Nov 04, 2011 03:57

meme It wasn't the best Halloween this time around, was it? There weren't enough costumes, not nearly enough candy and even ghosts seemed intent on hiding in their tombs. And now that the date has already passed, there's no other choice than to sigh, move on and hope the next year turns out better. Right?
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3, and you can roll too if you'd like bluespring November 4 2011, 19:13:03 UTC
[Karen is leaning against a wall, hands clamped over her mouth in an attempt to stay quiet and not draw attention to herself, and taking deep breaths to try to calm herself down. Naturally, she is being entirely unsuccessful in both of these endeavors--the candy has made her body so sensitive that just breathing makes her feel like she's about to come.

She's preoccupied with her situation, and doesn't seem to have noticed she isn't alone.]


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 00:05:59 UTC
[Unfortunately for Karen, Amelia's default on rounding the corner and spotting the other girl was to approach, clearly concerned. She was fairly certain she looked familiar, probably from one of the hotel's previous setups, but questions could come later. Right now, her priority was to gently reach out and touch the other girls shoulder.]

Are you alright?


bluespring November 5 2011, 00:47:03 UTC
[It turns out her feeling was right, and this contact proves to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Karen cries out, her hands muffling her voice but not enough to disguise what's happening, the vibrations from the sound just pushing her even harder and carrying her through her orgasm.

Her hands fall, and as she struggles to catch her breath, she finally regains awareness of her surroundings. Vague recognition sets in for her, too, but she has other priorities.] Please... to room... naked... [Lying on a bed with no clothes on, she might be able to recover. It's only a theory, but it's all she's got.]


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 01:01:03 UTC
[The moment she heard that cry, Amelia's hand instantly drew back, fearing she had done something wrong, or worse, hurt the other girl. However, the longer she looked, and on hearing that fragmented sentence, it seemed that wasn't the case thankfully.]

[Even so, she still had to blush on hearing the request, only able to nod. It wouldn't be right to leave Karen here, and hopefully it would help to do as she asked. While weary of touching her again, Amelia knew it would make matters much easier. After a brief pause, she carefully grasped the young womans shoulder, hurrying her along and into the nearest vacant room, shutting the door behind them.]

Well, you should be able, sort of this problem easier here.


bluespring November 5 2011, 01:45:35 UTC
[A grateful nod. Karen had tried to reach this same room before, but walking had been too much for her--this time, thanks to Amelia's guidance, she makes it inside and manages to collapse onto the bed. Stripping is a bit of a challenge, though. She gets her shirt unbuttoned, but trying to remove it means dragging large sheets of fabric across her skin, and Amelia gets treated to the unmuffled version of that cry from earlier as Karen comes for the second time in as many minutes. She didn't even know she could climax that fast, but apparently the hotel says she can.

She gives Amelia a plaintive look. Karen isn't sure what she wants Amelia to do now, but it's clear she's not getting anywhere on her own.]


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 11:41:14 UTC
[For the moment, Amelia thought it best to keep her distance, her face flushing more the louder those cries became. She averted her eyes, for the others girl's privacy as much as her embarrassment, only to catch sight of the look being given in her direction.]

[Of course, she is unable to simply stand by when someone else needs help. Taking a deep breath, she approached the bed, settling down beside Karen. Her hands hovering over the remaining garments she wore, wanting to be sure that this was alright first before proceeding.]

Just let me know what you need me to do, okay?


bluespring November 5 2011, 16:27:44 UTC
[Karen nodded, fighting back her urge to moan at the confusingly erotic sensation of... the back of her head brushing against the sheets. Man, this was weird. She felt very fortunate to have been found by someone willing to help her--more than a few people she knew would have immediately set about making things as much worse as possible--and seeing Amelia's discomfort makes her feel as if she's taking advantage of her poor rescuer.

Fortunately, with her clothes partially removed, she wasn't quite as bad off as before, and could at least speak well enough to respond.]

I can get the skirt. Socks, bra, and panties will be too much. I'll lose my concentration before they're off. Just take them, and don't worry about my reaction.

...I'm Karen Minazuki.


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 17:52:07 UTC
[While still very much weary of what needed to be done, Amelia knew she had to swallow any concerns, and do what was requested in order to help Karen. Shifting back to give the other girl some room to take care of the skirt, she carefully began to remove the socks, trying not to allow unnecessary contact.]

