A Writer's Tale by Benjamin Cook and Russell T. Davies is a (just about) year long email interview come conversation between Benjamin Cook (a Doctor Who Magazine writer) and Russell T. Davies about the writing process. It encompasses the writing of the 2007 Christmas Special (the one with Kylie in) and then Season 4. And it's a pretty fascinating
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Comments 33
I certainly didn't know about the rewrite of The Fires of Pompeii; that's interesting.
The book is well worth getting though.
I find it interesting as an "Old Who" fan, long grown accustomed to knowing all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans in as much detail as I can stomach, how frustrating I find the wall of solidarity maintained by the current production team, even when I understand and respect the fact. Some of the gaps are beginning to show, especially in recent discussion of the first season. I think the book was a lot more candid, even with the obvious editing, than I might have expected.
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I used to like RTD a lot, but then when I've seen more of his stuff on NuWho, and Torchwood, I've been getting less and less impressed.
I think I'll need to get this book now.
And ranting about time wasted at launches also irritates the hell out of me, like F1 drivers who complain about having to schmooze the sponsors. It goes with the bloody job. Suck it up, is my view.
I have no bloody sympathy whatsoever with people who moan about having to do the social stuff. If that's the hardest thing they have to put up with in a working day, they're bloody lucky! *rant rant*
I may have the wrong impression there - but I've seen enough writing manuals which stress how many people fail at those basics and that contemplation of the deathlessness of the prose only starts once those boxes have been checked.
I really do find it hard to imagine Davies getting any of his early opportunities - many on soap opera like productions, if he was leaving things quite as late as he does here.
I do get a tad annoyed with all the RTD backlash sometimes (I'm not accusing you of this, you understand!). Yes, his writing's not perfect, yes it can be a bit OTT, but at the end of the day we wouldn't have NuWho without him, and despite the flaws in his eps I still enjoy them massively, and feel that sometimes people can be a bit harsh.
But I shall definitely have to look out for this book...
Of course on other days I'm just cross that it wasn't Firefly which I know is plain stupid of me, but everyone has their moments of rationality fail.
If TV can't have tragedy, like Ianto dieing, then I think it is a poorer place.
Can I borrow it? I'd love to read it, but don't fancy shelling out for the hardback.
We now return you to normal service on Louise's LJ *g*.
*snarls at your email*
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