I'm guessing Who Goes There by Nick Griffiths was supplied by a relative. I don't think it is the kind of book I would purchase myself any more. I spent a lot of the book trying to puzzle out what exactly it was trying to do. Ostensibly its the tale of Griffiths' visits to various Doctor Who locations.
Possibilities considered )
Comments 7
I like to think, based on your description, that there's a sequel written by his wife called, "Why my husband is horrible to travel with and I'm realizing that he's not all that and oops he just fell off a cliff."
It must be said I swung rapidly between thinking it was a cynical money-making exercise and thinking I was just being a very harsh judge because I found the tone so off-putting. I have no idea really. I didn't enjoy it, but I can imagine that if you like his writing style, you would.
Is there really a mainstream market for this kind of thing though? I can see that Dalek I Loved You marketed as a memoir of a seventies childhood might gain a wider audience but honestly a middle-aged Who fan touring Dr Who locations? There are odd bits in the book where he talks about discovering the quirky side of the British countryside but for that to suceed he really needed to be, well, keener on meeting people and more interested in the other sites along the way. As it was, he seemed much too focused on the destination, as opposed to the journey.
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