Title: Thirty-One Adventure Time Icons (Slumber Party Panic and DVD Covers) Fandom/Characters: Adventure Time. Finn and various AT characters Rating: G Media: Icons AN:
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Title: Steve and Tony Hugging and Kissing icons Fandom/Characters: The Avengers (movieverse) Steve/Tony Rating: G Media: Icons Made for my Fluff avengers prompt table Prompts: Kissing and Hugging
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Yearning for Home (fanart and icons). Claim: Castiel. Theme table 01.
Title: Yearning for Home Author: love_jackianto Character(s)/Pairing: Theme: Theme 01: Elemental Prompt(s): Yearn Rating: G Disclaimer: Don't Own. Summary: Fanart and icons Warnings/Author Notes: (optional) Feel free to take icons, just comment and credit.
Summary: To cope with the directing on the set of Stonehenge Apocalypse, Misha and his new best friend Hill, spend their nights drinking and trying to forget the fact that they're on
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