Tabrett interview/pics from '02

Jul 18, 2010 01:06

Yeah. You're gonna thank me for this.

In my semi-aimless Net wanderings, I came upon this site on Tumblr that has scanned an old interview with Tabrett and pics (God, the pics!) from '02, when she was primarily a model.

A sample (CLICK to enlarge):

EDIT: Scans made by "pantherz9103" from Leagues Unlimited
and originally shared with LotS fandom by necros_hun

"We're not worthy!" Thanks, guys!

The interview is pretty blokes oriented (the mag is called "Ralph" and looks pretty "Maxim"-ish, for those familiar with that). But a nice little exchange is in there (the question marks indicate words they can't make out from the iffy scans. But you'll get the gist):

We hear you’re pretty big in Indonesia?

[Laughs] I probably will be since I did an ad there for a brand (?) products called Lady Americana, which hasn’t aired yet, but (?) risque for a Muslim country. I (?) this guy at a club, and we got (?) but when he asks to come home with(?) me I say, “Sorry, my lady is waiting.” So there’s this kind of (?) insinuation, and the next (?) (?) me rolling around in bed (?) (?) I’m having a really good time. Then the camera pans out, and I’m (?) - with my Lady Americana product.

And yes. I looked up that vid.

image Click to view

***The rest of the interview and pics (did I mention the pics!) are posted at Follower of Truth. (It's loaded in reverse order. So cover and first page start mid way. Then read up.)


actress: tabrett bethell, picspam: tabrett bethell, user: rhyfeddu

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