Jul 09, 2011 00:57

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Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun | Slayers | F/M or F/F healsforjustice July 8 2011, 23:24:34 UTC
[Shivering and rubbing her bare arms, Amelia was sure the next time she exhaled she would be able to see her warm breath in the air. It certainly felt cold enough for it.]

[Normally this wouldn't have been an issue, as she would have just cast a fireball to warm herself up. Unfortunately, there was a problem. It was 'that time of the month'. Why did she have to get herself snowed in during the one week she couldn't use magic?]

[So really, it looked like the blanket was their only option. Still, before anything could be done about that, she figured they should at least say something to one another. It looked as if they needed, for lack of a better term despite the pun, an icebreaker.]


Because I can't help the adorable we wring out of these two... foolishcleric July 10 2011, 06:28:32 UTC
[Aldray packed up the last of the items in his bag that he'd just sorted though. All of his fire-starting implements had disappeared, much like his bedroll had before. That, and he didn't prepare any fire-related spells today - though the ones he could use would be more likely to violently torch the place they were at.]

It would seem the Hotel's gotten us again, Miss Amelia... [There was a bit of happiness in his tone, though - he was rather coming to enjoy these little snafus so far. And after all this was just cold. Huddling up couldn't hurt anything, right?]


It's the best <3 healsforjustice July 10 2011, 12:56:52 UTC
It seem's that way. [Really though, the girl knew she could have been stuck with a lot less pleasant people. Besides, she already knew and trusted Aldray well and was comfortable around him.]

[Unravelling the blanket, she sat down and curled herself on end, leaving the other open for him to get under.] I guess we better just keep ourselves warm until this place thaws out, right Mr Aldray?


foolishcleric July 10 2011, 19:49:28 UTC
[Aldray joins Amelia beneath the blanket, wrapping the rest of the blanket around himself as he scooted close, settling his larger frame around Amelia as an extra layer.]

I guess so, Miss Amelia. [He smiled a bit as he answered.]


healsforjustice July 10 2011, 20:17:12 UTC
[Still shivering, Amelia managed to smile in appreciation at his gesture, taking the opportunity to lean against him. His body heat was a welcome help, as she slowly began to feel less cold.]

How long do you think we'll have to wait?


foolishcleric July 10 2011, 20:51:36 UTC
[Aldray's arms lightly wrapped around Amelia as she leaned into him. Much as it was an action to help out a friend, there was a slight bit of red on his face - their previous encounters had stirred a good bit of fondness in him for the princess.]

Ah... [He sighs, looking toward a window.] I'm not sure...


healsforjustice July 10 2011, 20:59:29 UTC
[Amelia had no qualms about snuggling into the hold, peering up at hime with content blue eyes.]

Well, it might let up by tomorrow, but we're stuck for the night I guess. [Her own face turned pink at the recollections of their being stuck alone together in the mountain cabin. Yes it still felt a little awkward, but she found herself smiling a little anyway, feeling affection from the memories.]


foolishcleric July 10 2011, 21:29:03 UTC
[Aldray nods and smiles.] Seems that way, but it's not so bad. Good company makes up for bad weather. [As he says this, one hand idly rubs Amelia's back with a contented sigh.]


healsforjustice July 10 2011, 21:35:21 UTC
[Humming gladly, she curled into him further, her head resting on his chest. It was a little strange, but with her being rather small in stature, it was the best she could do. At least it was comfortable.]

I know I'm very fortunate you're the one with me Mr Aldray. [She sighed, one hand absentmindedly resting over his.]


foolishcleric July 10 2011, 21:49:01 UTC
[That compliment, that hand on his - they made the bit of red on his face grow.] And I, you, Miss Amelia. [After all, guys could be made targets in this place just as easily as the girls.]


healsforjustice July 10 2011, 21:55:56 UTC
[Her fingers moved to intertwine with his, and for a moment she simply admired how big his hands were compared to hers. She smiled up at him, shifting so her back rubbed up against him.] Well, at least it feels a bit warmer now.


foolishcleric July 11 2011, 02:43:44 UTC
[Aldray nods, smiling at their interlinked fingers. His free arm moved to wrap around Amelia's abdomen, his chin resting gently on her shoulder.] Yeah. Guess I won't be able to talk you into letting me sleep on my own this time, will I? [He's grinning, teasing her a little.]


healsforjustice July 11 2011, 13:18:31 UTC
[Flushing a little at the intimacy of the hold, she swatted him playfully at the comment.] Of course not! What kind of friend would I be if let you freeze? [Smiling, he head lolled back, her warmth breath close to his skin.]


foolishcleric July 11 2011, 19:54:45 UTC
[A hearty laugh left Aldray, and he grinned.] Well, if you'll pardon the joke, a rather cold one.

[This...this was nice, though - being able to be close to Amelia without the haze of the hotel's aphrodisiacs, despite the circumstances.]


healsforjustice July 11 2011, 23:35:26 UTC
[She giggled softly back.] Well I wouldn't want to be that.

[The girl simply snuggled more into the hold. She was relieved that they could still be good friends despite what they had been spurred to do. Not that she hadn't enjoyed being physically intimate with Aldray, she'd be lying if she said it hadn't been nice. Still, it was a relief that they could still be comfortable around one another and get along so well.]


foolishcleric July 12 2011, 09:25:47 UTC
[Aldray smiles, letting out a happy sigh.] I'm glad.

[He was rather thankful for their getting along - it was rare enough to find someone else who shared similar ideals, after all. He gave Amelia a gentle squeeze at the snuggling.]


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