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Sanzo || Saiyuki || Gay hereticprince April 23 2011, 17:23:34 UTC
I've always wanted to try being someone's slave.

[That was... not what he wanted to say. At all. Let's try this again, shall we?]

I've also always wanted to try getting penetrated by a gun, or being sexually extorted.

[What the fuck! He's just going to stop talking now.]


Has to tag back at this point *laughs* incubi_abel April 24 2011, 14:07:45 UTC
[Abel blinks and looks at Sanzo.]

I'm not sure how comfortable it would be with a gun, the sight on the end would probably hurt a bit, but I would be up to combining that and slavery if you wished.


Pffft. hereticprince April 25 2011, 00:37:14 UTC
[It figures that someone he knows -- even vaguely -- would hear him. He stares at Abel for several seconds before shaking his head slightly.]

Yeah, I'd prefer it without the sight.

[...again, not quite what he wanted to say. Sanzo looks away, attempting to feign nonchalance.]


When East meets West? incubi_abel April 25 2011, 00:42:23 UTC
[He shrugged a shoulder.]

If you are truly interested, I can promise to be discrete and it's never mentioned again when we're done.

[He knew of a couple of rooms, and honestly, this place was almost like that magical room at the one school he had heard a few people talking about at Hogsomething.]


WE GO WEST. /shot hereticprince April 25 2011, 00:56:46 UTC
Discreet is good.

[He nodded -- and promptly caught himself. Dammit, why couldn't he just stop talking? Breathing out a soft, almost resigned sigh, he looked at Abel.]

Look, I don't usually... solicit people for this kind of thing.


At least we don't have a monkey with us... incubi_abel April 25 2011, 01:02:37 UTC
Neither do I, not even here. But is it solicitation when it's offered?

[He gives a small sigh.]

You would chose how long such a thing would go on, and you would also have a safety word to call a stop to it should it be more than you can stand. Things would begin once we were in a room, unless you wished to do something in public, and I won't do anything to you that you don't want, such as cutting. I know my kinks can be... extreme at times and they're not for everyone.


This is true. hereticprince April 26 2011, 13:03:26 UTC
Considering I said it first...

[Yes, he's going to count that as soliciting.

There's a bit of a pause when Abel mentions his kinks can be extreme, an eyebrow lifting. After a moment he decides it's better not to ask.]

Lead the way.

[That's his attempt at subtly accepting the offer. Or not-so-subtly. Whatever.]


incubi_abel April 26 2011, 13:19:10 UTC
[Inclining his head, he turned and started towards one of the rooms that he remembered being here that would work for just such a session.]

How long would you wish this to last? An hour? A day? Until you stopped this?


hereticprince April 26 2011, 13:26:05 UTC
[Sanzo follows him, silently debating the sanity of his decision to go through with this... and of his next words.]

A day. I might not look it, but I can handle a lot.


incubi_abel April 26 2011, 13:35:23 UTC
Many people are stronger than they look. However, if it becomes too much for you, either physically or emotionally, say 'red' and we will stop immediately. It is not a weakness to stop something instead of continue on and suffer for it later.

[He looked at him.]

Also, how far do you wish to experience things? Flogging? Whipping? Cutting? I'm not into bathroom play so you won't have to worry about that.


hereticprince April 26 2011, 13:43:26 UTC
[Cue a nod of acknowledgement. Red. Ironic, considering the decor. Abel's next question has him pausing slightly, before a smirk comes to life on his lips. Well, in this place, better blunt and prepared.]

Whipping and cutting are probably fine. If there's something I don't want, I'll make sure you know. I'm not one to keep quiet.


incubi_abel April 26 2011, 13:52:29 UTC
[He nodded and stopped in front of a door, opening it to verify that there was no one inside. It was a mix of a lush bedroom and a BDSM's wet dream. There also wasn't a single red item anywhere in there. He turned to look at Sanzo once more.]

Once twenty-four hours is up, this will end if you don't end it sooner. It will start when the door is shut and only ends in those two circumstances.

[He stood there, next to the open door, allowing Sanzo the choice to enter or to walk away.]


hereticprince April 26 2011, 13:58:44 UTC
[He stops when Abel does, taking a look into the room -- and noting with vague amusement that it isn't red like he thought it would be. There's almost no hesitation as he brushes past the other man and steps inside, mind already made up.]


incubi_abel April 26 2011, 14:03:26 UTC
[Inclining his head, Abel slipped out of his cassock, leaving him in pants and a button down shirt. Entering the room, he shuts the door firmly behind them and locks the door before the gentle and caring expression on his face slips off to leave one of cold indifference behind.]



hereticprince April 26 2011, 14:14:45 UTC
[Though not normally one to take commands from anyone but the Sanbutsushin, Sanzo complies immediately, undoing and pushing down the top half of his robes before slipping out of them completely. He pulls the leather undershirt and arm-sleeves off next, then unbuttons and unzips his jeans. Once everything is off, he tosses the clothing in a pile, only being more careful with his robes because they have the Maten Kyoumon on them and even in 'play' he's not going to let something happen to the sacred scripture.

Naked, he looks at Abel, waiting to see what was next.]


incubi_abel April 26 2011, 14:22:37 UTC
[Gathering up the discarded clothes and the Scripture, he puts them off to the side in a corner where they won't be accidentally pulled in and damaged. His own cassock goes next to them before he walks back to Sanzo, walking around him and examining him as if he were a side of beef. The multitude of scars were noted but there was no outward expression on Abel's face that he felt pity or sympathy for the man and what he had gone through.]


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