Title: Lesson Learned Rating:PG Beta: thanks to ismenin Warnings: none Disclaimer: The characters of Frodo/Sam remain the property of Tolkien. No money will be made and no disrespect intended.
Oh, this is just lovely! I'm sorry that I took so long to read it, and that I am too tired to give it the proper feedback that it deserves, but I love the way that you have interwoven the backstory with the present, and the way in which you so thoroughly honoured my request. I could not have hoped or prayed for a better story, and I am deeply grateful to you for it.
In all the wonder of this story, perhaps one of my very favourite moments is the one in which Frodo sits himself firmly in the mud. What a wonderful, Hobbity protest that is, and how lovely to see Saradoc's bluster and Sam's hobbit-sense in response to it.
I shall be cuddling this fic for a very long time. Thank you so much! :)
I've got to say when I knew I was writing for you I did give a cheer because it's good to write for someone you've met and talked with, so I really enjoyed writing this even more! Thank you for the feedback!
What an exciting adventure for Frodo, since it leads to that eye-opening revelation. I love how he doesn't care how he looks in the eyes of his captors or his relatives, he just does what has to be done to take care of his Sam.
Those Girdleys should be glad to get out of there with their hides intact. But since they've got that presentiment of what's to come, they wouldn't have stayed much longer anyway...
I really enjoyed this!! I loved how Frodo slowly came to realize what Sam meant to him and then stood up to both Saradoc and his captor to "hold on" to his Sam. A wonderful combination of excitement and intrigue and blossoming love. What a treat!!
I was so worried for a spell there would be no happy ending! Such well sketched background and characters and a convincing predicament. And then (gulp) Sam left behind! Oh no! I was cheering Frodo at the end. This felt rather post-Quest as the Shire seems to have gone to the dogs, LOL! Very enjoyable, thank you.
Thank you for the feedback. The Shire hasn't gone to the dogs honestly-just that small Girdley Island on the Brandywine! I do like a tiny piece of discord in the Shire at times otherwise it seems such a boringly domestic place to live. Most villages I've lived in, whilst seeming like rural paradise, have had an amazing amount of goings-on underneath it all so I base my Shire on them. More fun to be had that way I hope!
Comments 21
In all the wonder of this story, perhaps one of my very favourite moments is the one in which Frodo sits himself firmly in the mud. What a wonderful, Hobbity protest that is, and how lovely to see Saradoc's bluster and Sam's hobbit-sense in response to it.
I shall be cuddling this fic for a very long time. Thank you so much! :)
Those Girdleys should be glad to get out of there with their hides intact. But since they've got that presentiment of what's to come, they wouldn't have stayed much longer anyway...
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