Stepping Out

Dec 16, 2006 10:11

[Takes place the night of this and this, co-written by the muns]

The car rolls to a stop outside of Jake and Maggie's apartment building, and Orlando takes the time to smooth his tie into proper shape. He doesn't meet Lawrence's gaze when Lawrence turns to look at him.

"I'm guessing you want me to get him," Lawrence finally says.

"Would you?"

"Dapper..." Lawrence sighs, "Look, you know that Lou would rather --"

"I'd really rather not talk about Lou right now." Orlando looks up, meeting Lawrence's concerned gaze. "I'll be fine."

"Uh huh." But Lawrence doesn't press the issue -- he knows better. Instead, he gets out of the car, and strides into the building, glad that he has a moment alone with Jake to prepare him for what's to come.


"Definitely do not get paid enough," Lawrence tells himself as he raps sharply on the door to Jake's apartment. He's never known his boss to be a coward, but the way he's not dealing with Lou might just have him rethinking his assessment. And sending him upstairs to get Jake...huh. Definitely asking for a raise.

"I'll get it," Maggie calls. She pulls open the door on the second knock and looks up. And up. Then she blinks. And blinks again. Of all the people she never expected to see on her doorstep. "Lawrence!"

"Well, hello there, Miss Maggie." Suddenly, fetching for the boss just got a whole lot nicer. Lawrence leans against the door, insouciant glance lingering appreciatively on the curve of her calf beneath her robe. It's been awhile since he's seen her - but then, he knows she's busy with her brother and the new club they're setting up.

"Come in, come in," she says, stepping back and holding open the door. Giving him a lingering once over, she smiles. "So what brings you here?"

"Your brother." At her arched eyebrow, he laughs, shaking his head. "For my boss." He definitely doesn't want her to get the wrong idea about him. Not after all the circling around and flirting they've done the past few months. Shame she still ain't working.

"Gotta admit, I'm a bit relieved at that," she says, with a teasing wink. Spinning on one foot, robe floating around her legs, she starts for the kitchen. "Care for a drink while you wait, sugar?"

"I better not," he replies reluctantly, thinking of Orlando waiting for him in the car. "Raincheck?"

"You bet." Another smile, then she changes course, heading down the hall to find out what's taking Jake so long.

"Who is it?" Jake's busy trying to knot his tie. Damn things.

"Big guy for you," she replies with a small, secretive smile. Batting his hands out of the way, she deftly finishes the job

"Big guy?"

"Really big guy."


"How many gangsters do you have, anyway?" She gives him a look, grinning when he glares in response.

"Just the one," Jake says, and brushes past her, stopping when he sees Lawrence in the door. "Oh. Um. Let me just grab my jacket."

"Take your time," Lawrence replies, crossing his hands in front of him as he watches Jake shrug into his jacket, and Maggie's amused look. She really is pretty when she smiles.

Maggie continues to grin as Jake settles his jacket into place. "Should I wait up?" she asks, trying her best to look innocent.

"Nah," Jake says, and smirks. "You need your beauty sleep." He laughs when she makes a face, and heads out the door.

"It was a pleasure seeing you again, Miss Maggie," Lawrence says, and tips his hat. He might just have to pay her a visit before she stops working at Tartine's. "You ready?" he says to Jake.

"Yeah." Jake waves at Maggie, who just smiles brightly at them both and closes the door. There's a second of hesitation until Jake hears the lock click into place, then he looks at Lawrence. "Thought you'd be with Orlando tonight instead of fetching me."

Lawrence's brow wrinkles in confusion for a split second before he realizes that Orlando, for some reason, wants to make his appearance a surprise. So he shrugs and heads back towards the elevators. "Fetching's part of the job." It's not quite a lie.

"Really?" Jake looks at Lawrence's back, then grins. "Never would've pegged you for the errand boy in this whole set up."

And did he really just say that? To Lawrence. Jake has a moment to blink before Lawrence stops at the elevator.

