Round 2 Sign-Ups!

Feb 06, 2007 17:10

To sign-up for the challenge please leave your user name, please read the rules first, located at the user info. Sign-ups will be up until [February 21st] when the first round's entries are due/voting is put up. However, the first round will be posted 5 days sooner. and if you're wondering why if you signed up you're not on the list and people after you got accepted, please just read the info to find the special phrase to insert in the comment somewhere.

1. mariarita
2. freelancer-47
3. -euphory
4. kisuncha
5. madme
6. ppparasols
7. smelltheflowers
8. istalksnape
9. whatsername-gd
10. misses-turner
11. x-devilxchild-x
12. xg3n
13. thefalloficarus
14. mad_croonage
15. carwash_r0mance

sign-up, round 2

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