Farewell Is Just The Beginning

Jan 10, 2008 22:43

[Takes place a week after this, co-written by the muns]

The train station is teeming with people bustling to their different platforms, luggage in tow, hurried goodbyes mixing with the shrill whistle of the trains departing. Summer looks around, then back at Joaquin, unable to keep the waver from her voice. "You will take care, won't you?" she asks. She can't wait to get back to New York with George and start planning their wedding, but she can't help but worry about Joaquin. Even with Orlando looking out for him.

"I'll be fine, baby," he says, and catches her hand. Bringing it up to his lips, Joaquin presses a soft kiss to her fingers. "I promise. Besides, I've got Capone's finest watching my back, yeah?"

"Just don't go doing anything stupid to make their job harder," George says, managing to keep an innocent expression when Joaquin glares at him.

"I promise, I'll keep a close watch," Orlando promises, diffusing the two men by stepping in and giving Summer a tight, heartfelt hug. "I'm so happy for you," he whispers, pressing a kiss to dark hair.

"I love you." Summer's eyes are wet when she pulls back. She clasps Orlando's hands, and smiles. "You'll be at the wedding, right?"

"Couldn't keep me away." Whatever demons Orlando has about going back home, he'll face them. He's not missing any more of his family's lives, not if he can help it.

"Hoping to have him moved back home by then," Joaquin murmurs, flashing Orlando a small smile. Then he looks up, startled, when Moe pushes between them.

"You keep George in line, Miss Summer," Moe says, picking her up and hugging her tight. "You know he ain't got the sense God gave a goat without me around to watch out for him."

"Hey!" George glares at Moe.

"I'll do my very best," Summer smiles, and presses a light kiss to Moe's cheek.

"And we'll keep an eye on both of the cupcakes," Lou winks, and sweeps Summer into his arms for his own hug.


Lawrence just smiles blandly at Orlando's narrowed eyes. "You and Kitten are awfully fluffy these days."

"I'll show you fluffy," Joaquin mutters, giving Lawrence a dark look.

Moe chortles. "Two of you been acting downright sweet," he says, flashing them both an unrepentant grin as George laughs.

"Well, I think it's nice," Summer says, then accepts her hug from Lawrence, smiling up at him. "Don't tease them too much, now."

"No more than they deserve," Lawrence promises, with a wink.

"Problem is," Moe says to no one in particular, looking up at the smoke coming from the train, "he thinks they deserve it all the time. Makes Kitten kinda cranky."

"What did I do to deserve this abuse?" Joaquin asks, giving Orlando a curious look. From the corner of his eye, he sees Lawrence open his mouth. "This time."

"Just missed you the last five years is all," Lou grins.

"No need to go making up for it all at once now."

"We're doling it out in increments, Boss, don't worry," Lawrence says.

"You missed me," Joaquin says, voice flat, and looks at Lou. Then he makes a rude noise and turns back to Summer. "Baby, you take care of yourself and the big lug, yeah? And give everyone hugs and kisses from me."

"Of course." Their train is announced over the loudspeakers, and Summer gives everyone another round of hugs, while George shakes hands with everyone again.

"I'll ring you the second we get back home," she tells Joaquin.

George collects the luggage, holding it easily as he holds out his other hand to Summer. "I'll take good care of her, boss," he says, quietly, meeting Joaquin's gaze.

"Damn right you will," Joaquin says, but his voice is thick, and he has to blink several times.

Orlando takes Joaquin's hand and squeezes briefly, offering silent support. Summer catches the gesture, then smiles at both of them. It's a little watery. "Be safe."

"You too," Orlando replies softly, and watches with a lump in his throat as Summer and George turn and disappear into the crowd.

Joaquin takes a deep breath, turning away only when they're completely out of sight. "When the hell did she grow up?" he asks, meeting Orlando's eyes, suddenly tired.

"I dunno, but I don't think I approve." Orlando throws an arm around Joaquin's shoulders to pull him close. He could care less who might be watching - 'Quin needs the support more. "You'll be back home soon," he says, and ignores the burst of panic at the thought of Joaquin leaving him.