Lawrence turns around slowly, brow arched as he looks down at Jake. "Orlando's favorite or not, you might wanna think real hard about how you phrase things," he says softly, quiet steel in every word.

Jake takes a step back before he can stop himself. Right. No more teasing tall, dark, and grim. "Just a joke," he says quietly, one eye on Lawrence's hands. "No harm meant."

"Apology accepted." Then Lawrence smiles, because he really doesn't mind the kid at all, in spite of his inappropriate remarks. "C'mon," he says, holding open the elevator door. "We don't want to be late."

Still keeping a close eye on Lawrence, Jake edges into the elevator. "So where are we going, anyway? Orlando didn't say."

"Colosimo's," Lawrence sighs, and nods to the doorman to take them to the lobby. "Only place Al will meet if Cate's singing. Which...look, just be careful tonight, alright." He glances at Jake, unsure of how much to tell him. Yeah, sure, the kid had stuck by during Joaquin's spell, and seems to be good for Orlando, but this is still delicate territory. And Lawrence isn't one to give his trust easily. "I dunno how much you know or how much you don't, but if you...if you care for him at all, you'll keep an eye out."

Cate? Jake's eyes widen and he stares at Lawrence. "Cate's going to be there?" And suddenly this isn't looking like such a good idea after all. Jesus. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean with what happened and all..."

"They gotta face each other sometime," Lawrence shrugs, pleased that Orlando's told Jake at least a little. He steps out of the elevator, after leaving a generous tip, and stops Jake in the small lobby. "And Al don't know, I don't think. So just keep an eye out, give him whatever support you can. They can get through this."

Jake thinks that over and nods, slow and thoughtful. "No hope for them, I guess," he says, quietly, head down as he lets it roll around in his head. Then he looks up at Lawrence and wonders if he looks as defenseless as he feels. "Does loving him always end up hurting?"

"Not always," Lawrence replies, gently. He thinks briefly of Josh, of what he and Orlando had shared. "But you knew what you were getting into when you took him on," he continues, lifting a hand to squeeze Jake's shoulder in what he hopes is a reassuring manner. "Don't give up on him. He's a good man. He's just...a little lost."

"I won't," Jake replies, fast and firm. The warm weight of Lawrence's hand on his shoulder is comforting. "I just...I'm scared I'll make a complete mess of this." He manages a small smile, then shrugs. "I'm not giving up on him," he says quietly, gaze never wavering from Lawrence's. "I can't."

Already completely gone on him, aren't you? Lawrence thinks. 'Lando, take care with this one. "I know," he finally replies, and gives Jake's shoulder a final squeeze before stepping back. "And we really do need to get going."

"Right." Jake takes a deep breath, then squares his shoulders and nods. He can do this. Nothing to it. Orlando loves him; he'd said so. Jake holds on to that knowledge. "Let's go."

"Good." Lawrence smiles, and leads the way to the car, holding open the back door for Jake.

Not even looking, Jake starts to climb in to the car. Then he looks and stops as he sees warm brown eyes looking back at him. "Uh...hi."

"Expecting someone else?" Orlando asks, unable to hide his smile at the look of shock on Jake's face.

"Actually," Jake says, twisting to give Lawrence an accusing look before settling into the seat, "I wasn't expecting anyone. I thought you were already there. Or with Capone. Something."

"Well, I hope my presence isn't disappointing..."

"You have to ask?" Jake smiles and slides across the seat as Lawrence closes the door. Before Orlando can answer, Jake leans in for a slow, thorough kiss. "Not disappointing at all."

"Much better," Orlando murmurs when he lifts his head, licking his lips to cement Jake's taste on his tongue. His gaze flickers down, then he smiles again. "No problems getting the suit cleaned, I take it."

"None at all." Jake returns the smile and the look, letting his own gaze sweep over Orlando for a moment. "So how were things after I left?"

