Sep 03, 2011 09:06

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10 healsforjustice September 4 2011, 20:49:53 UTC
[She honestly had to wonder if there was some sense of karma at play, though more than likely, the hotel just found amusement in these little twists. Amelia wouldn't have minded so much, but this whole thing seemed a tad unfair; after all, her bunny ensemble was much more embarrassing than the one Zelgadiss had been made to wear before. Needless to say, she was a little more than flustered at being seen in the outfit.]

[ooc: Sorry about this, I clearly have no will power, since I couldn't resist. >.<]


onlysanechimera September 4 2011, 20:56:55 UTC
[He blushed brightly when he spotted her, quickly glancing away. After all, staring would probably only make matters worse.]



healsforjustice September 4 2011, 21:03:06 UTC
[While the lack of staring was a relief, it didn't do much to help calm the blood flooding to her cheeks. For the moment, all Amelia could do was stare at the floor, arms vainly attempting to cover her chest.]

H-Hello Mr Zelgadiss...


onlysanechimera September 4 2011, 21:10:53 UTC
[He rubbed the back of his neck, still not looking right at her - mostly because if he did, it would probably be a bit difficult to keep his eyes from wandering. It wasn't as if that outfit left a whole lot to the imagination.]

I, ah. I see the hotel's doing... things again.


healsforjustice September 4 2011, 21:16:55 UTC
[She nodded, rubbing her bare arms as she sighed heavily.]

Well, I wouldn't wear this if I had a choice. Still, I suppose there isn't much that can be done about it.


onlysanechimera September 4 2011, 21:46:13 UTC
Mm, I suppose not. Ah... [He shrugs off his cloak to drape it around her for a little more coverage. It's something, at least.


healsforjustice September 4 2011, 21:54:20 UTC
[It was the feeling of something being placed over her bare shoulders that finally made her look up. She stared a moment, before tugging the cloak around her more securly, fingers curling into the fabric. Tilting her head up, she managed a small smile, before planting a quick kiss on his cheek.]

Thank you Mr Zelgadiss.


onlysanechimera September 4 2011, 22:12:31 UTC
[He blushed a little, but smiled.]

Don't mention it. I could hardly leave you to wander around like that.

[His hand rested gently on her now-covered shoulder. At least now he could be with her if anyone decided to take her outfit as an invitation - not that Amelia couldn't take care of herself, of course, but Zel still felt protective.]


healsforjustice September 4 2011, 22:30:13 UTC
[She tugged the material around her further, feeling more at ease as his hand touched her shoulder, even if the large rabbit ears were still flopping around on her head as she moved. Nevertheless, she could have used a spell on anyone who tried something she didn't like. Even so, if she had known what he was thinking, she'd have thought it rather sweet.]

Well, in that case, can we go somewhere...quieter?


onlysanechimera September 5 2011, 06:05:35 UTC
Mm. Quieter we can do. One of our rooms, even, if you want. Or somewhere else if you had one in mind.

[His hand stayed on her shoulder for the moment, though he might shift to a less awkward position for moving around once they got going somewhere.]


healsforjustice September 5 2011, 06:26:09 UTC
[Still using one hand to hold the cloak in place, she nodded, turning to lead him down the hallway. Due to the outfit given to her, thankfully she hadn't wandered that far away from her room, just in case she needed to evade some of the more unsavoury hotel residents.]

Mine isn't that far away, and I'd rather avoid any more people staring at me in this costume.


onlysanechimera September 5 2011, 07:26:26 UTC
Of course. Let's go there, then.

[Of course, he said this as they were already walking in what he presumed to be that general direction. Still, it felt important to give her at least some acknowledgement.]


healsforjustice September 5 2011, 07:36:54 UTC
[Fortunately they were able to reach the room without further incident. Once the door was open, Amelia let Zel inside, unsure if he wished to stay for a bit longer.]

Thanks again for helping me Mr Zelgadiss. [Her fingers toyed with the the cloak, debating whether not to give it back to him now or not.]


onlysanechimera September 5 2011, 07:44:03 UTC
I keep telling you you don't need to thank me.

[He sighs and smiles at her anyway. It's nice to be appreciated, after all, even if all the thanking embarrasses him a little.


healsforjustice September 5 2011, 07:52:30 UTC
Maybe not, but I want to anyway.

[Smiling back at him, she decides to remove the cloak; he'd seen her less after all, and she didn't really mind if Zelgadiss saw her like this as much. Even so, she was still somewhat unaware of herself, her movements as she turned to shut the door over giving the chimera a decent view of the fluffy cotton tail attached the the rear of her costume.]


onlysanechimera September 5 2011, 08:31:56 UTC
[That tail did rather draw the eye, didn't it? Zel flushed and looked away when he realized where his eyes had gone, though, and if she looked back at him before he managed to recover she probably wouldn't have much trouble figuring it out.]


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