Dec 23, 2011 12:52

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Re: Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun | Slayers | Open divine_streak December 23 2011, 22:30:20 UTC
(OOC: I'll tag our ongoing thread hopefully later tonight. I'm in the mood for something simple and light-hearted right now.)

[Amelia will find a rather large box on her doorstep. Attatched to the box she'll find a tag that reads, "Obedient pet needs a good master. Be careful unwrapping him."

If she listens, she might hear a soft moan from inside the box.]


healsforjustice December 23 2011, 23:47:19 UTC
[Needless to say, Amelia was rather confused as she read the tag, looking down at the box suspiciously.]

'Pet'? What is...

[However, she stopped mid-sentence as she heard the moan, her worst fears for the situation all but confirmed. She didn't waste time dragging the package into her room, closing the door before all but ripping the lid open. Her eyes widened, as even though it was hard to see, there was no mistaking the person inside the large parcel.]

Flynn?! What are you...are you okay?! Hold on, I'll help you out of there!

[Scrambling around the the side of the box, she managed to reach in and gently hoist the night out and on to the floor, hoping to see just what the hotel had done. Well, this was certainly an odd role reversal considering how they had first met.]

[ooc: No worries, it's good to have some fun stuff like this just before Christmas comes.~]


divine_streak December 24 2011, 07:11:57 UTC

[Flynn looked up at her with sleepy eyes, having just awoken from a dream. A very pleasant dream if his erection is anything to go by. Flynn is completely naked, save for some blue ribbons that effectively bind and gag him. Around his neck are two things. One is a matching blue collar, strapped comfortably but snugly around his neck. The other is a second note, that reads as follows.]

'Greetings Princess,

The drugs we used to knock out our dear knight should be wearing off soon. Since you don't seem to be very dominant, we've decided to give you some help and volunteered Flynn. Don't worry, we know he won't mind. He's very taken with you after all.

The collar that the gallant Flynn is wearing can only be removed after he orgasms. Until the collar is off, Flynn will be required to obey every order or request you make. The ribbons can be unbound at any time, but why hurry in releasing him?



healsforjustice December 24 2011, 21:42:46 UTC
[It was rather difficult to miss the aroused state Flynn was in, but she chose to ignore it regardless. The bigger issue was how in the world the knight had ended up tied and gagged as an offering. Noticing the tag on the collar, she quickly tugged it off, reading the contents.]

[It did enlighten her, but it also made Amelia flush with both embarrassment and annoyance. For one, she really didn't want to think on how the hotel was interpreting her relationship with Flynn. Of course, the more troubling matter was that, once again, sex was apparently the answer. She certainly didn't think it wise to let him keep that collar on.]

[At the very least she could remove the ribbon stopping him from speaking just now, and the rest once she had spoken to him, as she gently shook his shoulder to bring him around. Even if there was only one solution, she wasn't about to act without his consent.]

Sir Flynn? Can you hear me? Are you okay?


divine_streak December 25 2011, 07:06:38 UTC

[Flynn breathed as his mouth was freed and shook his head in an effort to banish the sleepyness from his head.]

I'm... fine, but I feel.. strange. Amelia, how did I get here, and why am I tied up?


healsforjustice December 25 2011, 09:10:01 UTC
[As she heard the question, Amelia had to inwardly scoff at the note saying how Flynn wouldn't mind this. They hadn't even asked him! They certainly assumed a lot to justify their actions.]

I'm afraid the hotel decided to offer you up as a gift of sorts. [Frowning, she held up the note for him to read, face heating up as she explained things.] I will untie you, but...I'll have to do more to get rid of that obedience collar.


divine_streak December 26 2011, 04:24:26 UTC
[Flynn's eyes widened as he read the note, before narrowing in annoyance. While he was at first startled by the fact that the note referred to her as Princess, he quickly dismissed it as the hotel jokingly referring to the delusion that the two of them had shared earlier that month.]

It's insane that I'm not surprised by things like this any more.

[He sighed before turning his gaze to Amelia and giving her a gentle smile.]

The hotel presumes much, but there's one thing they're right about. If it's you, then I don't mind. I trust you Amelia. We've been through too much in this place for that not to be the case. Besides, when we first met, you gave your trust to me when I was simply a stranger who you had every reason to distrust. I wouldn't deserve the title of knight if I didn't offer you the same courtesy.