"Not nearly as interesting," Orlando winks, and tugs Jake closer, intertwining his fingers with Jake's. The touch, and the light banter, help to distract him. "Although I do happen to know that Mark's taking 'Quin out for dinner tonight..."

Jake's eyebrows go up. "On a date? Really?" Huh. Looks like Kitten's more tangled up with this guy than Jake had even suspected. Good choice, though. Jake grins, looks at Orlando through his lashes. "Kitten's got good taste."

Orlando shakes his head and raises a quirked brow. "Got a thing for the burly, muscled type, do you? Should I be worried?" He scoots closer, nipping at the bottom of Jake's ear. "Or should I tell you what I told Joaquin..."

"Wh-what was that?" Jake's more than a little breathless, but he can't help it. Not with the Orlando is nibbling on his ear like that. He closes his eyes, tips his head to give Orlando better access, and sighs softly.

"Just..." Another quick nip of teeth, fingers lightly trailing up Jake's rock-solid thigh, "...asked him if he'd like having both of us, me and Mark..." It probably should bother him more that he's using one of his best friends like this, but he doesn't think Mark would mind if he knew. Hell, he'd probably do the same thing.

"Oh, God..." Jake swallows the moan as best he can, head falling back against the seat. The image alone is enough to have him hard and aching, and his hand grips Orlando's knee tight.

"Hmmmm...that's what 'Quin said," Orlando chuckles, and covers Jake's mouth with his lips, tongue delving in for a slow sweep. He palms Jake's cock through the fine fabric of Jake's trousers, just enough for Jake to feel him.

Another low moan, and Jake arches up, hips grinding against Orlando's palm. It's too much, but not nearly enough. Just enough to make him growl in frustration. He surges up into the kiss, one hand tangling in Orlando's hair as their tongues slipslide along each other.

"Wanna keep you just like this," Orlando murmurs in the tight space between their lips, stroking Jake once, rough and hard, before stilling his hand. "Think you can hold on until after so I can fuck you properly?"

Jake opens his eyes and looks at Orlando with glazed eyes. He trembles, takes a few deep breaths, then nods. "Gonna hold you to that," he murmurs.

"I hope so." It'll give Orlando something to concentrate on tonight. Instead of Cate. And Lou.

"We're here," Lawrence says, and rolls the car to a stop outside Colosimo's front entrance.

Having regained a little of his control, Jake looks at Orlando. Sees his eyes. "Hey," he says softly, curling his fingers over Orlando's. "It's going to be alright."

"One day. I hope." Orlando manages a small smile, and holds Jake's fingers tight for a long moment. "One night at a time..."

"Just keep telling yourself that." Jake smiles softly, leaning over to brush a light kiss across Orlando's lips. "And if that doesn't work, just think about what I'm going to do to you later."

"And what would that be?"

Jake leans in, lips brushing Orlando's ear as he whispers softly. Then he pulls back, grins, and winks as Lawrence opens the door. "Capone's probably waiting on us."

"Yeah." Orlando clears his throat, and smoothes his tie again before following Jake out of the car and towards the entrance. Takes a deep breath to steady himself. You can do it, 'Lando, he hears Josh murmur in his head and, as ever, it helps to calm him.

He's still nervous, but it's easy to push it down, focus on Orlando. Jake's fingers brush the back of Orlando's, light and brief, and he smiles again. "After you," he murmurs.


Lou catches sight of Orlando, arriving with the kid and Lawrence, and takes a deep breath to steel himself. Orlando still hasn't really talked to him since the night before, and he's hoping that tonight won't erupt into anything unforgivable.

But, for now, Orlando will be busy with the kid and Al, and Lou himself has to make sure Cate's alright. Hopefully she hasn't tried to sneak out the back already, he thinks, and makes his way through the crowds to the backstage area, already teeming with people and costumes. He smiles and nods at Thelma and Claire, but ignores Thelma's pointed stare at the bouquet of roses in his hand. Gossip's already bound to be bad enough without adding to it.

