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Plus a male, because why not, haha towersandragons November 3 2011, 15:31:20 UTC
In truth, Kain didn't want to go out. The Hotel isn't his favorite place to be, to begin with, and secondly, he feels he's entirely too old to be playing dress-up. So why he put on the casual suit and fedora anyway is still beyond him, really, yet there he is, walking down corridors with a mob of other bizarrely dressed people, toting some sort of... weapon, is it? He goes with them to every door, but never takes any candy.

The same happens when his gaggle of fellow hotel residents head to what they all seem to agree is their last stop for the night before going their separate ways. Kain can't help but be relieved as they all shout to the green-eyed brunet who answers the door. The holy dragoon lets them all go ahead of him again to receive their treats, but when it's his turn, he simply begins to walk away, just like he has before at every other stop.


Wow, first time Spain's tagged by a guy outside of Prussia lol si_espana November 4 2011, 03:50:01 UTC
It's been a good night and Spain is in a good mood. Not that he isn't usually in a good mood, but tonight's been a lot of fun and he's met many new people. He's almost out of candy though, so he's also a bit relieved that the night is winding down. He rather liked being able to give away candy and he'd hate to disappoint someone who comes up to him and he doesn't have any to give.

He's down to three lollipops and he smiles up at the last person to come by, a blond in a mafiosi costume if he isn't mistaken. "Happy Hallowee--" And he blinks curiously when the man just turns away without even taking one piece. Well, that's a bit strange.

"Excuse me?" He calls out to the man politely to catch his attention.


8D And so I claim this land in the name of Final Fantasy! lmao towersandragons November 4 2011, 15:23:04 UTC
Kain stops when he hears the accented voice that greeted the crowd of trick-or-treaters again and turns back a little to look coolly at the other man in question. Then suddenly he realizes his demeanor is less than friendly and he about-faces properly before taking the few steps back to the hotel room door. The tall blonde doesn't smile, but he speaks softly, knowing his rich, deep voice can intimidate even when he doesn't mean it to, "What is it?"


/is claimed lol si_espana November 5 2011, 01:50:22 UTC
It seems that Spain doesn't even register how intimidating Kain is. He continues to smile in that welcoming way he does and holds out the bowl that contained three lollipops.

"You didn't take your treat." He tells the tall blond and waits for him to reach in and take at least one of the offered sweets. "Happy Halloween!"


towersandragons November 6 2011, 00:17:34 UTC
The dragoon quirks a brow and looks down into the bowl. "I'm not very... keen on sweets," he answers. "I only came out to watch, truly.

Kain returns his gaze to the other man, then bluntly asks what has been on his mind all evening, "Why is there an official holiday for darkness and evil?"


si_espana November 6 2011, 02:36:31 UTC
"Oh." Spain should have thought about that. Maybe he should have had some savory food too, just in case people like this blond man comes around. He'll have to remember that for next year. Maybe he'll make little empanadas or something.

He's distracted from his future Halloween plans when he gets asked a question. "Hm? Oh, I don't think it's really an official holiday for darkness and evil! At least I know it didn't start off that way." The Iberian Nation answers with his usual cheerful smile. "It used to be about a day for warding off evil spirits and the like. From where I'm from, it's also a day to honor the dead. I don't really know how it ended up like this." He ends his short explanation with a slight tweak at his werewolf ears.


ajkhfkdjsf Empanadas~ ; ; towersandragons November 6 2011, 08:04:40 UTC
That bright, sunny expression on the other man's face while he gives Kain the history lesson reminds the dragon knight of someone he knows rather well. It takes him all of an extra minute to realize that the person he reminds him of is his best friend. That warms the typically aloof soldier to the green-eyed stranger almost immediately and he reaches out to lightly jab his left index finger against the man's false animal features.

"Did you always use wolf ears to ward off evil?" he asks, though a corner of his lips curves upwards subtly in amusement. As someone who spent the better part of his youth battling his own inner darkness, Kain appreciates the sentiment of the tradition, even if it seems to have become a little warped by now. He's especially fond of the idea of setting a day aside to honor the dead.


They are yummy ;w; si_espana November 6 2011, 13:46:10 UTC
Any other person might have concerns about personal space, but Spain isn't one of those people. If anything, he enjoys physical contact and doesn't complain or draw back when the still unknown man reaches out to touch his fake ears. He even leans his head a bit to make the task much easier for him and matches that subtle smile with a wider, more obvious one.

"Of course not! We use holy water, crosses and prayers." He answers a bit seriously despite the smile on his face. A golden cross gleams discretely along what little is visible of his chest as if to prove a point. "Inglaterra says something about pumpkins and other vegetables with faces too, but I don't know if they actually work."

Chattering, it's something that Spain is very good at.


