(Post by John.)

Feb 19, 2011 22:19

A follower of Lois's LJ sent me a message, asking for an update. So, here it is: The situation is very poor. She is deteriorating on the ECMO and has little time to get a pair of lungs; even if she gets them, it is thought that she cannot survive the transplant, due to her weakened state ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

catecumen February 19 2011, 20:18:58 UTC
I am so sorry that things are going this way.


raven_oscar February 19 2011, 20:34:14 UTC
Thanks for update. The fact that she is not suffering is good but we still hope that she will be with us...


galinafilatova February 19 2011, 20:40:24 UTC
In any case she is feeling all our love we send to her. God bless our brave and so beautiful Lois!


backspaced_boy February 19 2011, 20:43:34 UTC
i hope she pulls through, against all odds. she is extraordinary.


hope she pulls through, tandem_bike February 19 2011, 21:06:02 UTC


justpapabear February 19 2011, 20:58:19 UTC
I hope with you that this isn't my deepest condolences reply.


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