"Both be home soon," Joaquin murmurs, squeezing Orlando tight before stepping back. He glances over and sees Moe doing what Joaquin can only describe as hovering. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Moe says, shifting his weight and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Need to, uh, talk to Dapper real quick. Private like."

"You do?" Orlando exchanges a quick, puzzled look with Joaquin, then Lou and Lawrence, who look equally flummoxed. "Yeah, alright. Guys, give us a minute, we'll meet up with you at the car."

Moe just rolls his eyes, watching them leave. When they're out of hearing, he looks at Orlando again. "I, um...well, you see, there's..." He pauses, takes a deep breath, wondering why the hell he's so nervous. "There's a girl," he says, in a rush.

"Lotta girls, Moe, what's that got to do with me?" Orlando shakes a clove out of his pack and lights it, eyeing Moe through the smoke. "Wait a minute, you're not trying to tell me you've gotten one of my girls in the family way, are you?"

"What? No!" Moe's eyes go wide, and he holds both hands up, shaking his head. "No, no, no. I was trying to ask you how you felt about me taking one of the girls as a mistress!"

Orlando's eyes narrow as he studies Moe. "Which girl?" Something's not right here. Moe's much too nervous.

"Salma," Moe says, quiet and low, and keeps his attention riveted on Orlando. He knows how much money Salma's making for Capone.

"Salma?" Orlando takes another puff of his clove. "She's a handful," he says, carefully. "Needs a lot, too, but not in the way of geegaws, if you follow. You think you'll be able to give her that?" He knows it goes without saying that he's very protective of those under his care, always has been.

"Been taking care of Kitten for years," Moe says with a small smile. "Reckon I got the patience of a saint at this point." Then the smile fades, and he studies the concrete in front of his shoes. "She seems calmer when I'm around, if you know what I mean. And she's a good girl."

"That she is. She was never cut out for this life." Orlando claps Moe on the shoulder, the gesture friendly. "Treat her like a lady and she'll be as devoted to you as long as you'll have her."

"Ain't got no plans to treat her as anything less," Moe says, fishing his pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. Then he grins. "Who knows. Maybe I'll take her with me when I go home."

"She's always wanted to visit New York," Orlando grins, and matches his stride to Moe's as they start to make their way out of the station. "I was gonna send her in this next exchange between Lucky and Capone."

"Yeah?" Moe brightens up at the idea. Then he glances at Orlando. "I, uh, she ain't working long as she's with me, you understand...right?"

"Of course not. You shouldn't even have to ask. But just remember I'll be looking out for her, same as always."

"Wouldn't expect no less," Moe says. He quickly shuts up when they reach the car, ignoring the curious looks from the rest of their small party.

"So, where to now?" Orlando asks Joaquin, passing over the clove. He's certain that Moe'll be good for Salma, and, as far as he's concerned, that's the end of the conversation.

"Somewhere I can get a drink?" Joaquin slides into the car when Lawrence holds the door open, scooting over to make room for Orlando.

"Always gotta be trying," Moe says, crawling into the front seat with Lou, "doncha?"

"Wouldn't be 'Quin if he wasn't pushing the limits," Orlando replies, and nuzzles Joaquin's neck. "What's your next choice?"

"Sex," Joaquin promptly replies, grinning at the chorus of groans. "What? I'm a man of simple pleasures."

"You're a man of an overwhelming amount of pleasure," Moe mutters.

"I'm not complaining," Orlando smirks.

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't," Lawrence says, shaking his head.

"That mean you want to go home or to a club?" Orlando asks, running light fingers along the back of Joaquin's neck, delighting in the simple touch.

"Mmm..." Joaquin shivers at the delicate touch, and his eyes slip closed. "How about a club first, yeah?"

"Like that idea," Orlando murmurs, and leans in to run his lips over Joaquin's earlobe. "Haven't fucked you at Tartine's yet." Plus, it'd give Moe an opportunity to tell Salma of her new status.

