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RNG gives me a 10! amblingbiker July 17 2011, 01:56:04 UTC
[Rio muttered a bit, not so fond of the girly, fancy clothes she'd been put in.]

Can't even move properly without tripping over this stuff--oh! [Whoops, way to intrude on someone's quiet moment. She makes an awkward face, then scratches the back of her head.] Ah, apologies...


We can roll with that XD healsforjustice July 17 2011, 07:29:55 UTC
[Blinking out of her serene state, Amelia turned her head to look at where the noise had come from. She gave a sympathetic look, understanding almost immediately what was going on. Her own attire at home was similar, and without practise, moving fluidly could be quite a problem.]

It's okay, do you need some help?


amblingbiker July 17 2011, 08:17:23 UTC
[Rio manages to right herself and not fall over, though she huffs in annoyance at the garments.] Not unless you got somethin' else I can change into. Nice little party, but I'm not too keen on the dress code.


healsforjustice July 17 2011, 19:31:34 UTC
Sorry, I don't. But I think I can help you out a bit. [Standing up, Amelia moves behind Rio, inspecting the dress. As she guessed, it was similiar to the ones she wore in Seyruun. Without a word she tugged out one of the decorative ribbons, and begun to tug at the material.]

I'm just going to make a few adjustments that should make it easier for you to move. [Somehow that seemed to have a double meaning Amelia couldn't place as she fastened things back in place, the skirt now not trailing the ground, the excess tied tight around the waist. Mind you, the princess kept wondering how much more of the others girls legs she could show off with this excuse; they were nice to look at.]


amblingbiker July 18 2011, 02:18:06 UTC
[Rio can't help but enjoy the closeness at the other girl - perhaps it was the scent of the flower in Amelia's hair, perhaps she was learning to open up more in her time here - perhaps both.]

[She does think Amelia's rather cute, and once she finishes adjusting Rio's dress, Rio faces her with a soft smile.] That's much better, miss - I really appreciate it.


healsforjustice July 18 2011, 11:31:50 UTC
No problem, I know that unless you're used to gowns it can be rather tricky to move around. [Really, Amelia had been wearing them all her life and she still struggled at times. Then again she tended to be a bit too dynamic when moving anyway.]

[Smiling back, the princess steps back reluctantly, deciding that there was no harm in trying to get to know the other girl better. If she was lucky, there wouldn't be too much distance between them either.] So, what's your name? I'm Amelia by the way.


amblingbiker July 19 2011, 10:55:43 UTC
You're tellin' me... [Rio looked down at herself a bit, then tried walking a bit.] Definitely a step up from before - not used to wearing any kinds of dresses, really...

[Once the introduction was made, Rio looks up, then holds a hand out.] I'm Rio - nice to meet'cha, Amelia.


healsforjustice July 19 2011, 11:03:49 UTC
[Amelia rubbed the back of her head, laughing a little.] Well, I needed a lot of practise too before I really got the hang of it, so don't worry about it.

Likewise Miss Rio. [She smiled warmly, shaking her hand.] Enjoying yourself?


amblingbiker July 19 2011, 18:53:52 UTC
[Rio blinked a bit at the reply.] You're used to these things? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

[The handshake was returned, and soon broken.] No need for 'miss', really - just 'Rio' is fine. And yeah - not usually my thing, but it's nicer than some of the other stuff I've ran into here.


healsforjustice July 19 2011, 21:26:38 UTC
[Chuckling a bit to herself, she gave a sheepish grin.] Well yes, I have to dress properly at home otherwise I'd get in trouble.

Oh, well if you insist. [It was always tricky for Amelia when she had to drop the formal address from names.] Have you been around long then?


amblingbiker July 19 2011, 21:39:03 UTC
[Rio's head tilts.] You some kinda upper-class or somethin'? [Her tone is just simple curiosity.]

I do, I'm just a wanderer, no need for formal stuff with me. Been around a little while - not too long.


healsforjustice July 19 2011, 21:50:34 UTC
Ah, you could say that. [She didn't really like title dropping, so thought better than saying more at the moment.]

I see. So you're just getting used to things. I've not been here that long either, just over a month now.


amblingbiker July 20 2011, 00:57:27 UTC
[Rio nods.]

Yeah... Not too fond of the place to say the least, though.


healsforjustice July 20 2011, 01:00:56 UTC
I'm sure there are worse places. Though I will admit the tricks they pull here are rather frustrating...


amblingbiker July 20 2011, 01:08:46 UTC
You're tellin' me. Ran across one lady a couple weeks ago, place made her think she was knocked up.


healsforjustice July 20 2011, 01:15:21 UTC
B...Why would they even do that to someone?!


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