocking him. He also rocked his hips and got into a rhythm with his partner. “While you’re doing this, you can grab hold of your partner’s cock and pump him at the same rhythm you’re rocking.” He managed to tell while moaning as well.

Kazuya did so and grabbed hold of Hayato’s member and pumped it. It was hard at first to match it with the rhythm they were going at but eventually he did. They continued rocking and pumping until Kazuya came inside Hayato’s hole and after awhile, his senior came in his hands.

The younger man fell hard on top of Hayato, both of them panting heavily. There were still traces of tears in Kazuya’s eyes and that’s when Hayato noticed it. “You’re the one who topped, you shouldn’t be the one who’s hurt.” He said while Kazuya shook his head and said, “It’s for another reason.” He choked in his words again and tried to muster up his remaining strength and pulled out of the older man, stood up from the bed, gathered up his clothes and dressed up.

He felt bad. He felt like a cheater. He felt like the worst lover in the world and he would really be surprised if Jin still forgives him after this.

“T-Thank you, Yabuki-san for giving your time, I-I should be going now…” Just as he was about to go, Kazuya heard his senior warn, “Expose me and you’re dead, Kamenashi.” With that he went outside the room and outside the house.

“He really looks like Ryu…” Hayato sighed in bed as he thought about the only person who can make his heart beat fast and who beats all the women that is around him. If only he’s like the other women or men who want him badly, if only he could confess to him...

“…if only you’re mine, Ryu, I’d give up this profession and give up everything just to make you mine,” Hayato thought sadly. However, he never really knew that the person he’s thinking of has the same thoughts about him too.


Ryu Odagiri was walking around when he found himself stop in front of his best friend’s house, Hayato Yabuki’s house. He never really knew how he ended up here. He shrugged and smiled and was excited to go inside. And just as he was about to, a man who looks like him just came out in tears. The latter didn’t notice him so they bumped against each other and Kazuya still looked so sad.

“I-I’m sorry…” Kazuya bowed and ran away.

Ryu watched the younger man run away and frowned sadly. “It must be another one of Hayato’s clients, I suppose…” He sighed and changed his mind as he turned away from Hayato’s house.

“If only he can stick to one person, if only he can stop his job, if only he could let me love him even if he can’t love me, I’d really be the happiest man in the world,” Ryu thought and walked away.


What have I done?


Author’s Notes: Cool. My sister made pizza. :D I’m hungry~ Pizza, pizza! Wait for me~

*ahem* SO, what do you guys think? :D Comments please~ And I don’t know which one’s better, this version or the uke version? Hmm… for those who have already read the uke version, which one do you think is better? :D

Part 2’s halfway done so this fic will be done in a jiffy~ Oh and by the way, I’ll really accept if you throw all your rotten tomatoes at me for not updating my other fics for awhile. ^^;; Ahehehehehe.

Comments are always ♥!

fic: multi-chaptered, genre: romance, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, genre: angst, fic: teaching a new turtle, group: kat-tun, pairing: akame

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