"Tartine's...ironic, yeah?" Joaquin smiles. He doesn't open his eyes, just tilts his head to the side to offer Orlando better access.

"Why I think we should make it ours," Orlando replies, and, ignoring Lawrence sitting across from them, runs a light finger along Joaquin's inseam, biting and nibbling along Joaquin's jaw.

"Like the way you think," Joaquin breathes. His hand slides along Orlando's thigh, grip tightening as warm lips move closer to that spot below his ear. Not in the car, baby, but Joaquin shifts to press against Orlando's hand.

"Tartine's," Orlando tells Lou, then tilts Joaquin's head back for a slow, soft kiss.

"Glad I'm not the one back there with 'em," Moe says, flashing a grin at Lou.

Joaquin ignores them. It's much more pleasant to focus on Orlando and the kiss, their tongues sliding together in lazy strokes as his hand slides further up Orlando's thigh.

"No idea why God's punishing me," Lawrence says, and shakes his head, half-turning in his seat so he won't have to watch the two of them carry on.

"Because you're a bad person," Lou replies, laughing, and makes a right onto LaSalle.

"You're worse."

"And God's punished me plenty."

"Oh, yeah, you're being punished plenty," Moe say, with a snort. "I really believe Miss Cate is just that awful that you feel it's a punishment."

"Think they're jealous," Joaquin murmurs against Orlando's lips, twisting a little to cup his hand over Orlando's growing erection. The fingers dancing along his own inseam are maddening and nowhere near enough.

"Well, they can't have you," Orlando smiles, and leans in for another kiss, pressing against Joaquin's hand, pressing his own more firmly on Joaquin's cock.

"I didn't say he was punishing me with Miss Cate," Lou says, rolling his eyes. "But after 10 years of babysitting that one, I should get some sort of reward."

"Amen," Lawrence agrees, thinking of Maggie.

"Figure we're all in line for a reward," Moe points, then levels a look on Lou. "But don't think that means you're gonna be skipping out and leaving us with the two of them."

Joaquin laughs softly at that, nibbling at Orlando's bottom lip. He presses up against Orlando's hand, uses his own to trace the bulge behind Orlando's fly. "Love you," he whispers between kisses.

"Love you," Orlando murmurs, teasing the buttons of Joaquin's pants.

"I ain't leaving," Lou says. "You two're bound to disappear soon as we set foot inside the place, so someone's gotta look out for the cupcakes."

"Aww, Louie," Joaquin calls, voice low and raspy as Orlando's lips do something absolutely sinful to the side of his neck. "You gonna be looking out for our virtue?"

"He might wanna turn a blind eye, then," Orlando grins, and nips just under Joaquin's jaw.

Lou snorts as he pulls in front of the club. "Like either of you've had virtue since your first taste of sex."

"I think he might have more than me," Joaquin says, laughing as he tumbles out of the car. He can still feel Orlando's heat against him, still taste Orlando on his lips.

"Both of you get up to enough that the good Father is in fear for your immortal souls," Moe says, managing a passing Irish brogue as he looks at them with a deadpan expression.

"That's the worst accent I've ever heard," Lou remarks with a grin.

"Let's hope you don't try that on your girl," Lawrence says, following Orlando and Joaquin into the club.

"My girl don't much care what I sound like," Moe replies, smirking at them as he follows them inside and looks around.

"Moe's got a girl?" Joaquin is startled, looking around at the rest of the group. "As in, just one girl?"

Lawrence glances at Joaquin, startled. "You didn't know?"

"I only just found out about a half hour ago," Orlando says, and shrugs.

Joaquin blinks, then peers at Moe. "You were going to tell me about this when?"

"Soon," Moe says, stuffing his hands in his pockets and shrugging. "Just...hadn't found the time yet. Wanted to ask Dapper first."

"Ask..." Joaquin's eyes shift to Orlando and then back to Moe. "Ah, alright. I see."

"She works here," Orlando clarifies, hand sliding against Joaquin's as he heads for his usual booth. "Actually, she's at the cards table."

