remix of angiepen

Oct 04, 2007 01:05

Title: Illegal and Harmful
Remix author: feelforfaith
Original story: Soap by angiepen
Characters: Orlando, Eric Bana
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68, We are contacting you regarding an entry of yours that has been reported to the Abuse Prevention Team.
Post-reveal notes: Thank you to geniusartist for the beta.

Disclaimer: The author makes no claims or inferences to reality or truthfulness. Moreover, this story is based upon the work of another author and recognises their creation.

Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

We are contacting you regarding an entry of yours that has been reported to the Abuse Prevention Team:

This entry contains a drawing depicting two males in an explicit sexual situation, who do not appear to be using lubrication. Such content is in violation of our content policies.

We are requesting that you either make necessary alterations to the above mentioned drawing to make it clear that lubrication has been used, or that you remove the image from this entry, as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday, October 9 at 12:01 AM EDT, to prevent further action from being taken against your account.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

Dear Orlando,

I have received your email (attached) re: the entry on pornish_trojan_princes. I'm confused. Can you explain to me how you've reached the conclusion that the men in the drawing did not use lubrication?


Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

I sympathize with your confusion, however I am not at liberty to disclose the exact guidelines which are used by the LJ Abuse Prevention Team to judge whether a drawing violates our content policies or not.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

Dear Orlando,

I'm writing to let you know that in order to comply with the LJ content policies, I have added a statement to the entry, which clarifies that lubrication has, indeed, been used.

I sincerely hope this is enough to satisfy you.


Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

I have reviewed again the entry mentioned in my original email, and after careful consideration I have concluded that the lubrication statement alone is insufficient, since if one judges the drawing on its own artistic merits, the male figures depicted still do not appear to be using any lubricant.

To reiterate: depictions of two (or more) males having sex without lubrication are in violation of our content policy.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

Dear Orlando,

In regards to this drawing, I would like to point out that the shelf in the shower cabin (upper left corner of the drawing) among other personal hygiene products, contains also a bar of soap. Soap can be used as lubricant. Therefore, your claim that there appears to be no lubricant used is baseless, as they might have as well used soap.


Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

According to LiveJournal Terms of Service, soap is not an appropriate form of lubrication to be used in anal sex. In fact, using soap can be detrimental to a participant's health, or at the very least painful if cuts or scrapes are present in the surrounding area of the anal cavity.

Unless you make appropriate alterations to the aforementioned image, or remove the image altogether, we will be forced to take action against your account and we will be obligated by law to report you to the Occupational Safety and Health Service.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team


Why would you report me to OSHA? What do they have to do with this whole mess?!

The guys in the drawing aren't even real! Hector and Paris are fictional characters from a movie--I just drew them in a contemporary setting. Why would LJ care if some fictional people in a drawing use lube or not?

If this is really about LiveJournal targeting homoerotic, incestuous content, why don't you just come out and say so?


Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

Please be assured that LiveJournal does not target homoerotic or incestuous content. In fact, we do not target any specific content; your work was reported to us, and it was upon review that we found it in violation of our Terms of Service and our content policies.

It does not matter whether the figures depicted in the drawing are fictional or real people--the drawing in its current state still violates our content policies.

I would like to refer you to the latest post in lj-biz, which clarifies in plain, unambiguous language what constitutes illegal or harmful content.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team


Fine. I just spent half of my Saturday modifying the drawing to make sure it complies. Please take a look at it again.


Dear LiveJournal user hot_bana_ass68,

Thank you for your recent alteration to the aforementioned image, which makes it compliant with our content policies on anal sex.

However, in regards to the prominently displayed bottle of Astroglide brand lubrication: product placement or any other form of crypto-advertising in user-created content are in violation of our content policies.

Due to the nature of this violation, your account is temporarily suspended for the remainder of the weekend, which means until Monday, October 8 at 12:01 AM EDT. The suspension is effective immediately.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team
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