Cate takes a deep breath, looks at herself in the mirror. She's still a little pale, but not bad. And that can always be put down to being sick. "Come in," she calls in response to the knock, turning to see Lou slip in the door. Then she sees the roses in his hand, and her eyes widen.

"You look lovely," Lou murmurs, approving of the way her dress -- some slinky blue number that brings out her eyes -- clings to her lithe curves like a lover. "The roses pale in comparison, but they're yours anyway." He holds the bouquet out with a smile. She looks a little pale, but otherwise lovely. A good sign for the rest of the night, and maybe, hopefully, after tonight she and Orlando can get on with the business of moving on.

"Thank you," she murmurs. Taking them from him, she buries her face in the fragrant blossoms for a moment, then smiles up at him. "Thank you."

It's easy to walk across the room to him. Easy to go up on tip-toe to brush a light kiss across his lips. "He's here tonight, isn't he?"

Lou nods, and brushes another kiss across silky-sweet lips, wrapping gentle arms around her waist. "Has a business meeting tonight with one of his new partners. And Al."

Careful to keep the flowers out of the way so they're not crushed, she rests her head on his shoulder. "Al." Cate closes her eyes, takes a deep breath. If Al's here, she's going to be called to his table after her set. And Orlando will be there. Another deep breath. "This is...going to be difficult."

"I know," he says, and rests his cheek against her hair, rocking her slowly, hands making soothing circles on her lower back. "Don't expect it'll be easy for either of you. But I'll be right there...and it's time. Gotta get past it sometime."

She just nods. She'd like to tell him that she knows he's right, but she can't make the words come out just yet. So she wraps one arm around his waist and tries to relax. "Does he know?" she asks softly, finally looking up at him again.

"About us?" When she nods, Lou lets out a soft sigh. "Yeah," he says, tightening his grip on her for a brief moment. "I...I told him I'd been keeping company with you since..." He doesn't mention where the conversation had taken place. He may be seeing Cate, but Orlando's still his boss. And his friend. He won't betray the confidence of either.

Keeping company. She smiles. That's an interesting way to describe what they've been doing. "I don't suppose I have to ask how he took it." A quick peek up at him, and she frowns a little as his shuttered expression. "I'm surprised you're still coming around."

"Why?" Puzzled, he frowns down at her. "Cate, he don't...he don't control my life. And I hate that he's hurting, but he left you, and if he can't handle that someone else might want to spend time with you, then he's going to be a very miserable man. Because anyone'd be lucky if you looked their way."

Cate looks up at him for a long moment. "You're right," she finally says, one hand on his arm. "He did leave. So." Another deep breath, then she smiles for him, and it's blinding. "Have I mentioned how glad I am that you looked my way? It's nice to not be treated as if I'm made of glass and can't handle what you do."

Smile like that oughta come with a goddamn warning. "Well." Lou clears his throat, suddenly mindful of how close she actually is, and how soft and right she feels all plastered against him. "You're no wilting miss, that's for sure."

A very unladylike snort escapes her, and she pulls away to look for a vase for the roses. "Tell that to some of the men out there who think I need to be taken care of," she says, glancing at him over her shoulder with another smile.

"Well..." He crosses his arms and admires the way the dress stretches across that world-class ass of hers, "none of them guys know what a shameless hussy you are or how sweetly you beg for my cock, so you'll have to forgive them." Because two can play at her little game.

She takes a moment to settle the roses in a vase, and thank God she's not actually facing him. Really, crimson just won't go with the dress. When her face doesn't feel quite as hot, she turns to face him, one eyebrow lifted, impish smile firmly in place. "What can I say," she murmurs, mimicking his stance. "You bring out the best in me."

"And in you is a very good place to be, sugar."

She can feel her cheeks turn pink again, but she just lifts her chin and tries for a haughty look. Pretty sure it falls short when he just grins at her. "Is that so? Sure you haven't forgotten?" Her eyes flick over him, head to toe, and she smiles slowly. "It's been a while, after all."