"She is?" Joaquin's head snaps around before he's even aware that Moe's taken off in that direction. He lets Orlando lead him through the crowd, keeping an eye on Moe until he stops beside a small, dark-haired woman. When she looks up at him and smiles, Joaquin's eyes go wide. "He...Salma?"

"I take it you've had the pleasure of her company?" Orlando asks, even though he already knows the answer. She's busty and dark-haired and feisty - completely his brother's type.

"Ah..." Joaquin ignores the curious glances from Lawrence and Lou. "Just once," he says, settling into the booth. "Never would've suspected that Moe would...didn't think she was his type."

"Asked specifically for her when I took him up here a few nights ago for some R&R," Lawrence says. He remains standing, his gaze scanning the crowd for any sign of Maggie.

"They seem to have found some common ground," Orlando grins, watching as Salma wraps her arms around Moe's neck and holds on tight. Orlando can only guess that Moe's just told her the news.

"Interesting." Joaquin continues to watch them for a moment, chin propped on one hand. Then he looks at Orlando. "What he talked to you about earlier...I don't even need to ask, do I?"

"He's even talking about asking her back to New York when you guys leave," Orlando replies, small smile not quite meeting his eyes. He really doesn't want to think about that day.

"Well, if this don't just beat everything," Maggie says, grinning as she strolls up and slides her arm through Lawrence's. "Are we doing a two for one special tonight or something? Looks like we got two troublemakers right here."

"And you are just the sight my sore eyes have been needing," Lawrence replies, patting her hand as he smiles down at her. "Pretty as a picture, today, too. Working the tables?"

"Pleasure, Miss Maggie," Orlando says, hiding his grin by pressing his mouth to Joaquin's shoulder. Who'd have thought Lawrence would have had such a chivalrous streak?

"Working the tables and winning a pile of money off the regulars," Maggie replies with a smirk. "Jake was helping before he went off to get drinks."

"Don't suppose Mark's here with him," Joaquin says, unable to hide his grin. He nudges Orlando, nodding towards Lawrence and Maggie, silent question in his eyes.

"Mark's around somewhere." Maggie gives Joaquin a thoughtful look, then says, "He and Jake are pretty wrapped up in each other."

"Good," Joaquin says, without missing a beat. He continues to grin. "They'll be good for each other."

"Guess those few days we gave them in your old suite worked out," Orlando says, and squeezes Joaquin's hand. "You mind getting us a round, Lawrence?" He figures it'll give him and Maggie an excuse to coo over each other.

"Sure thing, Boss." Lawrence smiles down at Maggie. "Feel like keeping me company?"

"The bar's twenty feet away," Lou points out with a grin.

"And it's a mighty long twenty feet without the right company."

"So did you know about them?" Joaquin asks just as soon as the crowd has swallowed Lawrence and Maggie. He wonders if he's the last to hear about everything here in Chicago.

"Only what Lou told me," Orlando replies, and gives Lou a small smile.

"Figured you'd want to know who he's keeping time with."

"Well, they seem well-suited."

"I am the last to hear about this stuff," Joaquin says, managing to look mournful. He heaves a long-suffering sigh, then perks up as Jake drops into the booth across from them.

"I know that look," Jake says, eyeing Joaquin, then Orlando. "You said no to Kitten again, didn't you?"

"Only enough to keep him on his toes," Orlando retorts, then smiles at Jake, taking in how relaxed and open Jake looks. He'd be willing to bet his fortune it's got a lot to do with Mark. "Maggie mentioned you were here."

"We were playing cards," Jake says, shrugging it off. Then he leans forward, elbows on the table, and smiles across the table at them. "So what brings you two in tonight?"

"'Quin's idea."

"Not surprised," Mark smiles, and drops down next to Jake, crowding him into the booth, even though there's plenty of room. "Figured you'd go for all the flash and debauchery."

"I'll have you know," Joaquin says, adopting a haughty tone even though his eyes sparkle with glee as he watches them, "I'm being very well behaved tonight."

"So far," Jake murmurs just loud enough to be heard. He doesn't even try to look innocent when everyone laughs.

