Also, today, this thing!

Dec 10, 2011 19:09

Okay, as has become a little bit of a tradition when I find myself watching movies that might do permanent damage to my psyche, I am live-blogging my viewing of Seven. Going by what I’ve heard of it, Seven seems to be something of a gold standard in creepy/gross/scarring cinema. So, clearly, I wanna take a look! So here we go.

P.S. I’ve recently had a Woodchuck, so... yeah. )

movies, recs

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Comments 13

visiblemarket December 11 2011, 02:07:58 UTC
Hah, I started to write you a comment that referenced the end of the movie and now I'm glad I didn't post it right away. Okay, so, severely redacted:

Oh, the young woman is Gwyneth Paltrow- did not know she was in this.

LOL, this amused me, because even before I watched Se7en, all I knew about it was [a very GP related spoiler]. So all throughout I was trying to figure out how that was going to happen.

During dinner, a passing subway train rattles the whole apartment, but everybody laughs it off.

I love that scene. I believe it's the first time Somerset all-out laughs in the film (actually probably the only time it happens), but it's super cute, and I love Mills and Tracy together.

OH CRAP. Victor’s still alive. Wow.

That freaked me out so much when I saw it. Like, the whole movie is just really eerie and subdued and I wasn't expecting that kind of sudden "Boo!" moment worked.

I’m guessing Victor’s the next victim- Wrath or something.Just...wait till you get to Wrath. Also Lust is really freaky, possibly even more so ( ... )


lotus0kid December 11 2011, 02:24:59 UTC
Heh, good call.

B-but, does that mean something's going to happen to Tracy? Nooo, she's already so sad!

It was fairly cute, I will admit it got to a point where they seemed to be laughing a little too hard. I dunno, maybe I was forcing creepiness where there was none.

Ye-eah, I'm pretty sure I was typing something when the jump happened otherwise it probably would have freaked me out more than it did.

I am.. kind of worried about Lust. Because I'm pretty sure there's a prostitute involved, and that can just be so problematic misogyny-wise. I'm not optimistic.


visiblemarket December 11 2011, 02:34:30 UTC
Very good call.

I am not going to say anything.

*snort* I know, I think the laughing went on so long because they were all just already being awkward together and the relief of tension made it just go on. But in the middle of a film that's so gloomy, it was bound to seem a little creepy.

I just...yeah, it was bad. There's like a cop there kind of taunting him or something, right? And the look on that guy's face was the same as the look on mine when he jumped up.

Well, I will say that from what I remember it's a pretty equal opportunity gross-out, and the "lust" aspect goes more for the john than the prostitute herself.


lotus0kid December 11 2011, 02:41:55 UTC


It was like 98% cute, with just a little niggling feeling like "It wasn't really that funny, guys..."

I don't quite remember, but considering the behavior of all the cops who aren't Somerset, I wouldn't be surprised.

Hm, okay.


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