"Can't go a whole day without my cock?" His tone is still light, teasing, but his body instinctively tightens at her look. Should be purely illegal to have that combination of innocence and sass. "Have to see what we can do to refresh your memory, then."

"There you go with that big talk again," she says, still smiling, tossing her head. Hands on her hips, Cate looks at him and drops her voice. "Keep that up and I just might have to keep you around."

He smiles, nice and slow and wicked and, with a lightning fast move, hauls her against his body. "Like to see you try to get rid of me," he tells her and, covers her lips with his in a blistering kiss.

There's a split second of startled protest, because really. How's it going to look if she goes out onstage all rumpled. But it's quickly over as her body presses against his, lips parting for his tongue.

Just as sweet as ever, and Lou takes his time, savoring her moans, suckling her tongue in his mouth. He knows he needs to let her go in a minute, but it's harder than he'd thought it would be, what with the way she's all rubbing against him. When the hell had he gotten so addicted to her?

This isn't supposed to be happening, but Cate refuses to fight it. One hand slides around the back of his neck, fingers toying with his hair as she kisses him back. A soft moan escapes, then she jumps, startled by the insistent pounding on the door.

"Fuck." Lou rests his forehead against hers, and lets out a shaky breath. The knocking starts again. "Better get that," he says, forcing himself to let go of her. It's harder than he'd thought.

What? Oh. The door. She gives him a shaky smile and runs one hand through her hair. Her legs don't want to cooperate, but she makes it to the door, pulls it open. And almost squeaks in surprise. "Oh."

Lou can make out Lawrence's solid frame before Lawrence groans and drops his head in his hand. "I'm not seeing what I'm seeing," he hears Lawrence mutter.

"What's going on?" Lou asks, stepping up to the door.

"Just my gut not failing me," Lawrence replies, and looks up. "Can I, uh, have a word with you? In private?"

"Yeah sure." Lou gives Cate a small, what-can-you-do smile. "You gonna be alright 'til curtain?"

"I'll be fine." She looks at Lawrence closely, then at Lou. Finally, she goes with what feels right and stands up tip-toe to kiss Lou's cheek. "Play nice, gentlemen. And take it outside if it's going to come to blows."

"Day ain't come yet Lou could best me," Lawrence winks.

"Funny, I was just getting ready to say that," Lou retorts. "Now, c'mon, if we're gonna talk. Lady needs to get ready for her show," he smiles, and blows an exaggerated kiss to Cate before walking out the door. "I'll come get you after your set to escort you over to Al's table."

"Thank you," she says with a soft smile. For a moment, she stands there against the door, watching them. Then, with a shake of her head, she closes the door and moves to reapply her lipstick.


"So, what do you think of the place?" Orlando asks, once they've stepped inside the foyer. Good crowd tonight already, and it's early yet. Word must have gotten out about Cate's return.

"It's nice." Jake looks around, impressed. Colosimo's is more elegant, classier, than Tartine's, but then that's what he was expecting. Different sort of business and all that. "I can see why it's so popular."

Orlando smiles, pleased at Jake's reaction. "Well, soak it in, because this is the exact sort of clientele we want for your place. Come on, I'm sure Al's already here, waiting for us."

Your place. Jake can't help but smile at the sound of that. He nods, follows Orlando. "I'm nervous," he admits, walking so close to Orlando that he almost steps on his heels.

"Good," Orlando says, and grins when Jake frowns. "Means you'll be on your toes." He stops frequently to shake hands with some of the more regular patrons and to introduce Jake. He feels a little like a proud parent (an odd thought, given the nature of his relationship with Jake) when Jake manages to charm everyone around him with a few well-chosen words.

Before long - not long enough if one were to ask Jake - they're at the table. At least Jake assumes it's the table, judging by the number of large, dangerous looking men who all step forward when they approach. He swallows hard, smiles, and tries to stay a step behind Orlando and out of sight.

