Mood Theme Instructions

Apr 09, 2015 21:09

So you would like to download a mood theme! It’s not as complicated as it is tedious, but I promise it’s worth it!!

Once you’ve selected the moodtheme you would like, download it to your computer and unzip the file. You will have to upload the pictures to a photo hosting site.

(I personally use photobucket. I’ve used it for years. The offer a free service with free hot-linking. You can find it here: I am not too familiar with other sites, but if you’ve got one you enjoy, feel free!!)

Go into your livejournal settings and in the right hand side there should be a box with your journal style and a link that says ‘customize your theme’. The first page you should be brought to should be your Mood Theme. Under your current mood theme, click ‘edit/create mood theme.’ Name your moodtheme and continue.

Now, if you’re using photobucket (and most likely other servers) you should be able to alphabetize your moodtheme. However, Livejournal does not have their moodtheme alphabetized. I like to put my two pages (moodtheme links and photobucket) side by side on my computer screen so I can bounce between easier. I also use ctrl + f like it’s a godsend to be able to find the specific mood I am looking for. Whatever works best for you, go with it.

DO make sure you UNCLICK the box beside the sub moods. You do NOT want it to inherit from the mood above.

Once you’re finished, click create! You have to select ‘use’ and then your moodtheme will be ready to go!

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!!! Comment below or message me

instructions, mood theme

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