The Red Mailbox

Mar 11, 2016 05:06

Title: The Red Mailbox
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jongin/Chanyeol
Length: 3268 words
Summary: Chanyeol writes letters to Jongin every day, but today's letter is extra special because Jongin finds it in the magical red mailbox that started it all.
Notes: My chankai feels have been all over the place so I ended up writing this even though I barely have ( Read more... )

length: oneshot, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, pairing: kai/chanyeol, genre: fluff, !fanfic

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Comments 1

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lotusk March 30 2016, 08:12:55 UTC
This au gives me so many feels and made me ship chankai more so thank you for liking this!!


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