[He smiled at her as a blush came over him.]

You have my permission to do whatevr you like.


healsforjustice December 26 2011, 07:23:04 UTC
[Huh, that was right, Flynn didn'y know her of her royal status, a fact Amelia didn't really consider an issue. It was one of those things she didn't really bring up unless necessary, or if someone enquired about her home, as she would never lie about the matter.]

[In any case, it wasn't that important right now. Her attention was directed towards the knight entirely. She couldn't help but blush a bit as well as he spoke, trying not to let her mind wander to just how heavy those words were. Of course, even in this sort of situation, Amelia would put him first regardless.]

You're the one in this predicament, so I would appreciate if you told me what you want, what you'd enjoy. At the very least, I want this to be good for you.

[She smiled shyly as she spoke, shifting to lean over him, nuzzling his cheek as she reached down to untie him, naturally being aware of any enjoyment Flynn got for being bound. Of course, with that collar on, and her request, it might not be too long before it came out.]


divine_streak December 28 2011, 01:11:09 UTC
[Indeed, with his collar on, the request was taken as an order, and before Flynn could stop himself he was speaking.]

Then... could you please leave me tied up? I find it embarassing but... I take enjoyment from situations like this in which I'm bound.

[Flynn's eyes widened in shock as he said that, and he averted his gaze as he turned bright red.]

For-forgive me. The collar, took what you said as a command. It forced me to say what I really wanted, regardless of whether it was apropriate or not.


healsforjustice December 28 2011, 01:28:16 UTC
[Her hands were just about to tug the knots loose when his words made her pause. There was certainly a degree of surprise on her features at that, but she withdrew all the same, shaking her head lightly.]

If that's what you wish, it's fine. Don't worry about it.

[While having been in such a position a few times, she could at least understand the appeal, as someone was kind enough to explain it to her. So, she wouldn't judge Flynn on it. If it made him happy, she was quite content to go through with this, with him tied up.]

[Gently placing her hand on his cheek, she turned him back to face her, giving him a chaste but affectionate kiss on the lips. Pulling back, she smiled warmly at the knight, pressing up against him in a tender manner, simply wanting to be close.] You are free to ask for whatever you like, okay?

[And because of how Amelia was, Flynn could be sure she meant just about anything was okay; she would make the most of this, try to avoid giving orders, and focus on making the whole business of the hotel putting him in ( ... )


divine_streak December 28 2011, 08:49:24 UTC
[He smiled gratefully at her but was still blushing as she drew closer. And of course she had to give that other order. Maybe she hadn't intended it to be one, but the collar didn't care.]

I... I would like to feel your breasts... around my... my...

[OKAY, not even the collar could make Flynn finish that sentence. Flynn hoped that Amelia would be able to put two and two together based on how furiously he had started blushing and how his head was starting to tilt away again. However he regained his composure enought to look her in the eye.]

There is one other thing. I want you to feel free to do as you wish. I was given to you as a present, a pet, for you to do with as you wish. I was not asked permission, and I would never do this under my own initiative but... I would be lying if I said I do not find the idea appealing. In a temporary capacity atleast.

I would never force you to act outside of your comfort zone, but I want you to know that you are free to do as you wish as well.


healsforjustice December 28 2011, 11:09:19 UTC
[Oh dear, she would really have to watch how she phrased things while doing this. Amelia wasn't naturally bossy, so she didn't like the idea of forcing Flynn to do anything against his will. It was going to be a tricky task, but hopefully as they progressed they would be less inclined to speaking much anyway.]

[Luckily for the knight, Amelia somehow caught on to what he was asking for, flushing but nodding all the same. Of course, before anything more can happen, she hears Flynn speak. Once again, she found herself rather surprised in knowing he wasn't to object to the situation, even if she did act more dominant. Smiling at him, she embraced the young man, wanting to show her appreciation for his kindness.]

I know you wouldn't. I'm just not really good at this sort of thing. Still, I'm sure we can work this out so we'll both enjoy it. I think that would make both of us happy, hopefully. Honestly, I'll get just as much out of this knowing I'm pleasing you as well as myself, so...

[Drawing back a bit, Amelia slowly opened up her top ( ... )


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