Title: Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Flower Power
Characters: Dief, Fraser and RayK.
Rating: G
AN: This was inspired by a comment
roadrunner1896 made about how Dief might have gotten his
dog-sized Mountie costume. Thanks again for the idea.
Ray always thought dogs getting credit cards through the mail was an urban legend. )
Comments 17
This is adorable, and I love how you got Dief's expressions.
Also, Doogle is great.
Me too. I love that little piece of canon because on any other show it would be really weird, but on Due South it's pretty normal.
'This is adorable, and I love how you got Dief's expressions.
Also, Doogle is great.'
(The comment has been removed)
'Oh, and are my eyes deceiving me or did Dief buy a couple of apple trees for Turtle?'
He did. Turtle loves fresh fruit and Ray refuses to go to the Farmer's Market after what Ray likes to call The Cucumber Incident.
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