Aug 12, 2011 09:17

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onewithwater August 15 2011, 11:20:25 UTC
[Marie wasn't one for parties. Especially one with masks. It seemed, though, that this time was different as she was now sporting a simple white half mask and a somewhat fancy blue gown. In her attempt to ignore everyone, she'd accidentally found herself lost... and just slightly tipsy from a drink she accidentally took up. In her wanderings, she found Amelia, a smile crossing her face as she did. She approached her, laying forward on the railing.]

'Ello. Nice night, huh?


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:04:24 UTC
[Blinking as she turned her head, it took a moment for the princess to realize the stranger was addressing her, suddenly aware of the other girl standing near. Regardless, she smiled in a friendly manner, nodding in agreement.]

Yes, it is. Are you enjoying yourself?


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:07:36 UTC
[Marie nodded, returning the smile.]

I am. I take it you are, too?


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:12:29 UTC
Mhmm, it certainly is different than anything I've seen back home. [She admored the view of the boats going by under the bridge a moment, before realizing she hadn't introduced herself.]

My name's Amelia by the way, what's yours?


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:14:27 UTC
It's Marie. A pleasure to meet you, Amelia. [she looks over to what Amelia is looking at, curious]

You like the view here, huh? I don't blame you - it's nice.


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:21:15 UTC
Likewise Miss Marie. [Smiling back warmly, Amelia nods in reply, taking in the view below, the lights from above leaving glowing reflections in the water.]

I do, it's really pretty. I didn't think you could run rivers and canals through a City like this.


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:26:02 UTC
You can. I've seen some before, though I've never seen it like this before. [She moves closer to Amelia, just enough that their arms are touching]

It's sort of relaxing. Like you could get lost in it all...


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:34:23 UTC
Well it must take a lot of work to maintain. It is nice seeing it from up here. Still, you wouldn't want to get so lost you'd fall in. [She giggled softly, not minding the closeness, still smiling warmly as they watched the waters below the bridge.]


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:37:09 UTC
[Marie can't help but laugh at that. Tempting though, it is, but not towards someone like her.]

That wouldn't be good at all. Especially with someone as cute as you. [she giggles a bit, letting her hand reach over and lightly squeeze Amelia's before pulling away] S-Sorry...


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:45:27 UTC
[It was probably for the best, at the moment at least. On more than one occassion, Amelia had been washed away by a river or the ocean, so it was a bit of a tentative note with her, even if she wasn't scared of water.]

[Of course the next words Marie said, as well as the touch to her hand, made the girl instantly forget her previous thoughts. She could tell even with her face covered that she was blushing, but still smiled at Marie. After all, her new aquaintance shouldn't feel bad when she hadn't done anything wrong.] Um, th-thank you. Still you can't really know that for sure with this mask on.


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:50:01 UTC
[Despite her own mask hiding it, Marie could tell she was blushing as well. At least Amelia didn't flip out or anything.]

We could always remove them, but... wouldn't people recognize who we were? [she let a soft chuckle leave her lips as she reached up to start removing her own mask. She really didn't have much to worry about in this sense, even if the party did want you to keep the mask...]


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 13:55:02 UTC
[Amelia considered the notion a moment, watching as Marie began to remove her mask. The area had grown much quieter as they had talked, leaving the two of them alone on the bridge.]

Not if no one is around to see. [She paused another moment, before using one hand to untie the ribbons and the back of her head, before reaching up to pull the mask off entirely, smiling softly.]


onewithwater August 15 2011, 13:58:46 UTC
[Marie returned the smile as she fully removed her mask, letting it drop on the bridge below.]

See? Told you you were... [a giggle left her lips, feeling a bit more liberated now that they weren't hiding behind anything.]


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 14:03:13 UTC
[Amelia was aware her now exposed face was still rather pink in colour, but she continued grin nonetheless. A weird sense of giddiness still lingered within, leaving her to smile broadly, leaning back against the railings.]

I could say the same to you Miss Marie.


onewithwater August 15 2011, 14:07:51 UTC
[Almost impulsively, Marie's hand went up to lay on her own cheek, embarrassed over the compliment. Frankly, she shouldn't be, but she couldn't help herself.]

Thank you, Amelia... [she couldn't help but blink, though. A bit of concern crossed her face] Don't lean too much. I wouldn't want you to fall in... [true, it was highly unlikely, but at the same time, where they were...?]


healsforjustice August 15 2011, 14:26:28 UTC
[The healer didn't mind, simply looking at her in a relaxed way, not wishing to point anything out to embarrass either of them further.]

[She was about to say something when she noted the concern on the others face. Glancing down a moment, she shook her head in dismissal. If anything happened she could levitate to stop herself from falling, but that was probably a bit much to say at the moment.] Don't worry, I'll be careful.


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