FIC: "The City Which is to Come" (Merlin BBC)

Feb 25, 2013 22:58

Title: The City Which is to Come
Author: lotusflower85
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Rating:  PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Guinevere, Merlin, Knights, Gaius, Arthur (in flashback)  (Arthur/Gwen)
Spoilers: 5x13
Summary: Gwen changes the world by day, and misses Arthur by night. 
A/N: Follow on from Against the Dying of the Light - this will end up being a ( Read more... )

character: arthur, merlin bbc, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/gwen, fanfic, character: gwen

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Comments 1

fabyenn February 25 2013, 13:57:57 UTC
Lovely, lovely story :).


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