"We did just get here," Orlando points out, raising Joaquin's knuckles to his lips for a soft kiss. "So what brings you two into Tartine's?"

"He asked me to meet him here after my shift," Mark says, jerking a thumb in Jake's direction. "Thought I was gonna get a bit, but he's putting me to work on client lists for the new club."

"You can get a bit after," Jake says, reaching out to grab Mark's thumb.

"He put you to work?" Joaquin bursts out laughing, turning his head to hide the grin against Orlando's shoulder.

"Watch it before I request your services again," Mark replies, with a wicked grin.

"He has been pretty lazy the past few days..."

"Hush," Joaquin says, in a mock-threatening voice. "I've been plenty busy. With personal stuff. Getting the baby sister on the train back to New York. Stuff like that."

"Uh huh." Jake nods, sliding a glance at Mark from the corner of his eye. "And just how much of the planning did Summer actually let you help with, hmm?"

"None of it," Orlando replies, nudging Joaquin's shoulder.

"I wouldn't let him near any of my plans, either," Mark smirks. "You'd be liable to come around and just distract him in the middle anyway."

"Are we being maligned?" Joaquin gives Jake and Mark a wounded look. Then he nudges Orlando and nods towards the two sitting across the booth. "I think we're being maligned."

"It's no more than the truth and you know it," Jake retorts, opening his mouth to add something else, only to close it when Maggie and Lawrence return with a tray of drinks.

"Finally! I was beginning to think you'd absconded with all the booze!"

"You're just getting iced tea, anyway," Lawrence says, and sets the glass in front of Joaquin. "And here's your martini, Boss."

"You're a godsend."

"Yeah, well, this godsend's fixing to abscond with his lady for a little bit, so I trust you'll keep out of trouble?"

Orlando raises his glass in salute. "Wouldn't dream of anything else."

"Iced tea?" Joaquin eyes his glass and frowns. "There is something unnatural about this."

"It's good for you," Jake says, grinning over the rim of his glass at the dark look he receives from Joaquin.

"If you say it builds character..."

"Now, I wasn't going to say that." Jake flashes Joaquin an indignant look and then nudges Mark. "But since you mentioned building character...Orlando, can I talk to you real fast?"

"If this is about you two apologizing for your antics in the lobby, it's alright."

"I was hoping you wouldn't be bringing that up," Mark says, and groans.

"As obvious as you two were?" Orlando laughs. "You're just lucky that I'm not making you apologize to Al personally."

"Well, no, it wasn't about that," Jake says, shifting uncomfortably as he glances at Mark. Then his eyes snap to Joaquin. "Besides, you rewarded us!"

"That was for all the hard work you've been doing lately, not for scandalizing the entire lobby of the Belden-Strafford."

"Kitten sent us a bottle of champagne," Jake says, trying to look more subdued than he feels.

Joaquin just smiles. "And I hope you drank it. Not often someone can top all of my exploits combined."

Mark strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Combined, huh?"

"Believe me, that's nothing to be proud of," Orlando says, shaking his head. "C'mon, 'Quin, scoot out, me and Jake have business to discuss apparently."

"Hey, I'm plenty proud of some of that stuff," Joaquin protests as he slides out of the booth. He gives Jake an appraising look, then grins. "Two of you behave, yeah?"

"There you go, trying to be clever again," Jake says, shaking his head as he nudges Mark again.

"Yeah, yeah," Mark says, and slides out of the booth, as well.

"I resent the implication that I need to behave around Jake," Orlando states, and gestures to Jake. "After you, love."

"Well, there aren't any hotel lobbies here, so you might be safe," Joaquin says, with a wink, grinning when Jake's cheeks turn pink.

"I'm going to ignore him," Jake tells Orlando, turning to slip through the crowd towards the back rooms.

"Probably for the best," Orlando replies, settling a hand on the small of Jake's back, and matching his strides.

The warmth of Orlando's hand sears through the worn material of Jake's shirt, and he shivers. "In here," he murmurs, holding open one of the doors.

