Title: Apology (One Shot)
lov3s Pairing: Belldom
Rating: PG
Words: 1,531
Summary: Matthew apologises for his mistake...
Warning: This is piece is unbeta'd, so the mistakes are all mine.
Feedback: It's what I write for! Well, not exactly but you get what I mean.
Disclaimer: If I were to own Muse, I wouldn't be here relaying my fantasies. But hey, a girl
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Comments 26
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I'm grinning like a complete twat here as well. And your icon!
Thanks for reading and commenting! Now I get why you guys write. The joy of receiving comments is just... indescribable.
I´m sure that´s how Matt is in real life with Dom, an absolute twat. But then he opens his legs and he´s forgiven *nods*
I have something for kisses.. I think it's the most intimate physical connection a couple can make with each other. It beats sex hands down, sometimes. :D
But then he opens his legs and he´s forgiven *nods*
Jesus, that man could go around murdering people but once he opens his legs... All will be forgotten. :D
Thank you for reading and commenting, dear!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my story! I absolutely adore your work. *blushes*
Mhmm, I used to smoke, but not anymore. It was more like a one time thing. But really, when Dominic Howard smokes, it's hella sexy. Or maybe it's just his arms... :D
"By reflex action, Dom inhaled the tobacco smoke, creating a bridge of white between their lips. Tom would have loved to capture this moment."
I'd love to capture the moment too... Even though I hate smoking, I kind of find it fucking hot too at the same time...
Absolutely loved the fic :D
Even though I hate smoking, I kind of find it fucking hot too at the same time... *nods enthusiastically* Especially if its Mr. Dominic Howard...
What you said, in the A/N. Well, see, the thing is; you're like this super cool and super smart and super everything and I find it so fucking hard to believe there's this ~huge ten year (okay, it's nine, whatever) gap between us -- because, seriously, there really isn't. It's just a number. So, I keep thinking that, I wasn't this cool and smart when I was younger, in fact, no one I've ever known was/is (and I'm really not all that cool and smart today, either), so you're such a novel to me, a marvelous and gorgeous person, who has everyfuckingthing in front of her and who can turn shit to diamonds and I wish I was even half as cool as you are. So, there. And you're so damn awesome, in every way. Never forget it, darling. Never. <3 ( ... )
I'm smiling so hard at your comment, bb. So damn fucking hard I think my face is going to split. You're the FIRST person in my entire life to actually appreciate me for who I am. And I haven't even seen you in real life. so you're such a novel to me <--- Best compliment ever received. And will stay that way too, I'm sure of it ( ... )
Fff, I need to get back on the saddle and finish my Inception fic for you. I've been concentrating on school work for ages, it seems, and now there's yet another uni exam coming up, on next Wednesday -- I'll be quite swamped, unfortunately. :/
I can't believe I'm the only one who appreciates you as you are, but I do kind of believe it's true. And it makes me really happy that I'm able to, idk, keep you kind of grounded and give you something that's not all shit, you know? Really damn glad. *hugs hard*
And you so fucking are cut out to write. I'll be with you, step by step and you'll see, you'll be great in every fandom you'll be writing for. *nods firmly*
Rememeber, bb; shooting range, bang-bang-bang; getting drunk as fucks and laughing and crying and feeling awful in the morning and hugging and cuddling and ordering pizza and some more crying and laughing -- and yeah, it's something to look forward, yes? <333
Rememeber, bb; shooting range, bang-bang-bang; getting drunk as fucks and laughing and crying and feeling awful in the morning and hugging and cuddling and ordering pizza and some more crying and laughing -- and yeah, it's something to look forward, yes? <333
Yes bb, I really, really can't wait for that day to come. <3
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