Along with "Witty" I'm also "Quite Clever"....

Jan 09, 2009 18:31


This may come back to bite me in the bum!

Today was our company's Xmas party, yes the snow wrecked havoc with our original date.

It started at 3:30 and I managed to dely my going until 4pm. Honestly I had work to do but if I could have dragged it out longer I would have.

It was like a really lame school dance or you know, a work party.

There was a DJ whose job was to shepherd into pretending that the best way to have a good time is to participate in all sorts of crazy dances and contests. Honestly I feel for the guy because no one likes to really do any of that stuff yet it's the standard at work parties. I'm not sure who first decided that doing all this meant we were having fun but for all eternity generations will be paying for that.

You also can only hide out from so many dances and/or contests before someone drags you to the floor or else be deemed anti-social and not a 'team player".

That meant I did the "Cha Cha Dance" my 13 year old cousin attempted to show me 2 years ago. I put my foot down at the "Electric slide" though.

I aslo got dragged into a competition to determine who was smarter guys or girls. The DJ asked for 5 smart guys & 5 smart girls to come up to the dance floor.

I maintain anyone that was smart had already snuck out of the party by now.

So I guess I must have one of the last 5 smart ones left.

The point of the game was to face a guy off with a girl and in turn name something in the category listed by the DJ. The first person to hesitate or repeat something already said was out. As soon someone was knocked out the next guy and girl in line faced off and had to repeat the process with a new category. People were knocked out fast because there's nothing like everyone staring at you to stumble your words. It's not like we watching TV at home where we are all bloody brilliant!

Then it was my turn and I was up against Marketing Guy (yes, he's still waiting for his sippy cup).

Category: Men's Magazines

Rabbit: Playboy
Marketing Guy: uh...GQ!
Rabbit: Maxim
Marketing Guy: oh..Men's health!
Rabbit: Hustler
Marketing Guy: umm..Esquire!
Rabbit: Guns & Ammo
Marketing Guy: .....wait, what?

I never missed a beat, but the poor guy kept getting tripped up by all my answers. I think "Guns & Ammo" blew him away because he just didn't know how much further I would go down that train of thought. My answers apparently got lots of laughs.

My co-worker high fived me when I got off the floor, though she (some how!??!) had confidence that that I was going to have no problem with that category (new co-worker was worried for me) she still expressed surprise at my list.  Unfortunately a few guys came up to me and where like "Rabbit!!! Your magazine choices?!"

"What", I replied innocently," those are men's magazines right?" :)

Jeez, imagine if I said "Juggs"!

work, christmas

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