LotS Bingo: Rules and Sign Ups

Jul 16, 2012 15:33

Welcome Seekers, to LotS Bingo - a Legend of the Seeker themed bingo challenge! Just comment on this post after reading the rules to request a card. Cards will be assigned as the mods see the requests. The absolute last day you may request a card is October 1, 2012!

LotS Bingo Begins: July 16, 2012
Last Day to Request a Card: October 1, 2012
Last Day to Submit Bingos: October 31, 2012

All the usual RULES of lotseekerfic apply in terms of content, warnings, posting, and tags.

All prompt fills must feature Legend of the Seeker characters and situations.

Each bingo card is a 5x5 grid filled with prompts drawn from a master list. The prompts are chosen using a randomizer. You may choose a ‘General Card’ or a ‘Rare Card.’

General Card prompts are an assortment of characters, genres, popular pairings, and so on.

Rare Card prompts are an assortment of rare characters, rare pairings, unusual situations, and so on.

Pairing prompts, for example ‘Richard/Kahlan’, do not necessarily mean a romantic relationship. You can also interpret a pairing prompt as a friendship, family relationship, or even enemies. It just indicates a fic about a relationship between those two characters.

All prompts are open to your interpretation.

The goal is to make a bingo on your card. There are multiple ways of earning bingo. Each finished bingo brings you points; for more information see the Points and Scoring section below.

Squares are marked off toward a bingo by filling the prompt within the square. For each square a new piece of work (fic, art, vid, etc.) must be created.

You can submit any kind of content: fics, mixes, art, vids, podfics, picspams, rec lists, icons, meta and so on.

To keep the amount of work consistent between types of fills there are minimum requirements:

  • Fic - 100 words
  • Art - medium sized (at least 300x200, either drawn or photoshopped. Can’t just be a screencap.)
  • Icons - set of 5
  • Rec post - 5 recs
  • Podfic - 100 word fic (If you don’t know what a podfic is - it’s someone recording themselves reading. Be sure to get the author’s permission.)
  • Picspam - 10 caps + 50 words of commentary
  • Vids - 20 seconds
  • Mix - 5 songs with track list and explanation included
  • Meta - 500 words

Bingos can be made up of any combination of content. You do not have to do all fic, all art, etc. to make bingo - ex: you could submit 2 pieces of art, 1 mix and 2 fics to make a bingo.

You must complete at least one bingo on your card before requesting a new one. However if you receive a card with prompts of a triggering nature for you please contact the mods ASAP so that we can work with you to create a more suitable card. Be aware, however, that things like “I don’t ship R/K” or “I hate Jennsen” will not get you a new card.

After completing your first bingo you may complete another bingo on your current card or request a new card.

Anything publicly posted previously may not be used to fill a square for LotS Bingo. Each fill for your bingo must be newly-created content.

Each fill for each prompt should be a separate and finished creation. Chapters or parts of one story cannot be used to fill several different squares. Several stories in a series are allowed (i.e. you can have a story filling a square and its sequel/prequel filling a different square as long as each has a clear beginning and end.)

You can reuse any square on your card as many times as you want, but each use must be a new piece of a fic, art, etc. A single fill cannot be used in more than one bingo.

Post individual fills to lotseekerfic as you complete them. They may be linked or posted to the community itself. Individual fills can be posted any additional places you see fit (your journal, communities, AO3, etc.), but they must be posted/linked to lotseekerfic to be counted toward a bingo. Be sure to use the !lots bingo tag.

When you’ve completed a bingo, submit a bingo index post tolotsfic_events. There is a sample form for an index post in the comments below.

At the end of LotS Bingo, the mods will post a roundup of all bingos to lotseekerfic.

All links need to go to open posts. Locked content will not count toward a bingo. You are, of course, welcome to lock the content after LotS Bingo is over.

We will only count points for the complete bingo index posts posted to lotsfic_events before October 31, 2012.

All prompts are open to interpretation. For example, ‘Richard’ could mean from Richard’s POV, Kahlan missing Richard, Darken Rahl finding out his brother’s name, etc. ‘Powerful magic’ could be someone using powerful magic, envious of someone else having it, or feeling burdened by having it.

