Title: Images of the Wandering Eye
Author: louie x
Rating: R
Series: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Word Count: 2050
Disclaimer: Not mine, not in anyway mine. Were it so, I would be as awesome as Christopher Nolan.
Summary: Arthur only got lost in limbo once.
Arthur gets shot, bleeding out much too fast for him to properly focus. )
Comments 4
"Arthur gets bored in limbo easily. Too clinical, too aware, he's restless and so he tears down most of the buildings that were only moments from collapse. He leaves the small town, the collection of homes that Dom and Mal cherished, and closes off that bit of the endless city almost like a museum exhibit. Sitting in a home he'd been in, a place that he last saw Mal smile within, Arthur puts down his die on the dining room table."
This was really beautiful, I could see Arthur likes this in Limbo, bored, but keeping those homes from Dom & Mal times here perfectly safe.
Word Count: 2050
Disclaimer: Not mine, not in anyway mine. Were it so, I would be as awesome as Christopher Nolan.
Summary: Arthur only got lost in limbo once.
Arthur gets shot, bleeding out much too fast for him to properly focus [...]
Eee Labyrinth icon! *rummages for an appropriate icon before heat knocks out internet in area again*
Thanks for reading and enjoying!
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