Jul 11, 2010 16:29

Hi Seeker Fans! Ready to embark on another fun-filled video adventure with LOTSvideo? Sure you are! Well this time, no printers are required! Just you and your ability to sing......Lip-sing that is!

Welcome to the

At first glance, this project may seem daunting, but we broke it into small sections that should take minimal time and effort while allowing the fandom to have some fun!

The premise of this project is to create a Legend of the Seeker fan "music video", and to get as many people as possible wearing costumes/customized Seeker clothing or using LotS related props. It is not essential to have these to be included, but we want to show ABC/Disney that fans are willing to spend money on merchandise. We will be using the FOB’s song which can be listened to here: 

image Click to view

You can also Download the song.

Do not use the previous version on youtube to lip-sync to. Everyone must use this new version for the illusion to work.

We will then edit these clips of you lip synching over the original song track, so none of the sound in your personal submission will be included, only the video part will make it to the completed project. But, when filming your entry, please make sure the song is audible in the background, as it will make it easier for us to match up your video with the audio when it comes to editing.

Here is a short example of the kind of thing we are looking for.

image Click to view

I am sure there are a lot of you who are much better actors/dancers than us, so put us to shame! These are not going to be in the final, they are just lines that were easy for us to use as a demonstration, so you can still submit for these lines if desired.

VERY IMPORTANT: To ensure that we get a complete song, you'll need to "sign up" for the line you wish to do. This way we'll know all lines have been taken and none have been incorrectly duplicated. It may seem like we are being excessively complicated, but this will ensure the best video possible. So here is what you will need to do....
  • BEFORE filming your section you will need to look at the outline of the lyrics listed at the bottom of this post.
  • Find an available line that you would like to act out and either leave us a comment on this post with your choice or email us at We will put your screenname, an alias or initials of your choosing next to a line as it gets taken. We will have people checking both this post and our email throughout the day, so the list of taken lines will be updated quickly. You may also provide us with a ranking of 2-3 lines that you'd prefer and we'll match you with the highest ranking line we can. Only after you see your name/initials next to your line should you start filming your section.
  • If you wish to submit an entry for a line in the Chorus, indicate the line but please also lip synch the entire chorus. We may use several people at once and/or split screens depending on the amount of submissions.
  • The Rap portion of the song may prove difficult to lip synch to, but we still encourage you to do so if you have the desire and can accurately keep up with Jars.
    • Another option for this section, however, is to show people dancing to it. This does not have to be full blown choreography, it could just be you "getting down" to the beat or pantomiming.
    • Also, we may include pictures in this sections so if you do not have access to a video camera/webcam and can only submit a photo, you may still be able to participate. But we cannot guarantee all photos will be included as it depends on how many video submissions are received and how we are able to edit them together.

This project is more complicated than the Pass It On project as you will need to perform the specific line you are assigned. Due to this added complication, we encourage you to ask us questions or relay concerns.

Any questions or concerns, along with your final submission should be sent to

The Deadline for entry is August 18th, 2010 at 11pm EST!


1. Check outline and find available song lyric.

2. Leave comment here on Live Journal or email with your requested line (and up to two alternates).

3. Confirm that you have been given that line by checking the outline below and looking for your screenname, name, or initials.

4.  Get FOBs song ready on youtube. or Download it!

5. Get your costumes/props/customized clothing out (if you have it)
        6. Lip Sync and/or groove to your chosen part (please have the song playing in the background as it will help us line up your video submission with our audio). Also, please film a few seconds before and after your line finishes as we need some leeway to join it to the adjacent clips.
        7.  Send your submission, along with your name (or an alias) and the line number/numbers you are singing to
8.      Start telling your friends about the project, either to get them involved, or at least intrigued enough to check out the video once it is finished!

9.      Make sure you are subscribed to LOTSvideo youtube account so you will be told when the video is released and can rate/comment on it.

Thanks! This may seem very complicated, but just like the Pass It On project, if we do it right, it will be really cool!

- The LOTSvideo Team

Here is the current breakdown of the lines in the song. Some lines have suggestions next to them in brackets, but as there are a lot of creative people in the fandom who may come up with something better, please feel free to follow your own creative instinct. And if you are lucky enough to have friends who will participate, do a group entry. We want people to be enthusiastic and animated: remember, this is supposed to look like a music video!

Blue Indicates Lines Received
If your name is still red, please submit your response as soon as you can. Thanks!