"Orlando, my boy!" Al Capone calls, and slides out of his booth, standing to give Orlando a hard hug. Orlando returns it easily. "How you doin'?"

"I'm well," Orlando replies, and steps aside, giving Jake a reassuring look. "Al, may I present Jake Gyllenhaal."

Jake smiles and holds out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Capone," he says, striving for just the right amount of charm. Wouldn't do to go overboard with it.

"Jake Gyllenhaal," Al says, shaking Jake's hand consideringly. He puffs on his ever-present cigar, gaze flickering to Orlando before going back to Jake. "Orlando here speaks very highly of you. Says we should expect great things. Is this true? Can we expect great things from you?"

"Yes, sir," Jake says with another smile. Don't look at Orlando, don't... "Orlando seemed pretty impressed with my ideas. In fact," he continues, finally sliding a sidelong glance towards Orlando, "he liked the idea so much that he made me an offer before Kitten Phoenix could."

"So I hear," Al laughs, the sound booming, and Orlando can see the envious heads turning their way. He knows, by tomorrow at lunch, word will have spread about Al's new favored man. "One thing Orlando's always had is a sharp eye for business. Come, have a seat, drink with me." It's an invitation and a warning as much as a command - in one gesture, he's let everyone around them know that Jake Gyllenhaal is now firmly under Al Capone's direct protection.

"My pleasure." Jake grins, casting a quick look around, taking in the curious (and, in some cases, appraising) stares. He can't help but be a little self-satisfied at this new position of his, but he does his best to hide it. Then he slides into the booth, followed by Orlando.

Sally shows up, tray in hand, almost instantaneously, and gives Al and Orlando a bright smile before letting her gaze linger appreciatively on Jake. "The usual, Mr. Bloom?" she asks.

"Yes, please, Sally," Orlando replies. "Al, did you need a refill?"

"Can't say as I'd mind one. Jake, what'll you have?"

"White wine, please," Jake says, with a smile and a wink for the waitress. "Think I might need my wits about it dealing with these two gentlemen."

"Those two'll keep you on your toes," Sally grins, winking back. "I'll be right back, gentlemen." Orlando hides his smile as she sashays off, putting an extra wiggle in her step.

"Ten minutes in the club, and already a conquest," Al comments, blowing a rather impressive-looking smoke ring. "I'm impressed."

"Yes, well," Jake says, and ducks his head with a small grin. "There's a reason I make so much money for you."

Al laughs again, whole-hearted, and claps Jake on the back. "Well said. I hadn't realized that you were such a charmer with the ladies, however. Word that your...talents...lie in other areas."

Orlando lounges back, keeping a careful eye on Jake. Al's testing him, testing his social skills, his credentials, as expected, and Orlando knows better than to step in. If he says anything, Jake would only lose face and respect - he'll have to win Al's approval on his own.

Jake does his best to look offended, but can't help smiling. "I'm a man of many talents, Mr. Capone," he says, forearms resting on the table. This is a test, and he knows it. Granted, that just makes him even more nervous, but he's managed to hold his own with both Orlando and Kitten. "Never had a complaint yet...from the gentlemen or the ladies."

Al nods, raising a brow to Orlando with a twinkle in his eye. "You warned him about me."

"Only a little," Orlando replies, and thanks Sally when she comes by with their drinks. "After all, one of the best things you ever taught me was to be prepared."

"So it was, so it was." Al turns his attention back to Jake. "And are you prepared?"

Jake meets Capone's look and doesn't waver. "I believe I am, sir," he says, smiles and charm abandoned for now. "This is something I've wanted to do for a while, but to have this opportunity fall into my lap like this..."

"No," Al corrects, just as seriously. "It didn't fall. You were chosen. Orlando and I don't go into business with anyone lightly, and we offer our trust even less. And Orlando trusts you. So I'll trust you. You understand what I'm telling you?"