They aaaaaare! XD towersandragons November 7 2011, 07:34:22 UTC
Which is just as well, as Kain isn't very good at talking, but he is a great listener and, amazingly, he actually recognizes the terms that the brunet speaks of as protecting against evil. They do the same thing in his world as well, though he never put much thought into what they mean until more recently in his life. The cross the other man wears does catch his blue-eyed gaze and Kain makes a quick, deep chuckle in his throat before he removes the hat on his head.

"That would be related to this jack o' lantern tradition, would it?" he asked. He didn't touch the green-eyed man again, but he found his friendliness comforting. "Is Inglaterra a friend of yours? Someone you've met here ( ... )


Yep! X3 si_espana November 7 2011, 10:22:53 UTC
"I think so, yes." The question about England makes him look curiously at the blond stranger. Oh yes, he hasn't even introduced himself. He'll do that as soon as he could! "Inglaterra? Hm, well, I don't know if you could call us friends..."

Spain's history with Inglaterra, England, is very complicated. For centuries, they have fought and warred, brewing grudges and hate between them. And yet no matter how much they bled and struggled, they just couldn't seem to stay away. There's just always that odd and twisted push and pull between them and for a long time, Spain has had complicated feelings for the Island Nation who has taken so much from him. That's in the past, however, and nowadays he and England are mostly civil. They can actually talk pleasantly without coming into blows now. Is that considered friendship? Spain isn't ever really sure ( ... )


towersandragons November 7 2011, 16:17:58 UTC
Kain is intrigued by the answer he receives, but out of consideration for the other man, he resists the urge to question him further about it. The dragoon himself is a rather private man; it doesn't do well for him to pry into the lives of others, he's always tried to believe. Of course, that does become difficult a value to reconcile with his inherit possessive streak, but he does the best he can.

He seems surprised when the other man introduces himself. Right. Manners. He's forgotten a lot of them living alone for so long outside of human company, it seems. He shakes and gives his name, "Kain. I apologize for my rudeness." And then he leaves it at that, no explanation given.


si_espana November 7 2011, 16:29:46 UTC
If Kain ever decides to ask him about such things, perhaps Spain can entertain such questions. Perhaps over some drinks. Yes, that type of social lubrication will make talking of these things easier. Maybe sometime they can do that. The Hotel provides such amenities so it wouldn't be a problem. It would just be a question of when and where.

"It's all right. I think we're both a bit preoccupied anyway." Spain answers with no fuss and a firm handshake.


towersandragons November 7 2011, 17:54:58 UTC
The dragoon concedes to that with the slightest of nods before an idea strikes him.

"Do you have plans for the rest of the night?" Kain asks. When he was younger, he would not have thought seriously about making a proposition to one he just met, but with his growth in character, he's learning to gradually come back out of the hard outer shell that built up around him long ago. Though an individual who not only has eagerly sought to be alone before and, indeed, requires time in the company of no one but himself occasionally, the last thing he wants at the moment is to go back to his room and be subjected to the telltale sounds of other people be the furthest thing from alone.

Sometimes the walls of this hotel were despicably thin. Kain has taken to the other man with surprising ease, so what would be the harm of asking for company tonight? Perhaps he will hear more about the things that Antonio knows about the holiday's origins and about InglaterraIt also helps that Kain finds Spain's boyish charm ridiculously endearing and likes the ( ... )


si_espana November 8 2011, 00:44:27 UTC
Spain looks down at the bowl in his hands. Almost empty. His plate of pumpkin cookies has also emptied itself earlier that night. It would be easy enough to give away the candy and well, he's still dressed in his costume. The night's still young and really, it would be fun to hang around with his costume for a bit more. He's enjoying his ears quite a lot.

He shakes his head at Kain's question, those ears swaying gently with the movement. "Not really, no. Do you have something in mind?" He and Kain are getting along pretty well and he finds himself curious about his new, quiet friend. He'd love to spend more time with him and get to know him better.


towersandragons November 8 2011, 12:40:00 UTC
Kain pauses briefly, considering their options. In this place, everything is designed to move people towards one specific goal, so the dragoon, though not opposed to the idea of it eventually, really is hesitant to suggest they find an interesting room to visit for fear of coming off as lecherous.

"I suppose that depends on how brave you feel," he answers honestly. "Exploring is always an option, however... I believe you're aware of the Hotel's intents. I don't wish to offend you or cause you discontent."


si_espana November 8 2011, 13:11:03 UTC
Kain's words resonate to him and Spain finds himself appreciating him more. It's rare to find a person in the Hotel who will actually speak the bare facts like that. While the Iberian Nation may be aware of the circumstances, despite how easygoing and oblivious he seems, it's nice how Kain is careful and considerate of him.

"Thank you, Kain," The Spaniard says with a sincere smile. This smile is less bright than his usual one, though probably more poignant. It's obvious in his smile that Kain has not only gained his interest, but also his genuine fondness and respect. "But I think I'll be all right. Exploring is a good idea, I think."

If things end up more... intimate than with how they started, Spain can't say he would really mind. As mentioned, he likes Kain already and well, he's definitely easy on the eyes.


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