Alright, if you're sure. [On hearing the name, she stopped a moment, looking up at her in recognition, before offering a small smile of reassurance.] It's nice to meet you again Miss Karen. I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, if you recall.


bluespring November 5 2011, 22:50:22 UTC
[Amelia's putting a lot of thought into what she's doing, Karen can tell. That's good, because adding a second participant makes the sensation much more intense. Amelia's sudden stop helps, though. Maybe that's the best plan, going a little at a time, then stopping so she can settle back down...

"Again"? Karen's confused for a moment, but even in this sort of situation, her memory is sharp.] --Oh! Amelia-san. I remember you. I... [Huh. She seems to have already reached the maximum possible level of embarrassment. That's the only reason that she isn't far too embarrassed to make this next comment.] I don't mind this if it's you.


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 23:28:36 UTC
[Whatever it took to make this as easy for Karen as possible, Amelia would comply with. Even so, that sudden trust did make her smile a bit. Somehow she doubted it was just for convenience sake, so she would have to be sure that the other girl's faith was justified.]

Then I promise to be very careful. [Turning her attention back to the clothes, she eased one of the socks off her foot, soon followed by the other, trying to be efficient, but not hasty. Putting them to the side, she paused to let her companion work on the skirt, moving behind her to prepare to deal with the bra.]


bluespring November 7 2011, 03:15:59 UTC
[Well, there were two levels of trust here. Karen believed Amelia wouldn't do anything untoward to her in this vulnerable state, but she also believed that, if she did prove unable to resist taking advantage of her, it would probably be in a way she'd find acceptable. Amelia might have been less happy to hear that explanation, though.]

[With the skirt gone, Karen very carefully sat up. This was going to be the hard part, as there was basically no way to get her bra off without brushing her skin with fingers at least a little.]


healsforjustice November 7 2011, 13:44:18 UTC
[All things considered, with the way things did work out in the hotel, she could understand that logic, and wouldn't feel bitter. What mattered what that Karen did hold her in enough trust with her regardless, and Amelia felt obligated to show she was worthy of than in helping the other girl.]

[Pausing a moment, Amelia gently laid her hands on her companions back, carefully opening the clasps and pulling them apart, slowly easing the material back so the straps slipped off Karen's shoulders. Taking each one in between her fingers, she softly tugged them down and off her arms, discarding the garment before giving the other girl a chance to relax again before dealing with the underwear that remained.]


bluespring November 8 2011, 02:23:32 UTC
[Karen will need that chance to relax. She really appreciates the effort, but this was an impossible mission from the start. Amelia's hands feel like fire, warm and igniting desire within her, and she spends that last step consumed by another orgasm. She starts to fall back afterward; she has decent stamina, but this is just way too much.

Last but not least, her panties. By now they're soaked through and kind of gross.]


healsforjustice November 8 2011, 19:20:12 UTC
[Moving back around to the front of Karen, Amelia carefully hooked her fingers through the sides of the underwear. Seeing how badly this whole thing had affected the girl made her flush a bit, but she willed herself to not get distracted. This was hard enough for her companion as it was, no need to make her feel more vulnerable.]

[Gently, Amelia tugged the panties down her legs, tossing them aside once they were off. Looking back at the other girl, she sighed, waiting just in case the young woman needed her to do anything else.] There, all done. Will you be alright now?


observe my incredible lateness! bluespring November 30 2011, 23:43:51 UTC
I'm fine. Thank you. I owe you one.

[Karen is not actually fine and it's probably obvious from how she's breathing, but she's a lot closer to it now than she was out in the hallway, and she's pretty sure she can handle it from here (provided that nobody comes in and takes advantage of her, but if she asked Amelia to guard her, the hotel would probably take that as a challenge). She could ask Amelia to stay and "help" her, but honestly she feels like she's asked too much from her already.]


Tis okay~ <3 healsforjustice December 1 2011, 17:17:28 UTC
Don't be silly, you don't owe me anything. I'm just glad I could help.

[Chewing her lip thoughtfully, Amelia tried to assess the best course of action. The obvious dangers of leaving Karen alone had crossed her mind, as well as the ones that might come if she stayed. Still, it was a choice between leaving the girl to fend for herself, or to risk it and keep her safe until this wore off. Considering Amelia's personality, she knew which she'd prefer, but it was her companion's choice to make.]

Are you sure you want to be left here on your own? The way things are here, you might end up in worse trouble.


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