"Yes, sir," Jake replies quietly. He holds Capone's gaze for a moment, then looks at Orlando. Chosen? Guess it wasn't a spur of the moment offer... When Jake finally looks back to Capone, he smiles. "I'm honored."

"Excellent." Al raises his glass, and Orlando and Jake follow suit. "To a long and profitable business partnership."

"Cheers," Orlando murmurs, meeting Jake's eyes for a brief moment. Proud of you, held your own.

"Has Orlando told you about our Cate yet?" Al asks, once they've set their glasses down. "Best voice in Chicago, maybe the MidWest."

"He's mentioned her once or twice. Said Colosimo's is lucky to have her. Is she singing tonight?" Jake wisely keeps his thoughts to himself, but when Capone nods, his eyes immediately shift to Orlando.

"Not just Colosimo's. But Orlando himself," Al replies. "Keep trying to tell my boy here he needs to hurry up and marry that girl before someone else gets to her..."


"I know, I know," Al says, holding up a hand. "You're a grown man, entitled to make your own choices and take your own time about settling down. All I'm sayin' is don't wait too long."

Orlando just nods and forces a tight smile that he hopes Al won't notice. He can't look at Jake.

Jake goes completely silent and tries his best to turn invisible. Once Cate's name was brought up, he'd realized it was just a matter of time before Capone turned the conversation to Orlando and Cate.

In an effort to lighten the mood, Jake smiles finally, and says, "Well, maybe he's already waited too long. Pretty girl like I've heard her reported to be...probably got tired of waiting for him to do the proper thing and has taken up with someone else."
...taken up with someone else, and Orlando's hand spasms on his glass before he can control it. For a hazy moment, all he can see is Lou's tanned and rough hands on Cate's porcelain skin.

No right, you have no right...

He repeats the words, like a mantra, and takes a deep breath. "Wouldn't surprise me," he murmurs, and if Al's eyes narrow a little at the defeated tone to Orlando's voice, he can't quite bring himself to care. Al's gonna have to find out sometime. Orlando just wishes it was someplace a little less public than Colosimo's, and that Jake didn't have to be a witness.

He's saved from further conversation when the house lights go dim.

Said the wrong thing, and Jake winces a little at what he hears in Orlando's voice. When the lights go out, he takes a chance and reaches under the table to curl his hand around Orlando's. Right here, love you, and he tries to convey everything he feels with the gentle squeeze he gives Orlando's fingers. He's relieved when Orlando squeezes back.

Then all of his attention is focused on the stage and the slender blonde standing in the lone spotlight.

She's too pale, is Orlando's first thought. Pale and fragile and ethereal...and so heartbreakingly beautiful that Orlando feels the ache deep within him. Her dress, what little there is of it, shimmers blue and silver, reflects in the wide blue of her eyes. It takes all of Orlando's control to keep his seat, to keep from leaping to the stage to bundle her up and take her away from prying eyes.

Not yours, not anymore, no right...

He holds tight to Jake's hand, thankful for the darkness. He doesn't think he could let go, even if he wanted to. I'm so sorry, Cate...I only ever wanted your happiness...

And he wonders if Lou - rough, brash, loyal to a fault Lou, one of his oldest friends - is the one to give it to her.

Through the set, Jake lets his hand rest in Orlando's, offering what little support he can. But the largest part of his attention remains riveted to the stage as he listens to Cate sing. She's come by her reputation honestly, but Jake can't help wondering if she sang with that much emotion a few short weeks ago.

Then, after she leaves the stage and the house lights slowly come up, he untangles his hand from Orlando's and sits back. "Wow," he says softly, sure his eyes are still wide as he continues to look at the stage.

"Yeah," Orlando says, his voice a sandpaper rasp.

"Orlando..." And Orlando doesn't need to move to know that Al's eyes are on him, probing and searching.

"Not now," he replies, cutting off whatever Al had been about to say. "Not here." He won't give the crowd the satisfaction of seeing anything. His heartbreak - and he's smart enough to know that's exactly what it is - is for him to bear alone.
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