Seeker Saved Sing-along

Intro: Ohohohohoh,  Anne

Line 1: We want more Cara Dene

Line 2: We want more Kahlan Carrie

Line 3: We want more Midlands Andrea

Line 4: More Ordin Pristineungift

Line 5: We want more Richard, don’t make us cuss Vegard

Line 6:  Want our First Order Wizard, Zeddicus (Any Zedd costumes/shirts) Sharon

Line 7:  'member the good times, defeating Rahl Angelique

Line 8: Richard sealed the veil Sarah

Line 9: The Keeper falls loulila

Line 10: I had a dream Kahlan looked right in my eyes SeekerOfTime21

Line 11: I was confessed for the very first time Lucie Z


Line 12: And I was like VampSalvatoreWL

13: Seeker

14: Seeker

15: Seeker saved

Line 16: I want my sazzy1972

17: Seeker

18: Seeker

19: Seeker saved

Line 20: I want my

21: Seeker

22: Seeker

23: Seeker saved

Line 24: At least give us a season three gothic_redhead


Line 25: And I was like Desi

26: Seeker

27: Seeker

28: Seeker saved

Line 29: I want my

30: Seeker

31: Seeker

32: Seeker saved

Line 33: I want my

34: Seeker

35: Seeker

36: Seeker saved

Line 37: At least give us a season three, please James

Line 38: Oh for truth, Richard would have done whatever Marc

Line 39: And I just can’t believe he’s not forever lostlittledevil

Line 40: We must fight like David M

Line 41:  Sisters of the Li-ight (any Sisters of the Light costumes) LorileiLegend

Line 42: Follow Bridget’s twitterings like it means everything Aki

Line 43: And I’m in pieces JaneDoh

Line 44: Mord’Sith break me Darlene

Line 45: And you torture and breathe me from this bad dream Thomas

Line 46: I’ll head to the Underworld without a sound Serendipity513

Line 47: I just can’t believe this legend won’t be around Ashley


Line 48: And I’m like daysidaze602

49: Seeker

50: Seeker

51: Seeker saved

Line 52: I want my Amy T

53: Seeker

54: Seeker

55: Seeker saved

Line 56: I want my Thomas and Ahki

57: Seeker

58: Seeker

59: Seeker saved

Line 60: At least give us a season three Thomas and Aki


Line 61: And I was like

62: Seeker

63: Seeker

64: Seeker saved

Line 65: I want my

66: Seeker

67: Seeker

68: Seeker saved

Line 69: I want my Sarah

70: Seeker

71: Seeker

72: Seeker saved

Line 73: At least give us a season three, please

Rap part: (If you can accurately keep up with Jars in this section you are welcome to try to lipsynch the rap, but we expect that will prove difficult...Instead, anyone who is wanting to dance can break loose here! Even some head bobbing or swaying is fine, or just use expressions that are relevant to the line you are submitting for.  But remember to have the song playing in the background so that you are in time with the beat). This is also the section that we may include photos. We cannot be definite until we see how it looks.

Line 74: Back two years ago we found our new love  Jars

Line 75: There was nothing compared to my Seeker Kate S

Line 76: Waited up every Saturday, no one else came above Kate S

Line 77: Ever since that white dress, crossed the boundary Kate S

Line 78: I’ve been devoted, vote yes, don’t take our series please Deanna

Line 79: When the Keeper tore the veil, the Seeker opened up my eyes

Line 80: I realised I’m confessed to this show so I can’t tell a single lie Sarah

Line 81: I’ll miss when Zedd cast magic, and all the crazy places Pristineungift

Line 82: I’ll even miss Cara, and all her funny faces  Kaida

Line 83:Taking our Seeker will be tragic, feel like radahan took my magic oneiroelpida

Line 84: Bring us back to the Pillars of Creation, make us a happy nation Desi

Line 85: If we don’t get it back, I fear we’ll be making stones of tears Andre

Line 86: We keep fighting and fighting but for now all we can say is.. George the Elite


87: Seeker

88: Seeker

89: Seeker saved

Line 90: I want my Ashley

91: Seeker

92: Seeker

93: Seeker saved

Line 94: I want my

95: Seeker

96: Seeker

97: Seeker saved

Line 98: At least give us a season three


Line 99: And I was like

100: Seeker

101: Seeker

102: Seeker

Line 103: (please don’t be gone)Doug

104: Seeker

105: Seeker

106: Seeker

Line 107: (please don’t be gone)Doug

108: Seeker

109: Seeker

110: Seeker

Line 111: (please don’t be gone)

Line 112: At least give us a season three, please Carrie

Line 113: Umm, pretty please? Darlene and Doug

fobs, seeker saved, lotsvideo, singalong, save our seeker, legend of the seeker

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