Your work should have more than just a singular mention of the prompt. It should deal with it in some way. For example, if your prompt is "Power of Orden" that should be a significant factor in your work, not just a passing mention like Richard saying “Oh remember that time I had the Power of Orden? Gurl, dat was cray.” How you deal with a prompt is left at your discretion.

Each prompt fill is worth 100 points.

Fills do not count outside of a bingo. In other words, you must complete a full bingo to get any points.

The ways to get a bingo are to form an ‘L’ ‘O’ ‘T’ or ‘S’ on your card, pictured below:


The 'L' shape bingo is the only bingo that you choose which squares to use - the other bingos must be filled exactly as in the images.

An L bingo consists of seven squares. It must contain all of the squares in one column. It must also contain two squares to the right or left of the column. Example one shows a column fill with two squares to the right. Example two shows a column fill with two squares to the left. Right-side-up 'L's only please, in order to avoid confusion and headaches for the mods.

So, using this card as an example,  "Nightwisp," "Sisters of the Light," "Everyone is..," "Darken-rage," and "Cara&Darken-riding" would be a column fill, but you only have one square to the left, so you must use the right squares of "Kahlan/Richard-faith" and "Kahlan/Cara-disaster."

Other fills from the example:

"The Keeper," "Tamerang," "wildcard," "Zedd-regret," "Kahlan&Richard-Faith," "Kahlan&Cara-disaster," "Cara&Dahlia-broken."

"The Keeper," "Tamerang," "wildcard," "Zedd-regret," "Kahlan&Richard-Faith," "Cara&Darken-riding," "Cara&Dahlia-hands."

"Westland," "Wizard’s Fire," "Mary Cypher-death," "Kahlan-disguise," "Kahlan&Cara-disaster," "Kahlan&Richard-Faith," and "Cara&Darken-riding."



If you spell out a full LOTS (you get one of each kind of bingo), you will get a 500 point bonus.

You do not have to spell LOTS. You could get three ‘L’s and an ‘O’ or just complete one bingo, and so on.

At the end, the mods will count up who has the most points, and that person will be declared the winner! If we have more than 10 participants, 2 winners will be selected.

Everyone who completes at least one bingo will get a participation banner.

Winner(s) will receive a winner banner, and can claim one of the following prizes from Pris: A Legend of the Seeker bookmark from Comic Con; Legend of the Seeker postcards from Comic Con; a fabric swatch from the actual Jennsen Rahl costume used in the show.

The post cards and bookmark are not signed, but were present at the Seeker table when Katrina Law, Craig Parker, and Lesley Ann Brandt came by. So. They touched some of them.


Can we work as a team?
-No. To keep things simple for the mods, you may not work in teams.

Can I do a crossover/fusion?
-Yes, but the LotS characters need to remain prominent. If you receive a crossover/fusion prompt, obviously you must do a crossover/fusion.

I don’t like a prompt on my card. Can I have a new one?
-To request a new card you have to finish at least one bingo on your current one. Remember that you don't have to fill all prompts in your card. Fill out the bingo you're most comfortable with and then you can request a new card to play with. Some of these prompts will stretch your artistic abilities - that’s half the fun. However, if there is a triggering prompt on your card, please contact the mods.

I submitted an ‘L’ bingo and now I’m working on a ‘T’. Can I just use the same fills?
-No. For each new bingo, you have to fill the prompt in each square, even if you filled them in a previous bingo.

What is the wild card square?
-Artist’s Choice. Make whatever you want, so long as it’s LotS related!

Can I use one of my fills for LotS bingo for another fandom event?
-So long as it's newly created content. For example, if you are playing LotS Bingo and Hurt Comfort Bingo, you are welcome to use one fanwork to fill a prompt for both. Just make sure it's something new you made. If it's something you made last year, last month, the day before this challenge was announced, then no.

What are the minimum requirements for fills?
-Scroll up and read the rules. The minimum requirements are bolded so you can find them easily.


Also let's all say a big thank you to meridian_rose, for all her invaluable help in getting this event off the ground.

lots bingo, !modpost, !signups, !event rules, !deadlines

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