Title: Privacy, A Series of Scenes
Author: AngelicSinner / VixenRaign
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara (pre-slash for now, but more than that soon), previous Richard/Kahlan, one-sided Dahlia->Cara
Warnings: Contains Femslash, and my rampant reinterpretation of how things may have gone after the end of Season Two. (Also
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Comments 32
Anyway, great update. You did well. Nothing to worry about. Although, I will likely be changing something now in one of my updates, LOL.
But, yeah... Kahlan has hopefully learned her lesson about snooping/spying... Wait, what am I talking about? In this case, I wouldn't want her to learn her lesson... Unless it's a lesson from Cara on how to pleasure yourself...thoroughly.
But what is this about you changing something in one of your updates? May I ask what? Or why? Or if I should be apologizing/smirking/grinning like a madwoman?
And don't worry-- Cara will educate Kahlan in many things. But self-pleasure will not be one of them. She's too much of a hands-on kind of teacher... ;-)
Very well done.(And actually one of my ideas... ;o), LOL!)
Delicious mixture of hotness and emotion...
*if she had to actually witness the D’Haran in Cara’s bed she may lose any decorum she might have been expected to have as the Mother Confessor.*
-had to sigh in relieve, though I love jealous-Kahlan...
Stop biting nails, now! No need!! OK?
I'm glad that she scene didn't become all about the sexy-- though I'm even more glad that people got more than just the steamy bits from it as well! And as for Jealous!Kahlan?... She's not going anywhere. tehehe-- keep an eye out. There'll be more of her soon!
And I'll give my nails a bit of a break, but not for too long... There's more "Adult-Themed"-stuff to come (this is, obviously, just the first real step towards the eventual Kahlan/Cara *shared* sexual-gratification)!
Thanks for the review!!
I'm happy that it worked for you; I was completely out of my depth in this, but I knew I had to at least give it a shot... Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the review!! =-)
I was so happy to wake up and see and update! What an awesome way to start the day! :D
Ooohhh… And I’m loving jealous, possessive Kahlan! Can’t help but wonder (especially after what she just witnessed) for how long she’ll be able to hold back until she acts on her feelings... ;)
And the sexy bits: I knew you could do it!!! Add it to your list: another type of ‘action’ you most certainly can write! You can stop biting your nails (and write some more of that.. ;D)!
And I think it’s great that you manage to write the “adult… sexual… mature-type…” while keeping the main trait of your writing, you know. Things are still sweet and caring and filled with emotion. It wasn’t all about the sexiness, it was still about feelings (and the physical attraction adds another facet to it), but your right: “some things, once seen? Cannot be unseen…” ;D
What can I say… LOVED it!
P.S.: had to divide the comment in 2. Exceeded length… ;P
Kahlan's running away from her desires. Literally and metaphorically. Like she always did on the show... (*le sigh*) Don't worry-- she won't get too far. You'll see. =-)
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