"Cozy," Orlando remarks, and presses Jake against the door as soon as it's closed. "Hi there," he murmurs, and leans in for a quick, heated kiss.

Jake shudders hard, both hands sinking into Orlando's hair before he has time to think about it. The kiss is hot and hard and leaves him wanting more. "Hey," he murmurs, a little dazed when Orlando pulls back.

"I've missed you." Orlando toys with the ends of Jake's hair. "Guess you've been keeping yourself pretty busy, though." The last is said with a wicked smile as Orlando nuzzles just under Jake's collar.

"Missed you, too," Jake whispers. He lets his head fall back against the door, baring his throat, and his hands settle at Orlando's hips to pull him closer. "Been busy yourself, haven't you?"

"Been a lot going on." Orlando drags his thigh between Jake's legs, teeth raking along Jake's jaw before he settles in for another slow, soft kiss, tongues lazily slipsliding over each other. It's been awhile since he's tasted Jake and, as much as Joaquin means to him and as happy as he is now, he really has missed this. "We should make some time for each other soon," he smiles, when he pulls back. "When we have more time and our men aren't in the next room."

"We, ah..." Jake swallows, trying to control his breathing as Orlando's thigh drags against his groin again. The contact sends sparks dancing through his blood. It's almost enough to make him forget that Mark and Joaquin are out there, waiting for them...almost enough to make him forget the last week with Mark. "That would...would be nice."

"Good." Orlando smiles, and brushes his lips across Jake's. Then he moves, putting a little distance between them. As tempting as Jake is, they'll never talk about anything if Orlando's close to him. "So..." He drags his pack of cloves out, lighting one with careless negligence. "What did you need from me?"

"I, uh..." Jake flounders for a moment, then grasps on the first thing that pops into his head. "I think I might've found the house."

"Yeah?" Orlando perks up. "That's great, love. Maybe we could take a look at it together, then have a quiet dinner, maybe catch up? I have some free time tomorrow after 9, if you don't mind a late meal. And, of course, if you and Mark don't have plans." He had only to look at the two of them together to know that things are going very well between them. The last thing Orlando wants to do is interfere with that.

"No, no plans. He can do without me for an evening." Jake's smile is soft and warm as he thinks about Mark. Then he refocuses on Orlando, noting how his expression is more open, his eyes not as tired. "Dinner tomorrow would be fine."

"I'll pick you up, then. Where will you be?"

"I, uh, I'll be at home." One hand curls around Orlando's wrist, and Jake tugs him back in for a slow kiss. "We'll make a night of it."

"Mmmm." Orlando licks his lips slowly. "I like the sound of that. Think we could christen the house?" he asks, waggling his eyebrows.

Jake goes still at the suggestion, thinking it over. Why the hell not? It's fitting. "Definitely," he murmurs, giving Orlando a slow, wicked smile.

"It's a date, then." Orlando leans in for another kiss. "Now, tell the truth, you just wanted to get me alone for a few minutes, didn't you? You could have told me about the house in front of 'Quin and Mark.

"Well...yeah." Jake smiles, then shrugs. "Like you said, it's been a while."

"Shame we don't have more time," Orlando murmurs, skimming his lips over Jake's jawline. His fingers tease at Jake's inseam. "Been awhile since you've come for me."

Jake shivers at the words and light touch. His hips press forward against Orlando's fingers, and his lashes flicker over eyes that have gone dark. "Not much time at all," he whispers, fingers trailing up Orlando's throat.

"It's too bad." The next moment, Orlando presses Jake against the door again, the kiss hot, heated and hard.

Jake groans into the kiss, grinding against Orlando, clutching at him. Orlando's tongue presses against his, teasing, coaxing, and Jake responds, unable (and unwilling) to help himself.

"C'mon." Orlando takes a deep, shaky breath, and pulls back, away from the heat and temptation. "If we don't leave the room now, I'll be bending you over that chair right there." Not that he thinks Jake would mind, but they do have two men waiting for them, and he had made a promise to Joaquin.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Jake leans against the door. When he opens his eyes, they're still dark, hazed. "I wouldn't stop you," he admits, guilt swamping him as he thinks of Mark out there, waiting on them to return. And Joaquin...

