ADMIN: update on tags

Apr 07, 2008 20:13

Look to your right. (If you're reading this on your flist, come to the community front page, then look to your right.) There should be a list of available tags running down the right side of the community's layout.

OK, they're not showing up over there, and I'm poking around to find out why. Meanwhile, check under the cut, instead: (ETA: Never mind. Dealt with)

PLEASE DO NOT START USING THESE YET. I want a 24-48 hour comment period on the setup before we implement them.

Also, be aware that this list is nowhere near exhaustive. It is very very incomplete. In fact, once we're done adding most of the possible tags, the list probably will be too long to fit on the community's layout. Once that happens, look on the community's info page - in the "website" link space, there is a link that says "TAG LIST" that will take you to a page with all of the available tags. (Direct link to the tag page here.)

Thanks to everyone for suggestions.

A couple of notes on the proposed system:

*How to distinguish between AU (alternate universe) and AR (alternate reality): An AR story is a story with a fork from the existing "real" timeline. (Orlando was permanently paralyzed when he injured his back. Frodo/Aragorn/Gandalf claimed the Ring. Stokely was wrong and everyone died when Zeke and Casey killed the alien queen.) An AU story recontexualizes the characters by placing them in an alternate time/place/reality. (They're vampires. Or living in ancient Rome. Or soldiers in WWII. Or rentboys. Or androids in a space colony.)

*AU has been broken out of the "genre" category because the scope of possibility is so broad, I wanted to be able to break it down further. Please add suggestions for other common AU styles.

*Sexualized "kinks" have been distinguished from common, button-y fanfic "tropes." (And I'm thinking of moving "vampires" from "AU" to "trope.")

*There is both a "dubcon/noncon" tag and a "rape" tag. I wanted to allow posters to distinguish between the fantasy/seduction-style noncon that fandom recognizes as a literary trope and the traumatic rape and rape/recovery stories that also exist.

*The "media" tags are for searches that are not written fic. Fic is the default assumption and does not need a tag.

*"Genderswitch" is for the "woke up as a girl!" stories in the magical realist/surrealist tradition. "Transgender" is for stories that may deal with actual gender identity issues in a realistic manner. "Morphing" is for other body transformation stories. (Someone turns into a dog. Or a couch.)

Questions? Comments?

What I need from y'all now: Help filling in the list. Please add other suggestions in the comments. Please follow the format for the existing tags, as that will let me copy and paste, making it that much faster to get the new tags into the system. (Currently, only I, as the mod, can add tags.)



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