It's Mommy time

Feb 27, 2010 18:51

Wooooo-hooooo! The kid's in bed early! Time to get some fic writing done : )

Twenty-nine hours, ten minutes and counting....


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Comments 21

ancholia February 28 2010, 17:03:25 UTC
Yay to kiddies sleeping earlier, lol! I hope you've been able to write a lot.


love_is_epic March 1 2010, 03:50:13 UTC
Thanks!! I was about to write about 1700 words. It wasn't enough to finish but that was going to be a stretch anyway : ) I'm happy with my progress : )


scarlett2u March 1 2010, 00:30:22 UTC
Do you need muse food? Someone to do the laundry and/or dishes? Say the word!

Go, muse, go!


love_is_epic March 1 2010, 03:52:17 UTC
What?!? All I heard was someone to do laundry and dishes.... Hee!

Thanks! Got about 1700 words : ) Oh, and I started a sequel/companion piece to Whisper of You It came right out of the blue : ) I wrote about 600 words on that.


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