"I know." Orlando smiles a little, seeing the look in Jake's eyes. "But we've got tomorrow night, and right now, we have other, important things, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah," Jake says, managing a small smile. He takes a shaky breath as he steps away from the door. "We should probably get back out there before they come looking for us."

"Wouldn't want that." But Orlando doesn't even try to resist giving Jake one last kiss before he reaches around Jake and opens the door.

"Behave," Jake murmurs, smiling as he slips past Orlando. The noise from the main room crashes into him, and he has to take a moment to regain his balance.

"What fun is there in that?" Orlando asks, caressing Jake's ass before stepping past him to head back to their booth. He figures they'll both need a moment apart.


Joaquin looks up when Orlando returns. "That didn't take long," he says, smiling even as he notices the faint flush to Orlando's skin, the slightly swollen lips. He glances around for Jake, finally seeing him as he strolls up behind Orlando and slides into the booth.

"Miss us?" Jake asks, flashing a bright smile and taking care to not look too long at Orlando.

"Probably no more than you two missed us, I imagine," Mark drawls, amused at how well-kissed Jake looks.

"I missed you," Jake protests as he leans against Mark.

"Maybe, but I doubt you were thinking about me," Mark replies, and puts an arm around Jake's shoulder, pulling him close.

"I'd be insulted if he had," Orlando grins.

"Don't blame you."

"Well, no," Jake admits, and gives them both a frown. "But we were talking. I told him about the house."

"The house? You found one?" Joaquin smiles when Jake nods. "That's great. Got a few girls in mind for sending over once you get it open."

"We're always interested in trades," Orlando says, picking up his drink. "Got a few girls here for you to look over, too, when you're ready."

"Your lives must be hard," Mark chuckles.

"It ain't easy being us," Orlando replies.

"You got no idea, man," Joaquin says, shaking his head. He almost takes a drink from his glass before he remembers. Iced tea. Damn. "Looking over all those girls, making sure they know what they're doing...it's exhausting."

"What he said."

"Well, we should probably let you two get to it." Mark glances at Jake. "Didn't you promise me something if I helped you out tonight?"

"Mmm..." Jake pretends to think it over, then nods and smiles. "So I did. You getting impatient?"

Chin propped on one hand, Joaquin studies them, then nudges Orlando. Definitely something happening there...

"Nah, I can stick around, if you weren't wanting to leave," Mark replies, and makes a show of stretching. Orlando just grins at Joaquin, amused by the by-play.

"I didn't say that." Jake flashes Mark an indignant look, trying not to get distracted by the sight of Mark's muscles rippling as he stretches. "I'm sure Kitten and Orlando have important things they need to take care of tonight."

"Oh, don't mind us," Joaquin says, waving one hand. "We've got all the time in the world for our plans."

"You're not helping," Jake says, and gives Joaquin a dark look.

"I'm sorry, Jake, yes, we have terribly important things," Orlando says, nudging Joaquin's knee with his own, taking pity on Jake.

"Terribly important?"

Orlando just gives Mark a bland smile. "Terribly."

Jake heaves a sigh. "Please don't encourage them," he mutters to Mark, frowning as Joaquin struggles not to laugh.

"Just for you." Mark nudges Jake's arm. "We really should be letting them get on with their 'terribly important' work, however."

Orlando salutes the both of them with his glass, smile wicked. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jake."

"Tomorrow," Jake agrees, giving them both a much warmer smile as he slides from the booth. "And try to stay out of trouble tonight."

"Trouble?" Joaquin does his best to look innocent. "No idea what you're talking about."

"No hotel lobbies, we promise," Orlando says, as Mark laughs. "Go on, now, enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Just for that," Jake says, wrapping one hand around Mark's bicep and tugging, "remind me tomorrow that I'm not talking to you."

"I'll have a much better use for it than talking anyway," Orlando calls after them, and Mark stifles the laughter.
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